GBIO 107 Chapter 13

What is Wallace's line?

A deep-water trench that has separated islands on either side, thus preventing migration

An extinct animal named Tiktaalik was an important discovery by scientists because it had characteristics of both

fish and amphibians

What is true about molecular clocks?

1.) They use the mutation rate of genes to determine the time of divergence from a common ancestor.
2.) They can be used to estimate when humans and chimps diverged from a common ancestor.

Match the following fossil types with their descriptions:
petrified wood

Coal: preserved by compression
Petrified wood: Formed when minerals replace organic matter
Impression: formed when an organism is pressed against soft sediment that hardens into mud, and the outline of the body is preserved
Cast: Formed when mud fills an

Earth's continents are in motion; this is referred to as

continental drift.

___________________ dating replaces fossils into a sequence of events without assigning a specific age.


Common ancestry can be indicated by

1. Homologous structures
2. Nucleotide and amino acid sequence similarities

Fossils, such as Tiktaalik, can provide information regarding

the evolution of organisms

A(n) _________________ clock uses differences in DNA to determine when organisms diverged from a common ancestor.


What is true about vestigial structures?

1.) Include pelvic and hindlimb bones in whales
2.) Persist in related organisms even when no longer used.

Rank the eras of the geologic timescale from the oldest to the most recent.

1.) Paleozoic
2.) Mesozoic
3.) Cenozoic

What has made the comparison of a few bases, one gene, or families of genes possible?

DNA sequencing

Match each fossil type with its correct description:
compression fossil
petrifaction fossil
intact preservation

Compression fossil: Organism becomes buried in sediments and can be chemically altered as sediments harden
Petrifaction fossil: Decaying organism turns to stone
Cast: Organism decays but imprint fills with mud that hardens into rock to create a replica of

A(n) ________________ is any evidence of past life that is more than 10,000 years old.


Why is the fossil record incomplete?

1.) Organisms decomposed before they were buried.
2.) Many fossils may never be discovered because they are buried deeply or submerged under water.
3.) Erosion and movements of the Earth's surface have destroyed many fossils that did form.

The similar structures in vertebrate embryos shows that _____________ can reveal homologous structures and evolutionary relationships.


Structures are called homologous if

the similarities between them reflect common ancestry

________________ dating involves assigning a specific age to a fossil by testing either the fossil or the sediments above and below it.


In comparing nucleotide or amino acid sequences, researchers base evolutionary relationships on the assumption that

the more closely related two species are, the greater the similarity in their DNA and proteins.

The exact match in amino acid sequences of proteins found in closely related species is an example of how comparisons of ______________ can indicate evolutionary relationships.


When a group of species from a mainland population relocates to an isolated island and finds conditions different than their homeland, over time they evolve and diversify into new species. This is called

adaptive radiation

What are all the roles of plate tectonics in the distribution of organisms on Earth?

1. Mountain ranges emerge.
2. Oceans can separate continents that were once together.
3. Land that was underwater can be exposed

We now know that ______________ is about 4.6 billion years old.


Anatomical structures that have similar functions but that evolved independently are called

Analogous structures

Match each era with a major event that took place on Earth during that era.

Paleozoic Era: vascular plants appear
Mesozoic Era: dinosaurs appear
Cenozoic Era: humans appear

What type of absolute dating estimates the age of a fossil based on half-lives of a radioactive isotope?

radiometric dating

Paleontology is the study of

fossil remains of past life on Earth.

Analysis of DNA sequences reveals that cells can gain new functions through which of the following?

1. The transfer of genes from one organism to another.
2. Duplication of genes

Organisms that do not share the same evolutionary lineage but have similar adaptations result from

convergent evolution.

What are examples of homologous structures?

1. Limbs of terrestrial vertebrates
2. Middle ear bones of mammals and jaw-support bones in primitive fishes.

What are all the characteristics of homologous structures?

1. Common evolutionary origin
2. Include genes and chromosomes.
3. May have different functions

Analogous structures have similar _____________________ but do not have a common developmental pathway.


Carbon-14 dating, a type of radiometric dating, uses __________________ as a type of clock to measure the age of fossils.


Match each eon with its correct description:
Hadeon eon
Archean eon
Proterozoic eon
Phaneozoic eon

Hadeon eon: 4.7 billion years ago to 3.8 billion years ago
Archean eon: bacteria and archaea first evolve
Proterozoic eon: oxygen begins to accumulate in the atmosphere and first eukaryotes evolve
Phaneozoic: animals and plants evolve

What are examples of vestigial structures?

1. Human embryo tails
2. Hindlimb bones in snakes

What is an example of protein sequence similarity among species?

Sheep keratin and the keratin in human hair.

A process called ___________________ created the diversity of species in Hawaiian honeycreepers following the relocation of a mainland species to an island.

adaptive radiation

What are forms of evidence scientists use to support the theory of evolution?

1. Embryological comparisons
2. Molecular data
3. Fossils
4. Biogeographical studies

Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of _________________ fuels that form by compression and then chemical alteration.


Scientists use two methods to estimate the age of fossils. What are the two correct methods?

1. Relative Dating
2. Absolute Dating

_____________________ structures in organisms reflect a common ancestry but they may have different functions.


If the similarities between structures of two different organisms reflect common ancestry, then the structures are


What are examples of convergent evolution?

1. Shape of shark fins and shape of dolphin flippers
2. Spines and modified stems of unrelated desert plants.
3. Loss of pigmentation in cave animals.

The _____________________ is divided into a series of eons and eras, which are further divided into periods and epochs.

geological timescale

Development of young within a uterus is an adaptation of ______________________ mammals that enables the group to be the most successful mammal group on earth.


What is true about continental drift in Earth's history?

1. The continents were once united into one supercontinent.
2. Plate tectonics can cause molten rock to emerge at Earth's surface.

An example of a pair of analogous structures is

the wing of a moth and the wing of a bat.

Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 5,730 years. A squirrel bone found in southwestern Colorado contains 1/4 of the carbon-14 of a living squirrel. Approximately how old is the squirrel bone?

11,460 years

When an organism dies and decays away, but mud fills the imprint of the organism and creates a replica of the organism, a fossil called a(n) ______________________ is formed.


A(n) _________________ gene is a type of gene that regulates development and that, when mutated, leads to organisms with structures in abnormal or unusual locations on their body.


Why might mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) be better to use than nuclear DNA in studying molecular evolution?

1. mtDNA may be more likely to remain intact in extinct organisms.
2. many copies mtDNA are present in cells

Two researchers found a fossil that was in rock known to be at least 1 million years old. What isotope can they use to determine the age of the fossil?


Biogeography is the study of

the distribution of species across Earth.

What describes how a petrifaction fossil forms?

minerals replace organic matter and organism turns to stone

What is true about marsupials?

1. They were at one time more widespread than placental mammals.
2. They include koalas and sugar gliders.

What DNA regions are especially useful in tracking human migration patterns?

1. Y chromosome
2. mtDNA

A pattern of an organism's skin preserved in rock is an example of a(n)

impression fossil.

A change in a(n) ______________________ could affect the production of proteins, even though the mutated DNA sequence is only regulatory and does not encode protein.

transcription factor binding site.

What survival advantage allowed placental mammals to displace marsupial mammals on many continents?

Placental mammals are born more fully developed than marsupials are.

Geographical barriers such as deep ocean trenches, mountains, and isolated islands greatly influence the distribution and origin of species on Earth. This field of biology is called


If a gene sequence in one organism closely matches the sequence of a gene in another organism, then the genes can be considered __________________ and indicate a close evolutionary relationship between the organisms.


A homeotic gene is one that might affect

the location of limbs in an animal.

A human population that contains more diverse mitochondrial DNA sequences has _________________ compared to other human populations.

existed longer

A scientist located a fossil in rock that dates back about 35,000 years. To most accurately determine the age of the fossil, scientists should use an isotope with a half life of _______________ years.


The discovery of genes that contribute to embryonic development began a new field of biology called

evolutionary developmental biology.

In terrestrial vertebrates, the patterns of limb development in embryonic development are controlled by

homologous homeotic genes.

Suppose a radioactive substance has a half-life of 25 years. If the original sample contained 100 grams of a radioactive isotope, how much remains after three half-lives have elapsed.

12.5 grams.

Radiometric dating uses an unstable isotope's ______________, which is the time it takes for half of the atoms of the radioactive isotope to decay.


If the gene sequences of two organisms differ by 4% to 6% and substitutions occur at a rate of 1% per 1 million years, then how long ago did the species diverge?

4 to 6 million years.

The marsupial mammals of Australia escaped competition from placental mammals because

Australia remained isolated from the other continents.

Sudden catastrophes that rapidly bury organisms in an oxygen-poor environment can create a(n) _______________ of an organism that has undergone very little decomposition.

intact preservation

Which of the following would be the most useful in tracking recent evolutionary events in two closely related eukaryotic species using a molecular clock?

mitochondrial DNA

The development of limbs in a bird and no limbs in a snake is controlled by

homoeotic genes.

In studies by Carl Woese to deduce the three domains of life, what type of DNA was used?

DNA encoding rRNA

Prior to the formation of a land bridge about 3 MYA that allowed placental mammals to invade, marsupials were diverse and abundant on what other continent besides Australia?

South America

What type of DNA is especially useful for comparisons among organisms from different kingdoms or different domains?

slowly evolving DNA

What is Wallace's line?

A deep-water trench that has separated islands on either side, thus preventing migration

An extinct animal named Tiktaalik was an important discovery by scientists because it had characteristics of both

fish and amphibians

What is true about molecular clocks?

1.) They use the mutation rate of genes to determine the time of divergence from a common ancestor.
2.) They can be used to estimate when humans and chimps diverged from a common ancestor.

Match the following fossil types with their descriptions:
petrified wood

Coal: preserved by compression
Petrified wood: Formed when minerals replace organic matter
Impression: formed when an organism is pressed against soft sediment that hardens into mud, and the outline of the body is preserved
Cast: Formed when mud fills an

Earth's continents are in motion; this is referred to as

continental drift.

___________________ dating replaces fossils into a sequence of events without assigning a specific age.


Common ancestry can be indicated by

1. Homologous structures
2. Nucleotide and amino acid sequence similarities

Fossils, such as Tiktaalik, can provide information regarding

the evolution of organisms

A(n) _________________ clock uses differences in DNA to determine when organisms diverged from a common ancestor.


What is true about vestigial structures?

1.) Include pelvic and hindlimb bones in whales
2.) Persist in related organisms even when no longer used.

Rank the eras of the geologic timescale from the oldest to the most recent.

1.) Paleozoic
2.) Mesozoic
3.) Cenozoic

What has made the comparison of a few bases, one gene, or families of genes possible?

DNA sequencing

Match each fossil type with its correct description:
compression fossil
petrifaction fossil
intact preservation

Compression fossil: Organism becomes buried in sediments and can be chemically altered as sediments harden
Petrifaction fossil: Decaying organism turns to stone
Cast: Organism decays but imprint fills with mud that hardens into rock to create a replica of

A(n) ________________ is any evidence of past life that is more than 10,000 years old.


Why is the fossil record incomplete?

1.) Organisms decomposed before they were buried.
2.) Many fossils may never be discovered because they are buried deeply or submerged under water.
3.) Erosion and movements of the Earth's surface have destroyed many fossils that did form.

The similar structures in vertebrate embryos shows that _____________ can reveal homologous structures and evolutionary relationships.


Structures are called homologous if

the similarities between them reflect common ancestry

________________ dating involves assigning a specific age to a fossil by testing either the fossil or the sediments above and below it.


In comparing nucleotide or amino acid sequences, researchers base evolutionary relationships on the assumption that

the more closely related two species are, the greater the similarity in their DNA and proteins.

The exact match in amino acid sequences of proteins found in closely related species is an example of how comparisons of ______________ can indicate evolutionary relationships.


When a group of species from a mainland population relocates to an isolated island and finds conditions different than their homeland, over time they evolve and diversify into new species. This is called

adaptive radiation

What are all the roles of plate tectonics in the distribution of organisms on Earth?

1. Mountain ranges emerge.
2. Oceans can separate continents that were once together.
3. Land that was underwater can be exposed

We now know that ______________ is about 4.6 billion years old.


Anatomical structures that have similar functions but that evolved independently are called

Analogous structures

Match each era with a major event that took place on Earth during that era.

Paleozoic Era: vascular plants appear
Mesozoic Era: dinosaurs appear
Cenozoic Era: humans appear

What type of absolute dating estimates the age of a fossil based on half-lives of a radioactive isotope?

radiometric dating

Paleontology is the study of

fossil remains of past life on Earth.

Analysis of DNA sequences reveals that cells can gain new functions through which of the following?

1. The transfer of genes from one organism to another.
2. Duplication of genes

Organisms that do not share the same evolutionary lineage but have similar adaptations result from

convergent evolution.

What are examples of homologous structures?

1. Limbs of terrestrial vertebrates
2. Middle ear bones of mammals and jaw-support bones in primitive fishes.

What are all the characteristics of homologous structures?

1. Common evolutionary origin
2. Include genes and chromosomes.
3. May have different functions

Analogous structures have similar _____________________ but do not have a common developmental pathway.


Carbon-14 dating, a type of radiometric dating, uses __________________ as a type of clock to measure the age of fossils.


Match each eon with its correct description:
Hadeon eon
Archean eon
Proterozoic eon
Phaneozoic eon

Hadeon eon: 4.7 billion years ago to 3.8 billion years ago
Archean eon: bacteria and archaea first evolve
Proterozoic eon: oxygen begins to accumulate in the atmosphere and first eukaryotes evolve
Phaneozoic: animals and plants evolve

What are examples of vestigial structures?

1. Human embryo tails
2. Hindlimb bones in snakes

What is an example of protein sequence similarity among species?

Sheep keratin and the keratin in human hair.

A process called ___________________ created the diversity of species in Hawaiian honeycreepers following the relocation of a mainland species to an island.

adaptive radiation

What are forms of evidence scientists use to support the theory of evolution?

1. Embryological comparisons
2. Molecular data
3. Fossils
4. Biogeographical studies

Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of _________________ fuels that form by compression and then chemical alteration.


Scientists use two methods to estimate the age of fossils. What are the two correct methods?

1. Relative Dating
2. Absolute Dating

_____________________ structures in organisms reflect a common ancestry but they may have different functions.


If the similarities between structures of two different organisms reflect common ancestry, then the structures are


What are examples of convergent evolution?

1. Shape of shark fins and shape of dolphin flippers
2. Spines and modified stems of unrelated desert plants.
3. Loss of pigmentation in cave animals.

The _____________________ is divided into a series of eons and eras, which are further divided into periods and epochs.

geological timescale

Development of young within a uterus is an adaptation of ______________________ mammals that enables the group to be the most successful mammal group on earth.


What is true about continental drift in Earth's history?

1. The continents were once united into one supercontinent.
2. Plate tectonics can cause molten rock to emerge at Earth's surface.

An example of a pair of analogous structures is

the wing of a moth and the wing of a bat.

Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 5,730 years. A squirrel bone found in southwestern Colorado contains 1/4 of the carbon-14 of a living squirrel. Approximately how old is the squirrel bone?

11,460 years

When an organism dies and decays away, but mud fills the imprint of the organism and creates a replica of the organism, a fossil called a(n) ______________________ is formed.


A(n) _________________ gene is a type of gene that regulates development and that, when mutated, leads to organisms with structures in abnormal or unusual locations on their body.


Why might mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) be better to use than nuclear DNA in studying molecular evolution?

1. mtDNA may be more likely to remain intact in extinct organisms.
2. many copies mtDNA are present in cells

Two researchers found a fossil that was in rock known to be at least 1 million years old. What isotope can they use to determine the age of the fossil?


Biogeography is the study of

the distribution of species across Earth.

What describes how a petrifaction fossil forms?

minerals replace organic matter and organism turns to stone

What is true about marsupials?

1. They were at one time more widespread than placental mammals.
2. They include koalas and sugar gliders.

What DNA regions are especially useful in tracking human migration patterns?

1. Y chromosome
2. mtDNA

A pattern of an organism's skin preserved in rock is an example of a(n)

impression fossil.

A change in a(n) ______________________ could affect the production of proteins, even though the mutated DNA sequence is only regulatory and does not encode protein.

transcription factor binding site.

What survival advantage allowed placental mammals to displace marsupial mammals on many continents?

Placental mammals are born more fully developed than marsupials are.

Geographical barriers such as deep ocean trenches, mountains, and isolated islands greatly influence the distribution and origin of species on Earth. This field of biology is called


If a gene sequence in one organism closely matches the sequence of a gene in another organism, then the genes can be considered __________________ and indicate a close evolutionary relationship between the organisms.


A homeotic gene is one that might affect

the location of limbs in an animal.

A human population that contains more diverse mitochondrial DNA sequences has _________________ compared to other human populations.

existed longer

A scientist located a fossil in rock that dates back about 35,000 years. To most accurately determine the age of the fossil, scientists should use an isotope with a half life of _______________ years.


The discovery of genes that contribute to embryonic development began a new field of biology called

evolutionary developmental biology.

In terrestrial vertebrates, the patterns of limb development in embryonic development are controlled by

homologous homeotic genes.

Suppose a radioactive substance has a half-life of 25 years. If the original sample contained 100 grams of a radioactive isotope, how much remains after three half-lives have elapsed.

12.5 grams.

Radiometric dating uses an unstable isotope's ______________, which is the time it takes for half of the atoms of the radioactive isotope to decay.


If the gene sequences of two organisms differ by 4% to 6% and substitutions occur at a rate of 1% per 1 million years, then how long ago did the species diverge?

4 to 6 million years.

The marsupial mammals of Australia escaped competition from placental mammals because

Australia remained isolated from the other continents.

Sudden catastrophes that rapidly bury organisms in an oxygen-poor environment can create a(n) _______________ of an organism that has undergone very little decomposition.

intact preservation

Which of the following would be the most useful in tracking recent evolutionary events in two closely related eukaryotic species using a molecular clock?

mitochondrial DNA

The development of limbs in a bird and no limbs in a snake is controlled by

homoeotic genes.

In studies by Carl Woese to deduce the three domains of life, what type of DNA was used?

DNA encoding rRNA

Prior to the formation of a land bridge about 3 MYA that allowed placental mammals to invade, marsupials were diverse and abundant on what other continent besides Australia?

South America

What type of DNA is especially useful for comparisons among organisms from different kingdoms or different domains?

slowly evolving DNA