BIOL Lecture CH 17 (test 4)

The main function of serous fluid is to

lubricate and reduce friction between pleural membranes around the lung

Which bone does not contain a paranasal sinus?


What structure connects the larynx to the primary bronchi?


On each side of the chest, the ______ pleura lines the internal thoracic wall and the ____ pleura tightly covers the lung.

Parietal; visceral

Which statement accurately describes alveolar exchange of oxygen?

Oxygen diffuses from the alveolus to the blood because the alveolus has a higher partial pressure of oxygen.

What changes in the blood levels of respiratory gases result from hyperventilation?

Oxygen levels do not change but carbon dioxide levels fall.

Exposure to irritants causes mucus production to


Into what region of the pharynx do auditory tubes open?


The amount of air that can be forcibly inhaled after a normal inspiration is the

inspiratory reserve volume

When someone exercises vigorously, their breathing is described as demonstrating

hyperpnea, involving deeper but not faster breathing

during expiration, relation of the diaphragm and external intercostals

increases the pressure in the thoracic cavity

what prevents the trachea from collapsing?

C-shaped cartilaginous rings

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air in the alveoli and blood in the lungs is called

external respiration

At rest, a normal person breathes about _____ times per minute.


What structure is also known as the "voice box"?
