Macromolecules of life

used by living things as main source of energy. Plants and some animals use carbohydrates for structural purposes

Function of a carbohydrate

store energy, insulation, protection

Function of a lipid

some form bone & muscle, some transport substances into or out of cells or help fight disease

Function of a protein

store and transmit genetic info

Function of nucleic acids

Name of carbohydrate monomer


Examples of monosaccharides

Gluctose, galactose, fructose

process of which monosaccharides are formed, links amino acids together

Dehydration synthesis (or polymerization)

Name of carbohydrate polymer


Examples of disaccharides

sucrose, maltose, lactose

Examples of polysaccharides

glycogen (animal starch) and cellulose

process in which polysaccharides are split apart to form monosaccharides [forms disaccharides too(mono. + mono. = disaccharides.)]


Name of lipid monomer

Glycerol and 3 fatty acids

3 fatty acids

saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated

Name of Lipid polymer


Name of protein monomer

amino acid

How many amino acids are there?


Examples of lipids

fats, oils, waxes

name of protein polymer


example of protein


Bonds between amino acids

polypeptide bonds

name of nucleic acid monomer


what are the three parts of a nucleotide?

5 carbon sugar, a phosphate group, nitrogen base

name of nucleic acid polymer

nucleic acid

examples of nucleic acids


4 macromolecules

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

formed when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another

ionic bond

atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons


charged atoms


smallest unit of most compounds


substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in definite proportions


forms when electrons are shared between atoms

covalent bond

the slight attraction between oppositely charged regions of nearby molecules

Van der Walls forces

pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom


a process that changes or transforms, one set of chemicals into another

chemical reaction

the energy that is needed to get a reaction started

activation energy

a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction


proteins that act as biological catalysts- speed up chemical reactions, lower activation energy needed for a chemical reaction, get reactants to products, faster, and with less energy, not used or changed in any way in a reaction


the reactant of enzyme-catalyzed reactions


how isotopes are identified

mass numbers

why all isotopes have the same chemical properties

same number of electrons

what holds atoms in compounds together

chemical bonds

atoms can share six electrons and form a ______ ____

triple bond

water charges are unevenly distributed between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms

why a water molecule is polar

compound that forms hydrogen ions (H+) in solution


weak acid or base that can react with strong acids or bases to help prevent sharp, sudden changes in pH


how many valence electrons each carbon has


what gives carbon the ability to form chains that are almost unlimited in length

bonding to other carbon atoms

lock and key mechanism of enzymes

enzyme and substrate

symbols of a carb


symbols of a lipid


symbols of DNA (nuc. acid)


symbols of proteins


two functional groups that are formed in amino acids

amino and carboxl group

used by living things as main source of energy. Plants and some animals use carbohydrates for structural purposes

Function of a carbohydrate

store energy, insulation, protection

Function of a lipid

some form bone & muscle, some transport substances into or out of cells or help fight disease

Function of a protein

store and transmit genetic info

Function of nucleic acids

Name of carbohydrate monomer


Examples of monosaccharides

Gluctose, galactose, fructose

process of which monosaccharides are formed, links amino acids together

Dehydration synthesis (or polymerization)

Name of carbohydrate polymer


Examples of disaccharides

sucrose, maltose, lactose

Examples of polysaccharides

glycogen (animal starch) and cellulose

process in which polysaccharides are split apart to form monosaccharides [forms disaccharides too(mono. + mono. = disaccharides.)]


Name of lipid monomer

Glycerol and 3 fatty acids

3 fatty acids

saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated

Name of Lipid polymer


Name of protein monomer

amino acid

How many amino acids are there?


Examples of lipids

fats, oils, waxes

name of protein polymer


example of protein


Bonds between amino acids

polypeptide bonds

name of nucleic acid monomer


what are the three parts of a nucleotide?

5 carbon sugar, a phosphate group, nitrogen base

name of nucleic acid polymer

nucleic acid

examples of nucleic acids


4 macromolecules

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

formed when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another

ionic bond

atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons


charged atoms


smallest unit of most compounds


substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in definite proportions


forms when electrons are shared between atoms

covalent bond

the slight attraction between oppositely charged regions of nearby molecules

Van der Walls forces

pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom


a process that changes or transforms, one set of chemicals into another

chemical reaction

the energy that is needed to get a reaction started

activation energy

a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction


proteins that act as biological catalysts- speed up chemical reactions, lower activation energy needed for a chemical reaction, get reactants to products, faster, and with less energy, not used or changed in any way in a reaction


the reactant of enzyme-catalyzed reactions


how isotopes are identified

mass numbers

why all isotopes have the same chemical properties

same number of electrons

what holds atoms in compounds together

chemical bonds

atoms can share six electrons and form a ______ ____

triple bond

water charges are unevenly distributed between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms

why a water molecule is polar

compound that forms hydrogen ions (H+) in solution


weak acid or base that can react with strong acids or bases to help prevent sharp, sudden changes in pH


how many valence electrons each carbon has


what gives carbon the ability to form chains that are almost unlimited in length

bonding to other carbon atoms

lock and key mechanism of enzymes

enzyme and substrate

symbols of a carb


symbols of a lipid


symbols of DNA (nuc. acid)


symbols of proteins


two functional groups that are formed in amino acids

amino and carboxl group