Science Chapter 8 LB

Define biological evolution

broader theory of evolution- the change of one kind of organism into another kind of organism over the generations

Two things that must take place for biological evolution to occur

1) offspring must first inherit new traits that make them different from their parents
2) these new traits must improve the offspring's ability to survive

Define Evolution

gradual change that causes something to improve or become more complex

State Lamarck's Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics

a method of biological evoltuion

What is an acquired characteristic?

a trait that is caused by an organism's environment; the organism is not born with the trait

What is a major problem with Lamarck's theory?

The traits that an organism acquires do not change the organism's genetic material

What disproved Lamarck's theory?

the current knowledge of genetics

The main points of Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection

- In every species more young are produced than can remain alive, therefore some will die
- The individuals in a species compete for the things necessary for survival, such as food, shelter, and mates
- Some individuals compete for things more effectively

Are Darwin's points tue and observable all the time?

YES, but do not demonstrate biological evolution

What does biological evolution require?

an increase in genetic info. that results in new kinds of living things

Does natural selection produce new genetic info.?


The __________ doesn't plan natural selection, as Darwin implied, bc it's not an intelligent being; it's a result of the ________ ___________ designed by God

environment; genetic abilities

Why are acquired traits NOT passed on to offspring?

offspring inherit through genes and acquired traits do not change the genes that are passed on to offspring

Who wrote Origin of Species?


What 2 organisms did Darwin find on the Galapagos Islands that he later used to explain natural selection?

tortoises & finches

Who proposed the mutation theory of evolution?

De Vries

Why are most mutations NOT passed on to offspring?

Bc most are somatic mutations, not germ

Biological evolution would require millions of loss-of-function mutations to produce the variety of life we have today

False, biological evolution would require gain of mutations

List 3 key points of the mutation-selection theory

- Mutations supply new traits
- Organisms produce more offspring than can survive
- Natural selection allows only organisms with the best traits to survive

The Theory of evolution has changed since Darwin's time


List 3 problems with the mutation-selection theory

- Mutations are rare. Scientists estimate that genes mutate once every 10 million cell divisions
- To be passed on to offspring, the mutation must occur in a germ cell. This is even rarer
- "Good" mutations must occur repeatedly, bringing about consistent

Intelligent design theory is an attempt to use science to prove that God exists


Who chooses the traits in selective breeding?


What "chooses" the traits in Natural Selection?

the environment

What is descent with modification?

idea that newer organisms are modified descendants of much older organsisms

Can natural selection explain the many organisms alive today?

No, natural selection works only on traits that already exist

What is De Vries' Theory of Evolution by Mutation?

Mutations could produce the genetic changes needed for biological evolution

State the Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium

theory that evolution occurs rapidly at certain times but very slowly or not at all during other times

Which mutations are needed for biological evolution to take place?

mutations of the germ cells

What is survival of the fittest?

Individuals that have the traits that allow them to win the competition are the ones that will live a produce

What theory of evolution do most evolutionists believe?

mutation-selection theory/ Neo-Darwinism

What must take place for biological evolution to occur?

increase in complexity

How often do scientists believe it takes for a typical gene to mutate?

once in every 10 million cell divisions

Where do somatic mutations occur?

body cells

Where do germ mutations occur?

gamete/sex cells

How many mutations would be needed to make a new kind of organism?

hundreds of gene mutations

Define biological evolution

broader theory of evolution- the change of one kind of organism into another kind of organism over the generations

Two things that must take place for biological evolution to occur

1) offspring must first inherit new traits that make them different from their parents
2) these new traits must improve the offspring's ability to survive

Define Evolution

gradual change that causes something to improve or become more complex

State Lamarck's Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics

a method of biological evoltuion

What is an acquired characteristic?

a trait that is caused by an organism's environment; the organism is not born with the trait

What is a major problem with Lamarck's theory?

The traits that an organism acquires do not change the organism's genetic material

What disproved Lamarck's theory?

the current knowledge of genetics

The main points of Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection


Are Darwin's points tue and observable all the time?

YES, but do not demonstrate biological evolution

What does biological evolution require?

an increase in genetic info. that results in new kinds of living things

Does natural selection produce new genetic info.?


The __________ doesn't plan natural selection, as Darwin implied, bc it's not an intelligent being; it's a result of the ________ ___________ designed by God

environment; genetic abilities

Why are acquired traits NOT passed on to offspring?

offspring inherit through genes and acquired traits do not change the genes that are passed on to offspring

Who wrote Origin of Species?


What 2 organisms did Darwin find on the Galapagos Islands that he later used to explain natural selection?

tortoises & finches

Who proposed the mutation theory of evolution?

De Vries

Why are most mutations NOT passed on to offspring?

Bc most are somatic mutations, not germ

Biological evolution would require millions of loss-of-function mutations to produce the variety of life we have today

False, biological evolution would require gain of mutations

List 3 key points of the mutation-selection theory


The Theory of evolution has changed since Darwin's time


List 3 problems with the mutation-selection theory

- Mutations are rare. Scientists estimate that genes mutate once every 10 million cell divisions
- To be passed on to offspring, the mutation must occur in a germ cell. This is even rarer
- "Good" mutations must occur repeatedly, bringing about consistent

Intelligent design theory is an attempt to use science to prove that God exists


Who chooses the traits in selective breeding?


What "chooses" the traits in Natural Selection?

the environment

What is descent with modification?

idea that newer organisms are modified descendants of much older organsisms

Can natural selection explain the many organisms alive today?

No, natural selection works only on traits that already exist

What is De Vries' Theory of Evolution by Mutation?

Mutations could produce the genetic changes needed for biological evolution

State the Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium

theory that evolution occurs rapidly at certain times but very slowly or not at all during other times

Which mutations are needed for biological evolution to take place?

mutations of the germ cells

What is survival of the fittest?

Individuals that have the traits that allow them to win the competition are the ones that will live a produce

What theory of evolution do most evolutionists believe?

mutation-selection theory/ Neo-Darwinism

What must take place for biological evolution to occur?

increase in complexity

How often do scientists believe it takes for a typical gene to mutate?

once in every 10 million cell divisions

Where do somatic mutations occur?

body cells

Where do germ mutations occur?

gamete/sex cells

How many mutations would be needed to make a new kind of organism?

hundreds of gene mutations