Biology - Chapter 7 Section 3

Active transport

Energy-requiring process that moves material across a cell membrane against a concentration difference.

Cell membrane

Thin, flexible barrier around a cell; regulates what enters and leaves the cell.

Cell wall

Strong supporting layer around the cell membrane in plants, algae, and some bacteria.


The mass of solute in a given volume of solution, or mass/volume.


Process by which molecules tend to move from an area where they are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated.


Process by which a cell takes material into the cell by infolding of the cell membrane.


When the concentration of a solute is the same throughout a solution.


Process by which a cell releases large amounts of material.

Facilitated diffusion

Movement of specific molecules across cell membranes through protein channels.


When comparing two solutions, the solution with the greater concentration of solutes.


When comparing two solutions, the solution with the lesser concentration of solutes.


When the concentration of two solutions is the same.

Lipid bilayer

Double-layered sheet that forms the core of nearly all cell membranes.


Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane.


Process in which extensions of cytoplasm surround and engulf large particles and take them into the cell.


Process by which a cell takes in liquid from the surrounding environment.