The Respiratory System (Chapter 22: Part Two)

Respiratory Volumes

How much air some portion of the respiratory system can hold

Tidal Volume

Amount of air inhaled or exhaled with each breath under resting conditions
-500 mL

Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)

Amount of air that can be forcefully inhaled after a normal tidal volume inspiration
-3100 mL (males) or 1900 mL (females)

Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)

Amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled after a normal tidal volume expiration
-1200 mL (males) or 700 mL (females)

Residual Volume (RV)

Amount of air remaining in lungs after a forced expiration
-1200 mL (males) or 1100 mL (females)

Respiratory Capacities

The sum of two or more respiratory volumes

Total Lung Capacity (TLC)

Maximum amount of air contained in lungs after a maximum inspiratory effort
-6000 mL (males) or 4200 mL (females)
= TV + IRV + ERV + RV

Vital Capacity (VC)

Maximum amount of air that can be expired after a maximum inspiratory effort
-4800 mL (males) or 3100 mL (females)

Inspiratory Capacity (IC)

Maximum amount of air that can be inspired after a normal tidal volume expiration
-3600 mL (males) or 2400 mL (females)
= TV + IRV

Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)

Volume of air remaining in the lungs after a normal tidal volume expiration
-2400 mL (males) or 1800 mL (females)
= ERV + RV


Instrument for measuring respiratory volumes and capacities
-Can distinguish between: obstructive pulmonary disease and restrictive disorders

Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Increased airway resistance (bronchitis)

Restrictive Disorder

Reduced TLC due to disease or fibrosis

Forced Vital Capacity (FVC)

Gas forcibly expelled after taking a deep breath
-Measures rate of gas movement

Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV)

Amount of gas expelled during a specific time interval of FVC
-Measures rate of gas movement

Nonrespiratory Air Movements

May modify normal respiratory rhythm
-Most result from reflex action; some voluntary
-ex: coughing, sneezing, crying, laughing, hiccups, and yawns

External Respiration

Diffusion of gases from alveoli to blood across respiratory membrane
-Exchange of O2 and CO2
-Influenced by thickness/surface area of membrane, partial pressure gradients and solubilities, and ventilation-perfusion coupling

Respiratory Membrane

0.5 to 1 um thick
-Large total surface area (40 times that of skin) for gas exchange
-Thicken if lungs become waterlogged and edematous --> gas exchange inadequate
-Reduced surface area in emphysema, tumors, inflammation, mucus

Internal Respiration

Diffusion of gases from blood to body tissues
-Gas exchange in body tissues at capillaries
-Partial pressure of oxygen in tissues is always lower than in arterial blood; CO2 from tissues to blood

Dalton's Law

Law of Partial Pressures:
Total pressure exerted by mixture of gas is equal to the sum of pressures exerted by each gas

Partial Pressure

Pressure exerted by each gas in a mixture
-Directly proportional to its percentage in the mixture

Henry's Law

Gas Mixtures in contact with liquid:
-Each gas dissolves in proportion to its partial pressure
-At equilibrium, partial pressures in two phases will be equal
-Amount of each gas that will dissolve depends on;
--Solubility (CO2 more soluble than O2; N2 not

Alveolar Gas

Composition of ___ ___
Alveoli contain more CO2 and water vapor than atmospheric air
-Gas exchanges in lungs
-Humidification of air
-Mixing of alveolar gas with each breath

Venous Blood

Partial pressure of oxygen is about 40 mmHG
-Drives oxygen flow to blood


Partial pressure of oxygen is about 104 mm Hg
-Drives oxygen flow to blood


Blood flow reaching alveoli
-Changes in partial pressure of oxygen causes a change in diameter of arterioles
-High O2: arterioles dilate
-Low O2: arterioles constrict
-Directs most blood where alveolar oxygen is high


Amount of gas reaching alveoli
-Contributes to efficient gas exchange


1.5% of oxygen carried in the blood is dissolved in what?


98.5% of oxygen carried in the blood is loosely bound to each Fe of the ___ in RBC's
-4 per molecule


Hemoglobin and oxygen combination

Deoxyhemoglobin (reduced hemoglobin)

Hemoglobin that has released O2


Homeostatic Imbalance:
Inadequate delivery of oxygen to tissues
-Causes cyanosis (blue skin)

Anemic Hypoxia

Homeostatic Imbalance:
Inadequate delivery of oxygen to tissues due to too few RBCs
-Abnormal or too little hemoglobin

Ischemic Hypoxia

Homeostatic Imbalance:
Inadequate delivery of oxygen to tissues due to impaired/blocked circulation

Histotoxic Hypoxia

Homeostatic Imbalance:
Inadequate delivery of oxygen to tissues due to cells unable to use O2
-Metabolic poisons (ex: cyanide)

Hypoxemic Hypoxia

Homeostatic Imbalance:
Inadequate delivery of oxygen to tissues due to abnormal ventilation
-Pulmonary diseases

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Homeostatic Imbalance:
Inadequate delivery of oxygen to tissues due to the greater affinity of CO2 binding to hemoglobin

CO2 transport

7-10% is dissolved in plasma
20% is bound to globin of hemoglobin
70% is transported as bicarbonate ions in plasma

Carbonic Acid

CO2 combines with water to form___ ___ (H2CO3), which quickly dissociates

Carbonic Anhydrase

Catalyzes the reaction of CO2 + water --> carbonic acid in RBCs

Carbonic Acid-Bicarbonate Buffer

Resists change in blood pH
-If hydrogen concentration rises --> hydrogen is combined with bicarbonate ions to raise pH
-If hydrogen concentration begins to drop --> carbonic acid dissociates releasing hydrogen ions

Bicarbonate Ion

An alkaline reserve of carbonic acid-bicarbonate system

Rate and Depth

Changes in respiratory __ and __ affect blood pH

Drop in pH

Slow, shallow breathing increases CO2 in the blood which does what to the blood pH

Rise in pH

Rapid, deep breathing decreases CO2 in the blood which does what to blood pH


Changes in ventilation can adjust pH when disturbed by ___ factors


___ is determined by how actively respiratory center stimulates respiratory muscles


___ is determined by how long inspiratory center active


Increased depth and rate of breathing that exceeds body's need to remove CO2
-Decreased blood CO2 levels (hypocapnia)


Breathing cessation; may be due to abnormally low partial pressures of CO2

Hypothalamic Controls

Act through limbic system to modify rate and depth of respiration
-Breath holding that occurs in anger or gasping while in pain

Cortical Controls

Direct signals from cerebral motor cortex that bypass medullary controls
-Voluntary breath holding

Vagal Nerve

Receptors in bronchioles respond to irritants and communicate with respiratory center via the ___________ __________
-Promotes reflexes like coughing or sneezing


Increased ventilation in response to metabolic needs
-P(O2), P(CO2), and pH remain constant


Three neural factors cause ____ in ventilation as exercise begins:
-Psychological stimuli�anticipation of exercise
-Simultaneous cortical motor activation of skeletal muscles and respiratory centers
-Excitatory impulses to respiratory centers from proprio

Lactic Acid

Caused not by poor respiratory function but from insufficient CO or skeletal ability to increase O2 uptake