Bio test review

A nucleotide does not contain...

amino acid

According to chargaffs rule of base pairing, what are the base pairs

A-T, C-G

What kind of bond holds together DNA and the nitrogen bases

Weak hydrogen bonds

What are 3 components of a DNA nucleotide

Phosphate, nitrogen base, deoxyribose sugar

Rosalind Franklins x-ray image provided Watson and cricks model with which important factor for their model of DNA?

Double Helix Shape

In prokaryotes DNA is located where?


In eukaryotes, nearly all DNA is found where?

Cell nucleus

The main enzyme involved in linking nucleotides into DNA

DNA Polymerase

Is photocopying a piece of paper similar to DNA replication?

Yes. Similarity: You end up with 2 copies at the end. Differences: Has an original strand and a copied strand

When DNA is replicated how do the new molecules compare with the original.

They are the same

During which phase of a cells life is DNA replicated

S phase

2 DNA strands of a chicken were separated. The base composition of just one of those strands were determined. What are the percentages of nitrogen bases is A=15%

T=15% C=35% G=35%

Which part of the DNA structure codes for genetic information

Sequence of nitrogen bases

Why is it useful for the base pairs of DNA to be held together by hydrogen bonds and not covalent bonds?

Hydrogen bonds are weak therefore the 2 strands are equally separated for replication

A scientist uses radioactive nitrogen to label nitrogenous bases of DNA in a cell. Then the DNA is allowed to replicate and the new strands take up the non radioactive bases. Do 1, both, or neither of the daughter DNA strands have radioactive DNA?


RNA differs from DNA how?

RNA is single stranded. RNA has uracil

How do ribosomes use mRNA and tRNA to assemble proteins?


Transcription uses information from DNA to create mRNA needed to tell the cell what?

What Protein to make

Which molecule is mRNA transcribed