NPTE Therex

What is muscular strength?

Maximum force that a muscle can develop during a single contraction

What is muscular power?

The rate of performing work, where work is the magnitude of a force acting on an object multiplied by the distance through which the force acts

What is muscular endurance?

The ability of muscle to contract repeatedly or to generate force over a certain period of time

Describe type I fibers

Small, slow conduction/contraction, low force, high fatigue resistance, works with aerobic motions
"Slow-twitch" - recruited during lighter, slower efforts

Describe type IIa fibers

Large, fast conduction/contraction, moderate force, moderate fatigue resistance, works with aerobic motions

Describe type IIx fibers

Large, fast conduction/contraction, high force, low fatigue resistance, works with anaerobic motions

What influences fiber type/distribution?

Specific training can modify metabolic characteristics
Typical ratio is 50% fast to 50% slow

When is tension greatest during ROM? What is this importance?

Mid-point (length-tension relationship - less tension at shortened or lengthened ROM)
Weight lifted cannot exceed that which the muscle is able to control at weakest point

What is hypertrophy?

Increase in muscle size as result of resistance training - can be seen after at least 6-8 weeks

What is remodeling?

Individual muscle fibers are enlarged - sarcomeres increased

What is the recommended frequency for exercise training?

2-3 days a week per muscle group

What is the recommended intensity for the following:
-intermediate exercisers for strength
-experienced exercisers for strength
-beginning exercisers for strength
-muscular endurance
-power in older adults

-60-70% 1RM
->80% 1RM
-40-50% 1RM
-<50% 1RM
-20-50% 1RM

What is the recommended reps/sets for the following:
-older adults strength or beginners

-8-12 reps, 2-4 sets
-10-15 reps, 1 set
-15-25 reps, <2 sets

What is DOMS?

Delayed onset muscle soreness
Can begin 12-24 hours after vigorous exercise or muscular over exertion
Peaks at 24-48 hours - can last 5-7 days
Greater after eccentric exercise

What are isometric exercises? Any contraindications?

Exercise that is static without muscle length change
Should be held for 6seconds to obtain adaptive changes in the muscle
Can increase BP and should be used cautiously with cardiac patients - watch for Valsalva

What are isotonic exercises?

Dynamic, can have constant (free weights) or variable (machine) load
Machines are safer than free weights and should be used early in a resistance exercise program

What are isokinetic exericses?

Dynamic and speed control component, resistance is accommodating and variable
Increasing angular velocity decreases peak torque production
Concentric or eccentric exercises can be performed on equipment

How do you calculate max HR?


What is Karvonen's formula?

Used to predict heart rate reserve (HRR) = HRmax minus resting heart rate
THR = HRmax - RHR x %of desired training intensity _ RHR
Correlates with VO2Max

What occurs when exercising at high altitude?

Aerobic ability decreases, poor oxygenation of hemoglobin due to partial pressure of oxygen decreasing, hypoxia - hyperventilation and increased heart rate, decreased CO2

What occurs when exercising in heat?

Blood shunted in periphery so working muscles are deprived of needed oxygen, core temperature increases and sweating increases which leads to dehydration

What is ballistic stretching?

High-intensity, very short duration bouncing stretch
Unsafe because of poor control and should not be performed after injury or surgery
Also induces stretch reflex and should not be used on spastic muscles

Patients with visual losses benefit from what training strategies?

Cognitive and proprioceptive

Patients with vestibular losses benefit from what training strategies?

Visual and proprioceptive

Patients with proprioceptive losses benefit from what training strategies?

Visual and proprioceptive