Biology 110 Mire Test 1 Ch. 4


Colored light emitted from a molecule when it absorbs light of a different color

Fluorescence Microcopy

The use of fluorescence to watch live cells and label cells to see the molecule and where they are found in a cell

Cell Theory

The theory that all living things are composed of one or more cells, and that cells are the smallest units of living organisms. Also that new cells come only from pre-existing cells by cell division

Surface; Volume

Cells need to be small because of the _____ to ____ ratio. Therefore, it sets a limit because the surface area has to exchange certain things, receive signals, keep everything in so the more contents the more SA you need so it sets a limit because it no l


Ration between the size of an image produced by a microscope and its actual size


The ability to observe two adjacent objects as distinct from one another, or how good it is at seeing the object under the microscope


This can be enhanced using dyes to see the difference in cells. Animal cells mainly can't see this, but plant cells have some of this

Light Microscope

Uses light for illumination and glass spectrum to bend light. It has a resolution of .2 micrometers

Electron Microscope

Uses light and a beam of electrons as well as an electromagnet to bend the beam. The resolution is 2 nanometers, and it can only look at dead cells. There are two types: TEM and SEM

Transmission Electron Microscopy

Thin slices of samples are stained with heavy metals and reveal some electrons that are scattered through it while others pass through to form an image. This is a type of Electron Microscopy

Scanning Electron Microscopy

The sample is coated with heavy metals and the beam scans surfaces to make a 3D image. This is a type of Electron Microscopy


The cells have simple cell structure. They lack a membrane, and there are 2 categories of them: Bacteria and Archaea


The most abundant type of prokaryotic cells. They contain a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleoid, ribosomes, cell walls, glycocalyx, and apendages [ pilli (attachment), flagella (locomotion)]


This type of prokaryotic cells are found in extreme environments


A region inside of prokaryotic cells where the DNA is found along with other genetic information


In a prokaryotic cell this part is involved in the protein synthesis

Cell Wall

In a prokaryotic cell this part supports and protects and is located outside the plasma membrane


In a prokaryotic cell this part traps water and protects, it is also located outside the plasma membrane

Plasma Membrane

In a prokaryotic cell this part acts as the barrier for the cell


Subcellular structure or membrane-bounded compartment with its own unique structure and function

Eukaryotic Cells

A complex cell that exhibits compartmentalization as well as containing a true nucleus. Shape, size, and organization of cells vary considerably among different species and even among different cell types of the same species


This determines the characteristics of an eukaryotic cell

Gene Expression

Different combination of the DNA may be used which is why they all don't do the same things, this is known as ______ ________


The ____ of a cell determines its structure and function

Gene Regulation

The amount of protein and amino acid in a sequence of particular protein and protein modification that can influence a cell's proteome


Cells need this because it is the brain of the cell. It contains all of the information from making that cell to determining what the cell can and cannot do


The region of the eukaryotic cell that is outside the cell organelles, but inside the plasma membrane. It includes everything inside the plasma membrane meaning the endomembrane system and the semi autonomous organelles


Formation of a polymer from monomers is _________ and involves repeated ____________ reaction.
1) Anabolic, condensation
2) Anabolic, hydrolysis
3) Anabolic and catabolic, dehydration
4) Catabolic, condensation
5) Catabolic, hydrolysis


Network of three type of protein filaments, are shaped framework, and help with the movement


This is apart of the cytoskeleton, and is 20 nm wide, tubulin

Intermediate Filaments

This is apart of the cytoskeleton, and is 10 nm wide, keratin and others

Actin Filaments

This is apart of the cytoskeleton, and is 7 n, wide, actine (aka microfilaments)

Motor Proteins

Proteins that are use ATP as a source of energy to promote movement. There are three domains called the head, hinge, and tail. They are very important because they carry important materials from one part of the cell to another


Proteins walk on the _________ while carrying important stuff


Long and found either singly or in pairs in the cell. It functions in helping the cell move (sperm is a prime example) Microtubules, dynein, and linking proteins (axoneme)


Cover all of the surface and looks like a fuzz. It functions in helping the cell move. There are hundreds of these over cells. Microtubules, dynein, and linking proteins (axoneme)

Endomembrane System

Network of membranes enclosing the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and vacuoles. It also includes the plasma membrane. The system may be directly connected to each other or pass materials via vesicles

Nuclear Envelope

This is a double-membrane enclosing the nucleus. The outer membrane is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. there also are nuclear pores providing passageways


This part of the cell contains 46 chromosomes (unless if sex cell then 43) which is composed of DNA and protein (chromatin). The primary function involves the protection, organization, and expression of genetic material.


Where does ribosome assembly occur?

Endoplasmic Reticulum

This is a network of membranes that form flattened, fluid filled tubules or citernae. It encloses a single compartment known as the lumen. There are two types of this kind of membranes: rough or smooth


This type of ER is studded with ribosomes and is involved in protein synthesis and sorting


This type of ER lacks ribosomes and is involved in the detoxification, carbohydrate metabolism, calcium balance, synthesis, and modification of lipids

Golgi Apparatus

This is also known as the ____ body, ____ complex, or just ______. It is a stack of flattened, membrane-bounded compartments, which are not continuous with the ER. There are 3 overlapping functions which is secretion, processing, and protein sorting


These transport materials between the stacks of membranes


These contain acid hydrolases that preform hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and lipids. Also important in autophagy


This method is used to do catabolism which is the break down of polymers to monomers


Recycling of worn-out organelles through endocytosis. It can be used in the case of cells taking in particles like food to digest


Means empty space, this functions extremely varied and differ among cell types and even environmental conditions. The one in plants is used for storage and suppoty


Vacuoles in protists for expelling excess water


Vacuoles in protists in white blood cells for degradation

Plasma Membrane

This is the boundary between the cell and the extracellular environment. It transports in and out of the cell, used in cell signaling using receptors, and cell adhesion

Semiautonomous Organelles

Organelles that can grow and divide to reproduce, but are not competely autonomouds because it depends on the other parts of the cell for some internal components. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are main examples.

Endosymbiosis Theory

The theory that the organelles were once bacteria that were taken into bigger cells but were not digested or broken down, so they took residence inside cells and over a long time they became more complex (white blood cells). The bacteria gained a safe pla


The outer and inner membrane which is inter membrane space and matrix space. The role is to make ATP


Found in nearly all plants and algae. It helps in photosynthesis. There is an outer and inner membrane with an inter membrane space. The third membrane (thylakoid membrane), forms forms flattened tubules that stack to for a granum (plural, grana)

Pancake; Grana

1 thylakoid is like one ____ and one stack is called a _____


These are relatively small organelles found in eukaryotic cells. It originates from the endomembrane system . The general function is to catalyze certain chemical reactions, typically those that break down molecules by removing hydrogen or adding oxygen T