Shadwick POB Test 2

Cell theory

all organisms are composed of cells

What are the basic living unit of structure and function in organisms?



stores DNA, controls cell's activities, bound by nuclear envelope


prokaryotic, stores DNA (coiled), not membrane bound


inside the nucleus, site of rRNA synthesis


protein synthesis, found on the rough ER or floating in cytoplasm


movement and transport, storage and export for distribution

Smooth ER

synthesizes lipids, oils and steroids, deoxification of drugs, filter of the cells

Rough ER

folds and process proteins, packages proteins in vesicles and sends to Golgi apparatus, rough due to ribosomes

Golgi apparatus

mailroom of the cell, modifies products of rough ER


garbage disposal of the cell, breaks down worn out cell parts


site of photosynthesis


powerhouse of the cell, cellular respiration takes place here

What do small cells require less of?


What do small cells produce less of?


What do larger cell surface areas facilitate?

efficient exchange of nutrients and wastes

Endosymbiotic theory

eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic cells

Fluid-Mosaic model

hydrophilic head, hydrophobic tails, selectively permeable


phospholipid bilayer


proteins are embedded

Channel proteins

passageway for certain molecule to get through

Example of channel proteins

aquaporins help water to get across the membrane

Carrier protein

combines with substances to help them cross the membrane

Example of carrier proteins

GLUT carriers transfer glucose into and out of cell

Cell recognition protein

glycoproteins which help the body recognize which cells belong to it (helps with immunity)

Receptor proteins

distinct shape for binding with specific molecules

Enzymatic proteins

carry out metabolic reactions


water leaves cell, higher concentration of solute outside, shrivels


water enter cells, higher concentration of solute inside, bursts


no movement of water

What is diabetes?

high concentration of blood glucose

Kinetic energy

energy of motion

Potential energy

stored energy

Chemical energy


Mechanical energy

Walking (a type of kinetic energy)

Fist Law of Thermodynamics

energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be changed from one form to another

Second Law of Thermodynamics

energy cannot be changed from one dorm to another without a loss of usable energy


the relative amount of disorganization in a system

Free energy

amount of energy available after a chemical reaction


all the chemical reactions that take place in a cell


building up molecules


breaking down molecules

Metabolic pathway

one enzyme per step

Endergonic reactions

require input of energy to occur (muscle contraction)

Exergonic reactions

spontaneous (products have less free energy than reactants) and releases energy (respiration)

Functions of ATP

chemical work, transport work, mechanical work

Chemical work

supplies energy for making macromolecules

Transport work

supplies energy to pump substance across plasma mebrane

Mechanical work

supplies energy for muscle contraction, movement of chromosomes

Coupled reactions

reactions that must be paired with each other to be energetically favorable and proceed

Energy of activation

energy that must be added to start chemical reactions, lowered by enzymes

What factors affect enzyme speed?

temperature and pH

Enzyme inhibition

substrate cannot bind to active site

Competitive inhibition

product binds to active site

Non-competitive inhibition

produce binds to other part of enzyme and changes active site shape

Feedback inhibition

regulate enzyme activities by allowing excess products to bind to the active site and inhibits substrate from binding

Oxidation-reduction reaction

reactions that involve the gain and loss of electrons


oxidation = lose electrons
reduction = gain electrons

What does the active site of enzymes combine with?


Enzyme shape changes to form what?

enzyme-substrate complex

Coupled reaction example

ATP breakdown/ phosphorylation

More organized entropy

more potential energy, less stable

Less organized entropy

less potential energy, more stable

Cellular respiration equation

O2 + C6H12O6 -> CO2 + H2O + ATP

How many total ATP are produced in cellular respiration?


Steps of cellular respiration

glycolysis, citric acid cycle, electron transport chain


glucose (6 carbon) -> pyruvate (2-3 carbon molecules)

Glycolysis input

glucose, 2 NAD, 2 ATP, 4 ADP+P

Glycolysis output

2-3 carbon pyruvate, 2 NADH, 2 ADP, 4 ATP

Glycolysis net output


Citric acid cycle

matrix, happens 2 times

Citric acid cycle input

2 acetyl CoA, 6 NAD+, 2 FAD, 2 ADP+P

Citric acid cycle output

4 CO2, 6 NADH+, 2 FADH2, 2 ATP

Citric acid cycle net output


Electron transport chain


Electron transport chain inputs


Electron transport chain output


Electron transport chain net output

32-34 ATP

Photosynthesis equation

CO2 + H2O -> C6H12O6 + O2 + H2O

Steps of photosynthesis

light reactions and calvin cycle

Step 1 of light reactions

solar energy absorbed in choloropyll

Step 2 of light reactions

drives transfer of electrons and H+

Step 3 of light reactions

water is split to replenish lost electrons

Step 4 of light reactions

solar energy reduces NAD+ to NADPH by adding 2 electrons plus hydrogen

Step 5 of light reactions

produces ATP by adding phosphate group to ADP (phosphorylation)

Light reactions inputs

light energy, H2O, NADP+, ADP

Light reactions outputs


Step 1 of Calvin cycle

carbon goes to carbohydrates by adding electrons from NADPH

Step 2 of Calvin cycle

requires 2 ATP to power reaction

Step 3 of Calvin Cycle

reaction is carbon fixation, glucose is the product

Calvin cycle inputs


Calvin cycle outputs

glucose, ADP, NADP+

The cell theory states:
a) cells form as organelles and molecules become grouped together in an organized manner
b) the normal functioning of an organism does not depend on its individual cells
c) the cell is the basic unit of life
d) only eukaryotic orga


As the size of a cell decreases, the ratio of its surface area to volume:
a) increases
b) decreases
c) stays the same


Which of the following would not be found in a prokaryotic cell?
a) organelles
b) DNA
c) nucleoid
d) nucleus


The ______ is involved in the movement of a prokayrotic cell.
a) fimbriae
b) capsule
c) nucleoid
d) flagella


Small circular pieces of DNA that are found in the cytoplasm of a prokaryotic cell are called:
a) capsules
b) nucleoids
c) plasmids
d) ribosomes


Eukaryotic cells contain
a) a nucleus
b) DNA
c) plasma membrane
d) mitochondria
e) all of the above


The combination of DNA and protein in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is called:
a) nuceloplasm
b) plasmids
c) nucleoids
d) chromatin


This organelle acts as a digestive organelle and may also be used to recycle the internal components of a cell.
a) ribosome
b) lysosome
c) peroixsome
d) Golgi apparatus


The mitochondria of a eukaryotic cell is the site of
a) photosynthesis
b) fatty acid metabolism
c) cellular respiration
d) protein synthesis


This component of the cytoskeleton is located just under the plasma membrane of a eukaryotic cell.
a) actin filaments
b) microtubules
c) centrosomes
d) intermediate filaments


Centrosomes and centrioles act as organized centers for what component of the cytoskeleton?
a) actin filaments
b) microtubules
c) intermediate filaments
d) all of these are correct


The endosymbiotic theory explains the origins of which of the following components of a eukaryotic cell?
a) mitochondria
b) chloroplasts
c) internal membranes
d) all of these are correct


According to the endosymbiotic theory, the ______ were originally photosynthetic bacteria.
a) ribosomes
b) chloroplasts
c) mitochondria
d) nucleus


In the fluid-mosaic model, the fluid properties are associated with the nature of the _____ and the mosaic pattern is established by the ______.
a) nucleic acids phospholipids
b) phosphsolipids; embedded proteins
c) embedded proteins; cholesterol
d) phosp


Which of the following is not a function of proteins in the plasma membrane?
a) proteins assists the passage of materials into the cells
b) proteins interact with and recognize other cells
c) proteins bind with specific hormones
d) proteins carry out spec


The carbohydrate chains projecting from the plasma membrane are involved in
a) adhesion between cells
b) reception of molecule
c) cell-to-cell recognition
d) all of these are correct


When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution,
a) solute exits the cell to equalize the concentration on both sides of the membrane
b) water exits the cell toward the area of lower solute concentration
c) water enters the cell toward the area of higher so


When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution,
a) solute exits the cell to equalize the concentration on both sides of the membrane
b) water exits the cell toward the area of lower solute concentration
c) water enters the cell toward the area of higher s


Which of the following is incorrect regarding facilitated diffusion?
a) it is a passive process
b) it allows the movement of molecules from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration
c) it may use either channel or carrier proteins
d) it al


The sodium-potassium pump
a) helps establish an electochemical gradient across the membrane
b) concentrates sodium on the outside of the membrane
c) uses a carrier protein and chemical energy
d) is present in the plasma membrane
e) all of these are correc


Which of the following processes is involved in the bulk transport of molecules out of the cell?
a) phagocytosis
b) pinocytosis
c) receptor-mediated endocytosis
d) exocytosis
e) none of these are correct


Which process uses special proteins on the surface of the membrane to identify specific molecules for transport into the cell?
a) phagocytosis
b) pinocytosis
c) receptor-mediated endocytosis
d) exocytosis


The extracellular matrix
a) assists in the movement of substances across the plasma membrane
b) prevent the loss of water when cells are placed in a hypertonic solution
c) has numerous functions that affect the shape and activities of the cell that produc


Which of the following junctions allows for cytoplasm-to-cytoplasm communication between cells?
a) adhesion junctions
b) tight junctions
c) gap junctions
d) none of these are correct


The fact that energy transformations increase the amount of entropy is the basis of which of the following?
a) cell theory
b) first law of thermodynamics
c) second law of thermodynamics
d) oxidation-reduction reactions


Th energy stored in the carbon-carbon bonds of glucose in an example of ______ energy.
a) kinetic
b) potential
c) chemical
d) mechanical
e) both b and c are correct


During energy transformations, the majority of energy is converted to,
a) chemical bonds
b) heat
c) ATP
d) glucose molecules


Exergonic reactions
a) are spontaneous
b) have a negative G value
c) release energy
d) all of these are correct


Which of the following is incorrect regarding ATP?
a) it is the energy currency of the cell
b) it is stable
c) it is recycled using ADP and inorganic phosphate
d) cells keep only small amounts of ATP on hand


The sum of all the chemical reactions in a cell is called
a) free energy
b) entropy
c) metabolism
d) oxidation-reduction reactions


Which of the following is incorrect regarding the active site of an enzyme?
a) is unique to that enzyme
b) is the part of the enzyme where its substrate can fit
c) can be used over and over again
d) is not affected by environmental factors, such as pH and


Which of the following environmental conditions may have an influence on enzyme activity?
a) substrate concentration
b) temperature
c) pH
d) all of these are correct


In which of the following does an inhibit bind to a site other than the active site of the enzyme?
a) competitive inhibition
b) noncompetitive inhibition
c) redox reactions
d) none of these are correct


Enzymes catalyze chemical reactions by which of the following?
a) lowering the energy of activation in the reaction
b) raising the energy of activation in the reaction
c) increasing entropy
d) increasing the free energy of the products


The gain of electrons by a molecule is called
a) inhibition
b) entropy
c) oxidation
d) reduction


In which of the following processes is carbon dioxide reduced to form carbohydrate?
a) cellular respiration
b) noncompetitive inhibition
c) photosynthesis
d) induced fit model


During glycolysis, what is the net production of ATP per glucose molecule?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 8
e) 32-34


Which of the following is not a product or reactant of glycolysis?
b) ATP
c) pyruvate
d) oxygen


Which of these is incorrect regarding fermentation?
a) there is a net gain of only 2 ATP per glucose
b) it occurs in the cytoplasm
c) the process starts with glucose entering glycolysis
d) NADH donates electrons to the electron transport chain
e) it is an


Fermentation is primarily involved in the recycling of
a) ADP
b) oxygen
c) pyruvate
d) NAD+


The greatest contributor of electrons to the electron transport chain is
a) oxygen
b) the prep reaction
c) glycolysis
d) fermentation
e) the citric acid cycle


Which of these is not true of the citric acid cycle?
a) the citric acid cycle includes the prep reaction
b) the citric acid cycle produces ATP by substrate-level ATP synthesis
c) the citric acid cycle occurs in the mitochondria
d) the citric acid cycle pr


Which of these is not true of the electron transport chain?
a) located on the cristae of the mitochondria
b) produces more NADH than any metabolic pathway
c) contains cytochrome molecules
d) ends when oxygen accepts electrons


The oxygen required by cellular respiration is reduced and becomes part of which molecule?
a) ATP
b) pyruvate
c) H2O
d) CO2


The function of light reactions is to
a) obtain CO2
b) make carbphydrate
c) convert light energy into usable form of chemical energy
d) regenerate RuBP


The Calvin cycle reactions
a) produce carbohydrate
b) convert once form of chemical energy into a different form of chemical energy
c) regenerate more RuBP
d) use the products of the light reactions
e) all of these are correct


The final acceptor of electrons during the light reactions of the noncyclic electron pathway is
a) PS I
b) PS II
c) ATP
d) NADP+
e) water


The oxygen given off by photosynthesis comes from
a) H2O
b) CO2
c) glucose
d) RuBP


The noncyclic electron pathway, but not the cyclic pathway, generates
a) 3PG
b) chlorophyll
c) ATP


The ATP and NADPH from the light reactions are used to
a) split water
b) cause RuBP carboxylase to fix CO2
c) re-form the photosystems
d) cause electrons to move along their pathways
e) convert 3PG to G3P


In the absence of sunlight, plants are not able to engage in the Calvin cycle due to a lack of
a) ATP
b) oxygen
d) both a and c are correct


Cellular respiration and photosynthesis both
a) use oxygen
b) produce carbon dioxide
c) contain an electron transport chain
d) occur in the chloroplast


Which o the following does not occur in photosynthesis?
a) reduction of CO2
b) oxidation of water
c) reduction of oxygen
d) all of these are correct
