Biology Chapter 8

Define photosynthesis

the process by which plants use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.

Chemical equation for photosynthesis

6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy? C6H12O6 + 6O2
Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide and water for the production of sugar and oxygen.

Chemical equation for cellular respiration

C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP


An organism that makes its own food


organism that obtains energy from the food it consumes

primary source of energy in living things

sunlight/the sun is the primary source of energy for living things

Define pigment

Light-absorbing molecule

chlorphyll and carotenoids

chlorophyll- the green color pigment in plants that trap sunlight for photosynthesis
carotenoids- Are red Orange or yellow accessory pigment that can't transfer sunlight energy directly

4 accessory pigments

Chlorphyll B

Function of chlorophyll

allows plants to absorb energy from light

Why is chlorophyll green?

it reflects green wavelengths of light

Factors that affect photosynthesis

Temperature, light, water, co2

What role does light play in photosynthesis

use the energy of light to convert CO2 and H2O

What is ATP?

Adenosine Triphosphate

How is energy released from ATP?

Energy released by breaking the chemical bond between the second and third phosphate groups.

How does ADP store energy?

When 3rd phosphate adds to ADP

How many phosphates does ATP and ADP have?

ATP- three


A flattened membrane sac inside the chloroplast, used to convert light energy into chemical energy.

what reaction happens in thylakoids

light dependent reaction

Stroma + what reaction takes place

-fluid portion of the chloroplast; outside of the thylakoids
-light independent reaction

What role does water play in photosynthesis

It is the source of oxygen atoms in the product O2.

light independent vs dependent reactions

independent- set of reactions in photosynthesis that do not require light; energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as sugar; also called the Calvin cycle
�occurs in stroma
dependent-part of photosynthesis that absorbs energy

electron carriers in photosynthesis


another name for the light dependent reaction

Calvin Cycle

carbon dioxide in photosynthesis

reactant that is used to build glucose in light independent reactions

cellular respiration

Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen


first step in releasing the energy of glucose, in which a molecule of glucose through a series of reactions to either pyruvic acid or lactic acid and release energy for the body in the form of ATP

the net gain of energy from glycolysis is

2 ATP molecules

Calvin Cycle

light-independent reactions of photosynthesis in which energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as sugar

Who discovered the Calvin cycle

Melvin Calvin

What happens to pyruvate if oxygen is and isnt present

diffuses into mitochondria (is present)
When oxygen is not present or if an organism is not able to undergo aerobic respiration, pyruvate will undergo a process called fermentation (isnt present)


Process by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygen

Where does fermentation occur?


Fermentation waste products

lactic acid as well as ethanol and carbon dioxide.

Aerobic and Anaerobic, Which is more efficient? What organisms do they occur in? Similarities between the two

Aerobic: Process that requires oxygen (More efficient) occurs in animals
Anaerobic: Process that does not require oxygen occurs in mostly yeast and bacteria
Similarities- Both go through glycolysis

alcoholic fermentation vs Lactic Acid Fermentation

AF- the anaerobic process by which yeasts and other microorganisms break down sugars to form carbon dioxide and ethanol (prokaryotes)
LAF- the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates that produces lactic acid as the main end product, A series of anaerobic che

Alcholoic Fermentation and Lactic Acid Fermentation start and end products

AF- pyruvic acid is converted into ethyl alchohol
LAF- pyruvate to lactate

aerobic respiration start and end product

starts with glucose ends with water carbon dioxide and ATP

What cells use Lactic Acid Fermentation?

Muscle cells (during strenuous exercise) and bacterial cells (used to make yogurt and cheese)


Three-carbon compound that forms as an end product of glycolysis.

Acetyl CoA

Acetyl coenzyme A; the entry compound for the citric acid cycle in cellular respiration

mitochondrial matrix

the space inside the inner membrane of a mitochondrion, used in Krebs Cycle

Where does cellular respiration occur?

cytoplasm and mitochondria

How much ATP does cellular respiration generate?

Together, glycolysis (2) the Krebs cycle (2) and the electron transport chain release (32) about 36 molecules of ATP

What is required for the electron transport chain and what is produced?

NADH, FADH2 is required
h+ ions pumped out
ATP and H2O is produced

Where does the Krebs cycle occur?

mitochondrial matrix

what is released during Krebs cycle

CO2, NADH + FADH2 is made

How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related?

The reactants of one are the products of the other