DNA and RNA Test Review

The three bases on the tRNA molecule that are complementary to one of the mRNA codons are called the ___


According to Chargaff's rules, which nucleotide is always paired with adenine in a DNA molecule


Ribosomes are made out of ____

Proteins and rRNA

DNA replication results in two DNA molecules, ___

Each with one new strand and one original strand

Which types of RNA are involved in protein synthesis

tRNA, mRNA, and rRNA

Where in the cell does transcription take place

In the nucleus

Where in the cell does translation take place

On ribosomes in the cytoplasm

DNA wraps around his times to form bead-like structures called


How many codons are needed to specify three amino acids


What did the Hershey-Chase blender experiment help prove

The genetic material is made of DNA

Many DNA molecules contain sequences called____ that are not involved in coding for proteins and are edited out of the complementary RNA molecule copy before it is used


The molecule that cause transformation in Grffith's pneumonia/mouse experiment was ___


Nitrogen bases with only one ring are called


The place where RNA polymerase binds to start transcribing a gene is called ___


Making a complementary RNA sequence from a DNA code (DNA to RNA)


Making a DNA copy of a DNA sequence (DNA to DNA)


Making proteins from an RNA message (RNA to proteins)


Carries the DNA code from the nucleus to the cytoplasm


Made by the nucleolus


Adds the correct amino acid to the growing protein chain


Combines with proteins to form ribosomes


Has a codon region


Has an anticodon region


Made in the nucleus


DNA is ____

Double stranded, uses deoxyribose sugar, uses the nitrogen bases A T C and G, and is found in the nucleus

RNA is ____

Single stranded, has ribose sugar, has the nitrogen bases of A U C and G, and is found in the nucleus and travels to the ribosomes

3 parts of a nucleotide

5 carbon sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base

What makes up the sides of a DNA molecule

Sugar and phosphates

What makes up the rings of a DNA molecule

Nitrogen bases

What bond holds everything together in a DNA molecule

Hydrogen bonds

Making a copy of DNA is called ___


Which nitrogen base isn't used during replication


What enzyme adds the complementary nucleotides and spell checks to make sure the new copy is correct

DNA polymerase

The process of copying an RNA message from the DNA code is called


Where does transcription happen

In the nucleus

Which type of RNA has an anticodon region and carried the amino acids to the ribosome


What do we call the small pieces of DNA that are edited out of the mRNA message before it is expressed


DNA that is spread out in the nucleus of non-dividing cells is called ____


DNA that is scrunched up is called ______


When making DNA, cytosine always pairs with ____


Using an RNA message to make a protein is called

Translation or protein synthesis

What is the spot RNA polymerase attaches to DNA during transcription


An experiment conducted by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase showed that

DNA can be transferred between bacteria

Protein synthesis can also be called ____


Nitrogen bases made up of two rings are called ____


Nitrogen bases made up of one ring is called ____


The process in which one bacterium is changed by the transfer of genetic material from another bacterium is called ____


What is the subunit used to build proteins

Amino acids

What makes up an amino acid

An amino group (NH2)
Carboxylate group
And a R group

What woman whose x-Ray images of DNA helped James Watson and Francis Crick to figure out the structure of DNA

Rosalind Franklin

What is the enzyme involved with transcription

RNA polymerase

One leg of a chromosome is called____


What did Avery do in his experiment

He use digestive enzymes to figure out that it was DNA that caused transformation

What did Hershey and Chase experiment with?

They used bacteriophage, a virus that infects bacteria, to figure out that only DNA entered the cell

What is. Bacteriophage made of

A protein coat and DNA inside of it