
Resting End Expiratory Pressure (REEP)

the point of equilibrium where the forces are balanced; occurs at end of tidal expiration

Partial pressure of oxygen

in the arterial blood and expressed as PaO2; dependent on the integrity of the pulmonary system, circulatory system, and PaO2. Room air is 95-100 mmHg and when it drops below 55, supplemental oxygen is provided; partial pressure of oxygen at sea level = 7

Fraction of oxygen in the inspired air (FiO2)

percentage of oxygen in air, based on total of 1.00. The FiO2 of room air is 21% or 0.21; supplemental oxygen increases the FiO2 in the patient's atmosphere

Arterial oxygenation

the ability of arterial blood to carry O2; partial pressure of oxygen in relation to fraction of inspired O2 is used to determine arterial oxygenation

Alveolar ventilation

the ability to remove CO2 from pulmonary circulation and maintain pH; pH, bicarbonate ions, PaCO2 are lab values that determine alveolar ventilation

Partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood

Normal: PaCO2=35-45mmHg Hypercapnia: PaCO2 >45mmHg Hypocapnia: PaCO2<35mmHg; increase in PaCO2 decreases pH in blood and a decrease in PaCO2 increases pH in blood


bicarbonate ions; increase in HCO3- will increase pH and a decrease in HCO3- will decrease pH

Optimal respiration

when ventilation and perfusion are matched

Dead space

Ventilation, but no perfusion of blood therefore no respiration (gas exchange) occurs


Perfusion, but no ventilation; ie: atelectasis (collapse of lung)

Ventilation to Perfusion ratio (V/Q)

Apical of lung: V/Q>1 (gravity independent; acts as dead space); at the base of lung V/Q<1; in the middle of the lug V/Q=1 (gravity dependent; acts as a shunt)

Respiratory central control centers

cortex, pons, medulla, and ANS evaluate receptor information

Infant vital signs

HR: 120bpm BP: 75/50mmHg RR: 40br/min PaO2: 75-80mmHg PaCO2: 34-54mmHg pH: 7.26-7.41 TV: 20ml

Observation of pts with pulmonary

Peripheral edema, body positions (people will lean forward to allow for compensation by other muscles), color, digital clubbing

Obstructive pulmonary disease expected posture

Barrel chest-increase in AP diameter due to decreased lung recoil force

Normal thoracic excursion

2-3 inches from full exhalation to full inhalation

Lung Auscultation

1) Intensity of respiration 2) adventitious (extra sounds) 3) Vocal sounds

Intensity of respiration

Quieter at the base than the apex of the lungs; Vesicular: heard throughout all of inspiration and beginning of expiration Bronchial: more hollow, echoing sound found only over right anterior superior thorax (over the right main bronchus) Decreased: dista

Adventitous lung sounds

1) Crackles (rales): cracking heard usually on inspiration 2) Wheezes: typically heard on exhalation. Musically pitched sound- asthma, COPD, foreign aspiration

Vocal sounds (normal)

loudest near the trachea and main stem bronchi; words intelligible, though softer and less clear in more distal areas

Vocal sounds (abnormal)

heard in fluid filled areas of consolidation, cavitation lesions, or pleural effusions; a) Egophony: nasal or sound heard during auscultation "E" sounds like "A"; b) bronchophony-intense clear sound during auscultation even at base of lung; c) whispered p

Lab tests

1) Arterial blood gas (alveolar ventilation and arterial oxygenation) 2) ECG 3) sputum studies 4) pulmonary function tests 5) Blood values

Blood values

1) WBC: 4000-11000 2) Hematocrit: 35-48% 3) Hemoglobin: 12-16 g/dl

Respiratory alkalosis

increase in pH, decrease in PaCO2, bicarb is WNL, causes- alveolar hyperventilation, symptoms-dizziness, syncope, tingling, numbness

Respiratory acidosis

decrease in pH, increase in PaCO2, bicarb WNL,causes- alveolar hypoventilation, symptoms- anxiety, restlessness, dyspnea, HA, confusion, somnolence, coma

Metabolic alkalosis

increase in pH, PaCO2 WNL, bicarb increases,causes- vomiting, diuretics, bicarb ingestion, steroids, adrenal disease, symptoms-weakness, mental dullness, early tetany, vague signs

Metabolic acidosis

decrease in pH, PacO2 WNL, bicarb decreases, causes-diabetic, lactic or uremic acidosis, prolonged diarrhea, symptoms-secondary hyperventilation, nausea, lethargy, coma

Table 4-4 on page 224


Table 4-3 on page 224


Types of chronic obstructive diseases

1) COPD 2) Asthma 3) Cystic fibrosis 4) Bronchiectasis 5) Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) 6) Bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Chronic restrictive disease etiology

difficulty epanding the lungs causing a reduction in lung volumes

Chronic restrictive disease (alterations in lung parenchyma and pleura)

fibrotic changes within the pulmonary parenchyma or pleura due to idiopathic fibrosis, asbestos, radiation pneuomitis, oxygen toxicity

Chronic restrictive disease (alterations in chest wall)

Due to bony deformity in thorax; ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, scoliosis, pectus excavatum, arthrogryposis or integ changes (burns, scleroderma)

Chronic restrictive disease ( alterations in neuromuscular apparatus)

Decreased muscular strength results in inability to expand rib cage (ie PD, MS, SCI, CVA, muscular dystrophy)

Chronic restrictive disease signs (alterations in lung parenchyma and pleura)

1) cyanosis 2) hypocapnia (hyper later on) 3) crackles 4) clubbing 5) dyspnea 6) reduction in VC, FRC, and TLC

Chronic restrictive disease signs (alterations in chest wall)

1) cyanosis 2) hypocapnia, hypoxia (hyper later on) 3) crackles 4) clubbing 5) dyspnea 6) reduction in VC, FRC, and TLC 7) decrease cough effectivenes 8) shallow, rapid breathing

Chronic restrictive disease signs (alterations in neuromuscular apparatus)

1) dyspnea 2) hypoxemia, hypocapnea 3) decreased breath sounds, crackles 4) cyanosis 5) clubbing 6) reduced cough effectiveness 7) reduced VC and TLC, reduced lung volumes and atelectasis

Bronchogenic carcinoma description

tumor arises from bronchial mucosa; small cell carcinoma and non-small cell carcinoma; secondary changes due to the tumor include compression of an airway, blood vessel, or nerve

Bronchogenic findings

1) weight loss 2) fatigue 3) hemopytsis 4) dyspnea 5) weakness 6) wheezing 7) pneumonia with productive cough due to airway compression 8) hoarse with laryngeal nerve compression

Bronchogenic PT considerations

possible fx from thoracic bone metasis with chest compressive maneuvers and coughing; pneumonias that develop behind a completely obstructed bronchi cannot be cleared with PT techniques and must wait for palliative care to shrink the tumor

Rib Flail chest

2 or more fractures in 2 or more adjacent ribs


air in the pleural space, usually from a lacerated visceral pleura or rib fx or ruptured bullae


blood in the pleural space, usually from a laceration of the parietal pleura

Indications for postural drainage

1) increased pulmonary secretions 2) aspiration 3) atelectasis or collapse; up to 20 minutes per position

Indiications for percussion

1) increased pulmonary secretions 2) aspiration 3) atelectasis or collapse; 3-5 minutes per position

Indications for shaking

1) Excessive pulmonary secretions 2) aspiration 3) atelectasis or collapse of an airway from mucous plugging; 5-10 deep inhalations with shaking techniques is generally acceptable practice; more than 10 increase risk of hyperventilation and less than 5 is

Postural drainage for upper lobe apical segment

Patient leans back 30 degrees from upright sitting; percuss between clavicle and top of scapula

Postural drainage for upper lobe posterior segment

Patient leans over a folded pillow in sitting at 30 degrees; clasps hands over upper back both sides

Postural drainage for for upper lobe anterior segment

Patient lies in supine with pillow under knees; PT percusses between clavicle and nipple

Postural drainage for right middle lobe

Foot of bed is elevated 16 inches and patient lays in 3/4 supine with right shoulder up and with knees flexed. Percussion over the right nipple area

Postural drainage for left upper lobe, lingular segments

foot of table is elevated 16 inches and patient lays in 3/4 supine with left shoulder up; percuss over the left breast inferior to axilla

Postural drainage for lower lobe, anterior basal segments

Foot of table elevated 20 degrees; patient lays on side and percussion occurs over lower ribs (repeat on both sides)

Postural drainage for lower lobe, lateral basal segments

foot of bed elevated 20 degrees and patient lies in 3/4 prone and percussion over the lower ribs; repeat on the other side

Postural drainage for lower lobe, posterior basal segments

foot of table is elevated 20 degrees and patient lies prone and percussion occurs over lower ribs, close to the spine on both sides

Postural drainage for lower lobe, superior segments

table is flat; patient lies prone and percussion is over the middle of back at the tip of scapula on either side of spine

Consideration before postural drainage

Precautions for trendelenberg position: pulmonary edema, CHF, HTN, obesity, pregnancy, ascites, hernia, nausea, vomiting, food ingestion, neurosurgey, increase intracranial pressure, SOB Precautions for sidelying position: axillo-femoral bypass; humeral f

Consideration before percussion

pain made worse by technique, aneurysm precautions, hemoptysis, increased partial thromboplastin time, decreased platelet count, medication that interferes with coagulation; fracture rib, flail chest, degenerative bone disease, bone metastasis

Airway clearance techniques

1) Cough 2) Huff- for pts with collapsible airways; prevents high intrathoracic pressure that causes premature airway closure 3) assisted cough 4) tracheal stimulation- finger placed just above the suprasternal notch and a quick inward and downward pressu

Independent secretion removal techniques

1) active cycles of breathing 2) autogenic drainage 3) Flutter/Acapella 4) Low pressure positive expiratory pressure mask (PEP); 10-20 cm H2O 5) high pressure positive expiratory pressure maske (PEP)- for an unstable airway and pt can exhale a larger FVC

Diaphragmatic breathing - Purpose and indications

increases ventilation, improve gas exchange, decrease work of breathing, facilitate relaxation and maintain or improve mobility of chest wall; used with post-op patients, post trauma, and pts with obstructive or restrictive pulmonary lung disease

Segmental breathing- purpose and indications

used to improve ventilation to a hypoventilated lung segment, alter regional distribution of gas, maintain or restore FRC, prevent pulmonary compromise, and improve chest wall mobility; patients with pleuritic, incision or post traumatic pain, those at ri

Segmental breathing contraindications

intractible hypoventilation; palliative care to reduce bronchogenic tumor size or chest tube to reduce pneumothorax

Pursed lip breathing-purpose and indications

used to reduce RR, increase tidal volume to reduce dyspnea, decrease mechanical disadvantages of impaired ventilatory pump, improve gas mixing at rest for patients with COPD; pts with obstructive pulmonary disease who experience dyspnea at rest or with mi

Sustained maximal inspiration (incentive spirometer)

increase inhaled volume, sustain or improve alveolar inflation, and maintain FRC; acute situations-post op, post trauma pain, acute lobar collapse

Inspiratory muscle trainer-purpose and indications

loads muscles of inspiration by breathing through a series of graded aperture openings and increasing strength and endurance of ventilatory muscles; appropriate for patients with decreased compliance, decreased intrathoracic volume, resistance to airflow,

Short acting beta-2 agonists

produce bronchodilation; can increase HR and BP (though inhaler)-rescue drug

Long acting beta-2 agonists

produce bronchodilation; may decrease need for rescue drugs; maintenance drug


inhibit parasympathetic system; increase HR, BP, and bronchodilate


produces smooth muscle relaxation; limited use due to toxicity, increase BP, increase HR, arrhythmias, GI distress, nervousness, headache, and seizures

Leukotriene receptor antagonists

blocks leukotrienes that are released in allergic reactions; inhibit airway edema and smooth muscle contraction

Cromolyn sodium

prevents release of mast cells after contact with allergens; prevents exercise induced bronchospasm and severe bronchial asthma via oral inhalation

Anti-inflammatory agents

decreases mucosal edema, inflammation, and airway reactivity; side effects: GI irritation, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, hypercholesteremia, high BP, sodium retention