Biology Keystone Review Part 2 (DVSD) Flashcards


what is seen or measured


A conclusion based on observation or evidence


An untested prediction.


An explanation of natural events that is supported by strong evidence.

Controlled Experiment

Compares the results of an experiment between two (or more) groups

Experimental Group

Group being tested or receiving treatment

Control Group

normal" group. should be identical to experimental group
in every way except one; it does not receive treatment

Independent (Manipulated) Variable

Variable that is being tested

Dependent (Responding) Variable

Variable that is measured at the end of an experiment

Characteristics Of A Good Experiment

Can be repeated by anyone and get the same results
Have large sample size/many test subjects Are performed
for longer periods of time Test only one variable at a
time Are peer reviewed Does not have to agree with
the hypothesis Is Objective

Most common elements in living things (CHONP)

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus


The universal solvent


A measure of how acidic/ basic something is


Sugars and starches (polysaccharides); made from monomers known as
simple sugars (monosccharides) and they supply energy


store energy and include fats, oils, and waxes. They are made from a
glycerol/ carboxyl head that loves water and a fatty acid tail that
hates water.

Nucleic Acids

Store genetic information and are made from monomers called nucleotides.


Made from monomers called amino acids and have the jobs of making
receptor molecules on the cell membrane, receive/make chemical
messages, making antibodies, make up structural features, and acting
as enzymes.


Increase the rates of chemical reactions

Cell Theory

The Idea That...
All living things are made of cells Cells are the
basic units of structure and function All cells come from
pre-existing cells


A cell with no membrane bound nucleus or other organelles; smaller;
circular DNA; bacteria; reproduce asexually; single celled


Larger, more complex cell with membrane bound organelles; linear
(chromosomal) DNA; multi-cellular or single cellular

The Cell membrane

Made of lipids and proteins, this structure is semi-permeable and
regulates what enters and exits a cell



Passive Transport

Materials move down their concentration gradient without using energy.

Simple Diffusion

Diffusion involving small molecules like oxygen and carbon dioxide

Facilitated Diffusion

involves large molecules like glucose that the help of a transport
protein to move across the membrane


The diffusion of water into or out of the cell

Active Transport

requires the use of energy (ATP) and transport proteins or pumps, to
move molecules against their concentration gradient


Organisms that create their own food


Eat other organisms to obtain energy


Carried out by plants, alga and blue-green bacteria (autotrophs). It
takes the radiant energy of the sun and puts it in the bonds of sugar
molecules. This process occurs mostly in the chloroplast of plant cells.

Transfer Of Energy

Organisms get energy by breaking the bonds of sugar molecules. The
released energy is used to make a molecule of ATP, which gives all
organisms their energy.

Aerobic Cellular Respiration

requires oxygen, this process produces lactic acid that damages
muscles and creates a burning sensation


A nucleic acid made of 4 bases: ATCG. stores hereditary information
and codes for assembly of proteins

DNA Replication

making semi-conservative copies of DNA (must happen before any kind
of cell division)

DNA Transcription

Making mRNA from DNA template.

DNA Translation ( Protein synthesis)

The tRNA brings a specific amino acid to the ribosomes based on the
message carried on the mRNA; The ribosomes assemble the amino acids
together to synthesize a protein


Changes to DNA


A sequence of DNA codes for a specific protein

Asexual Reproduction

a type of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single
organism, and inherit the genes of that parent only; it does not
involve the fusion of gametes and almost never changes the number of chromosomes.

Sexual Reproduction

Requires gametes (sex cells) The production of new living organisms
by combining genetic info from two individuals of opposite sex

Cell Cycle

Series of events between cell divisions (life span of a cell)


A form of asexual reproduction for some Eukaryotic cells
One diploid cell divides once to make tow identical diploid
cells Chromosome number in daughter cells is the same as in
the parent cell Large Organisms use this process for
growth, development and healing


Required for sexual reproduction (Produces Gametes) In
humans, 4 sperm cells or 1 egg and three polar bodies are produced
each time this process occurs


A fertilized egg


Having two identical alleles for the same gene


Different alleles from the same gene


Physical triats


genetic makeup expressed using letters

Punnett Square

A mathematical tool that helps predict combinations in genetic crosses

Genetic Engineering (Gene Splicing)

The process of inserting genes of one organism into the genes of another


States that modern species came from earlier, different species and
share a common ancestor

Natural Selection

The mechanism that causes species to change (survival of the fittest)


The theory that states evolution occurs slowly.

Punctuated Equilibrium

The theory that states evolution happens in quick spurts


living or once living




The start of the food chain and organism that generate there own food

Food Chain

shows single pathway for energy transfer

Food web

shows multiple options/ pathways for energy transfer in an ecosystem

Community Interactions

Predation, symbiosis, herbivory; all play a role in population
growth/management/ decline

Limiting factors

air, water, light, temperature, pH, food, predators, disease, etc.
effect population size

Carrying Capacity

The maximum size of a population that a ecosystem can support

Primary succession

The beginning of life where no previous life has existed

Secondary succession

A disturbance of some kind such as fire, tornado, or other natural
disasters causing an area to be set back to stage one in the process
of creating an environment with life.


The variety on earth

Nutrient (biogeochemical) Cycles

how nutrients recycle through an ecosystem