Pearson Biology 9th Grade - Chapter 32 - Skeletal, Muscular, and Integumentary Systems

What are the functions of the skeletal system?

Support and give shape to human body.
Protect internal organs like heart and lungs.
Provide levers on which muscles act to produce movement.
Mineral storage like calcium
Produce blood cells formation.

What is the structure of a typical human bone?

most of it is mineral salts--calcium and phosphorus. A solid network of living cells and protein fibers that are surrounded by deposits of calcium salts.

What is the role of joints?

contain connective tissues that hold the bones together and prevent bones from damaging each other.

How many bones are in adult body?


Axial skeleton

skull, spine, and ribcage

Appendicular Skeleton

arm, legs, pelvis and shoulder area

Haversian canal

one of a network of tubes running through compact bone that contains blood vessels and nerves.


type of connective tissue that supports the body and is softer and more flexible than bone.


process of bone formation during which cartilage is replaced by bone.


bone cell that secrets mineral deposits the replace the cartilage in developing bones.


bone cell that helps maintain the minerals in bone tissue and continue to strengthen the growing bone.


bone cell that breaks down bone minerals.


tough connective tissue that holds bones together in a joint.

What are the principal types of muscle tissue?

skeletal, smooth and cardiac

Skeletal Muscles

are usually attached to bones also called muscle fibers.

Smooth Muscles

are involuntary muscle movement of stomach, blood vessels digestive tract.

Cardiac Muscles

is the heart muscle

How do muscles contract?

Muscle produce movement by shortening, or contracting from end to end.


tightly packed filament bundles found within skeletal muscle fibers.


think filament of protein found in skeletal muscle cells.


thin filament of protein found in muscles.


unit of muscle contraction; composed of two Z lines and filament between them.

Neuromuscular junction

the point of contact between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle cell.


neurotransmitter the produces an impulse in a muscle cell.

How do muscle contraction produce movement?

muscles provide the force to move the lever (bone) and pull in different directions surround each joint. It generates force and produce movement by pulling on body parts as they contract.


tough connective tissue that connects skeletal muscles to bone.

Two principal types of skeletal muscle fibers

Red and white.

Red muscles

slow-twitch muscle, contains many mitochondria using small blood vessels with myoglobin


oxygen-storing protein

White muscles

fast-twitch muscle contracts more rapidly and more force, cell contain few mitochondria e.g. sprinting

Integumentary System functions

serves as a barrier against infection and injury, helps to regulate body temperature, removes wastes from body, gathers information, and produces vitamin D e.g. skin


in plants, single layer of cells that makes up dermal tissue; in humans, the outer layer of skin.


cell in the skin that produces a dark brown pigment called melanin


dark brown pigment in the skin that helps protect the skin by absorbing ultraviolet rays.

Hair follicle

tubelike pockets of epidermal cells that extend into the dermis

Where does hair produce at?

at the base of hair follicles.

What are some problems that affect the skin?

constant interaction with the environment like acne, hives and skin cancer.


tough fibrous protein found in skin e.g. nails

Sebaceous gland

gland in the skin that secretes sebum (oily secretion) e.g. hair