North carolina biology EOC

A bird-watcher records the movement of migrating birds. In which part of the
scientific process is the bird-watcher participating?


Which deals with the transmission of inherited traits from one generation to


What will most likely be the result if all of the mitochondria are removed from a
plant cell?

It will be unable to carry out respiration.

What process best explains how a nerve cell and a muscle cell can both develop
from the same fertilized egg?


During strenuous exercise, body temperature increases. The body responds to the
increase in temperature by sweating, which helps to reduce the body temperature.
Which is demonstrated in this situation?


Before mitosis begins, which happens before the nucleus starts dividing?

The DNA replicates.

What is the function of autotrophs in the carbon cycle?

to use carbon dioxide to produce glucose

Two different populations of birds live in the same area and eat the same types of
food. Which most likely describes the relationship between these two populations
of birds?


What will most likely happen if the human population continues to grow at
current rates?

There will be fewer natural resources available for future generations.

A sea turtle has washed up on a remote section of a beach. This is known as a
"stranding." Stranding occurs when a dead, sick or injured sea turtle washes up on
the shoreline. Which statement best explains why "stranding" should be reported
immediately to

The information can be very useful to biologists and managers who are
trying to protect the species.

A strand of DNA has these bases:
What is the complementary DNA strand?


Which statement best describes the relationship that exists among proteins, DNA,
and cells?

Cells contain DNA, which controls the production of proteins.

Why is meiosis important for sexual reproduction?

It allows gametes to have half the original number of chromosomes of the

Which process produces the most variation within a species?

sexual reproduction

Which technique would most likely be used by forensic scientists?

DNA fingerprinting

Which is one reason scientists produce transgenic organisms?

to treat certain types of diseases

The use of pesticides on crops has been a common farming practice for decades.
What has been the greatest effect of natural selection through the use of
pesticides on certain insect populations?

The rate of selection is increased because the pesticides do not kill the
insects that are naturally resistant to it

What is the difference between the full classification of organisms and their
scientific names?

The full classification of organisms will include more categories of organisms
than their scientific names.

What type of organic molecules are enzymes?


What are the subunits of DNA and their function?

nucleotides that store information

How does the amount of energy resulting from fermentation compare with that of
aerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration results in more energy

Which best explains why muscle cells are different from blood cells?

Different genes are activated in muscle cells than in blood cells

A freshwater plant is placed in a container of saltwater. What will most likely
happen to the cells of the plant?

They will shrink because water will move out of them

During which phase of the cell cycle is the cell growing and preparing for cellular


The males of a bird species do a "dance" and "sing a song" each spring. What is
the main purpose of these behaviors?

to attract female birds

The yucca plant releases a strong scent at night when the yucca moth is active.
The yucca moth, attracted by the scent, gathers pollen from the yucca flower. The
yucca moth then deposits her eggs and the pollen on another plant. This ensures
that the plan


Which environmental concern is most associated with burning fossil fuels?

global climate change

The construction of a new coal-burning power plant would have the greatest
impact on which environmental issue?

production of acid rain

A segment of DNA has this sequence:
What is the mRNA sequence transcribed from this segment?


The inheritance of short wings in Drosophila fruit flies is an x-linked, recessive
trait. Which would most likely result if a short-winged female mates with a
long-winged male?

All females will be long-winged, and all males will be short-winged.

Which is a step in the process of producing transgenic bacteria?

A human gene is inserted into a bacterial plasmid.

Which would most likely produce a mutation that is passed on to offspring?

a gamete with an extra chromosome forming

A large population of cockroaches was sprayed with an insecticide. A few of the
cockroaches survived and produced a population of cockroaches that was resistant
to this spray. What can best be inferred from this example?

Individuals with favorable variations survive and reproduce.

Which type of molecule do whales use for energy storage and insulation?


Which most directly controls the rate at which food is broken down to release


If energy is needed to move materials into or out of a cell, what is most likely

active transport

How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells similar?

Both contain ribosomes.

How does DNA code for proteins in a cell?

by arranging certain nitrogen bases of the cell in a particular order

What is the result when a single cell reproduces by mitosis?

two cells with genetic material identical to the parent cell

At night, moths travel toward light. Which type of behavior does this describe?

innate behavior

A field ecologist wants to determine the interactions of various populations of
organisms living in a large grassland field. Which method is best for conducting
this study?

observing the behaviors of different types of organisms several times during
the year

Which environmental factor would cause the greatest decrease in the number of
species of plants and animals living in some of the lakes in the United States?

acid rain

If worldwide deforestation is not regulated, what could most likely result?

CO2 levels in the atmosphere could increase and contribute to global
warming problems.

How would overexposure to X-rays affect most animal cells?

It would change the sequence of DNA nucleotides in affected cells.

How are sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction different?

Asexual reproduction produces offspring identical to the parents, but sexual
reproduction produces offspring with traits from both parents.

Which characteristic is present in offspring produced by sexual reproduction, but is
missing in offspring produced by asexual reproduction?

an independent assortment of parent chromosomes

Two people believe they are related. Which would be the best technique to
determine if they are related?

comparing DNA

Which will most likely cause variations to occur within a species?


In which populations does genetic drift most often occur?

in small populations

What is the best explanation for the continual changes in the classification system
of organisms?

Technological advances have allowed scientists to better compare

Which factor most affects the order of amino acids in a protein?

the DNA located in the nucleus of the cell

Which statement best compares aerobic and anaerobic respiration?

Less ATP is generated during anaerobic respiration than during aerobic

Which would be the best evidence that a cell is using active transport to move a
substance across its cell membrane?

ATP is being rapidly consumed near the cellular membrane.