Chapter 4: Dynamics of Prokaryotic Growth : Microbiology Human Perspective Flashcards

How do prokaryotes generally multiply?

binary fission

What is binary fission?

When the cell increases in size and doubles its components, it
divides. The cell divides into two, then those cells divide into four.

The time it takes for a population to double in size is called

generation time

Prokaryotes that can attach to surfaces nd live in polymer-encased
communities are called


How are Biofilms formed?

Prokaryotic cells move to a surface and adhere where they multiply
and release polysacharrides, DNA and hydrophilic polymers

Why are infections due to biofilm hard to treat?

The microbes within the extracellular polymeric substance(EPS) often
resist the effect of the antibiotics. The EPS serves as a protective layer

What gives the biofilm a slimy appearance?

The extracellular polymeric substance

What are the benefits of Biofilms?

They help in bioremediation which uses microbes to degrade harmful chemicals

A population that has descended from a single cell is called

pure cultures

Why are pure cultures used?

to easily identify and study activities of particular species

Procedures to minimize the possibility of introducing another
bacteria by accident.

Aseptic Techniques

The medium the cells are grown on or in is called


A single prokaryotic cell supplied with the right nutrients and
conditions will multiply on solid medium in a limited area to form


A mass of cells


A polysacharide extracted from marine plants that is used to solidify culture


The simplest and common way to isolate a prokaryotic cell

Streak plate method

What is the goal of the streak plate method?

To reduce the number of cells being spread with each successive
series of streak to make sure we get a distinct isolated cell.

Bacteria and Archea are typically grown on agar plates or tubes or
flask of broth. This are considered closed systems or batch cultures. Why?

Nutrients are not renewed nor wastes are removed

In what system does the population increase in distinct pattern of
stages and then declines


What type of system is it when cells are maintained in a state of
continuous growth with continuous addition of nutrients and removal of
waste products?


Lag Phase,Log Phase,Stationary phase,Death Phase,Phase of Prolonged
death are stages of

Growth curve

During this phase on the growth curve, cells begin to synthesize
enzymes required for growth

Lag Phase

paDuring this phase on the growth curve, cells divide at a constant
rate. This is where generation time is measured

Log Phase

At what stage on the growth curve are Primary metabolites made?

Log Phase

What are Primary Metabolites?

small molecules made by cells during log phase

At what stage are secondary metabolites made?

Stationary Phase

What are secondary metabolites?

When compounds begin to accumulate at the stationary and are used for
other purposes other than growth

What is the most valuable secondary metabolite made?


What phase on the growth curve: When the nutrient level is too low to
sustain growth. The Some cells are dying while others are multiplying
at a constant rate.

Stationary Phase

What phase on the growth curve: When a fraction of cells survive the
death phase and are able to multiply for a short period of time. These
survivors die

Phase of prolonged death.

A device that continually drips fresh medium into broth culture
contained in a chamber. This device influences the continuous growth
of microbes


In what domain of Prokaryotes do these microbes that live in harsh
environmental conditions belong to:


Microbes that can live in harsh environmental conditions are called:


What are 4 environmental factors that affects microbial growth?

water availability

Based on temperature requirements: What do you call the type of
microbes that have optimum growth between -5 and 15 degrees .? these
microbes can grow in the cold artic


Based on temperature requirements: What do you call the type of
microbes that have optimum growth between 20 and 30 degrees .? They
cause spoilage in refrigerated food.


Based on temperature requirements: What do you call the type of
microbes that have optimum growth between 25 and 45 degrees .? these
microbes can adapt to growth on human body and inhabit soil.


Based on temperature requirements: What do you call the type of
microbes that have optimum growth between 45 and 70 degrees .? these
microbes can grow in hot springs


Based on temperature requirements: What do you call the type of
microbes that have optimum growth at 70 degrees or greater.? these
microbes can grow in the hydrothermal vents of the ocean and are
usually microbe that belong to the archea domain
