Biology Chapter Eight

Where are chloroplasts found?


What is the formula for photosynthesis?

6CO2+6H20 = 6O2+C6H12O6

In ATP and ADP, where is the energy stored?

In the links between the phosphate molecules


Has two phosphate molecules


Has three phosphate molecules


Has one phosphate molecule

Out of ATP, ADP, and AMP, which has the most energy?


Is ATP/ADP/AMP good for storing larger or smaller amounts of energy?



Organisms that must find and consume food


Organisms that make their own food

What does an ATP molecule consist of?

One adenine, one riobse, and three phosphate molecules.

What do the lines between the phosphates in an ATP molecule represent?

Stored energy

What would be the result if the third phosphate group was removed from an ATP molecule?

Energy would be released, making ADP

What is the difference between ATP and ADP?

ATP has three phosphate molecules and therefore more energy than ADP, which only has two phosphate molecules.

Give an example of an autotroph and a heterotroph.

Autotrophs- Plants, bacteria, algae, some protozoa
Heterotrophs- Humans, animals, fungus, some protozoa


The principle pigment in plants; Job is to absorb radiant energy from the sun to provide energy for photosynthesis


Place in which light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis occurs.


Stacks of thylakoids within the chloroplasts


energy carrier, coenzyme

What is the goal of the light dependent reaction of photosynthesis?

To make molecules of ATP and NADPH

What must be present for the light dependent reaction to take place?

Sunlight and water.

What is released as a waste product of photosynthesis?


What is the goal of the light independent reaction of photosynthesis?

To use ATP and NADPH to build glucose molecules.

What must be present for the light independent reaction to occur?

Carbon Dioxide

What is photolysis?

Splitting H2O molecules

What is the electron transport train?

Series of proteins in the thylakoid membrane that transfers high energy electrons to make NADPH.

What is the result of photosystem II?

H+ and O2 is produced. (H+ is sent to photosystem I)

What is the result of photosystem I?

Creates NADPH molecules

What is the energy source for the light dependent reactions (photosystems I & II)?

The sun

What reactant is necessary for the light dependent reactions?


What compounds are produced during the light dependent reactions?


Where does the light independent reaction take place?

The stroma

How many carbon dioxide molecules are needed to produce one glucose molecule?


In the light independent reactions, where does the energy come from?


What is the principal reactant in the Calvin Cycle (light indepentdent reaction)?


What is the principal product in the Calvin Cycle (light independent reaction)?

Glucose (C6H12O6)

In the Calvin Cycle, what energy compounds are retuned to the light dependent reactions?


What are the products of photolysis?

Hydrogen, Oxygen, and electrons

What three factors affect photosynthesis?

Temperature, Light, and Water

Van Helmont

Concluded that trees gain most of their mass by storing water

J. Preistley

Proved that oxygen is given off by plants


Concluded that plants release oxygen only in the presence of light

Melvin Calvin

Traced the steps of the light independent reactions of photosynthesis (Calvin Cycle named after him)