Biology chapter 11&12


Nucleosomes may control gene... By limiting access to DNA


All cells in eukaryotic organisms have the same genes, but in different kinds of cells different genes are ...


Methylation patterns are passed on to...


The default setting for most genes seems to be


-scientists think most eukaryotic regulatory proteins act as ....


One X chromosome in each of a women's cells is.....


Proteins called silencers sometimes bind to DNA and .....transcription


The DNA-histone beaded fiber is further wrapped into a tight .... Fiber


.... Is a chemical modification of DNA that turns genes off


The DNA supercoil is further folded and compacted to form a ....


In eukaryotes, many.... Proteins interact with DNA and one another to turn genes off


Epigenetic variations may account for differences in identical....


The folding and compacting of a DNA To a chromosome


In eukaryotes, genes coding for enzymes are ... Around the genome


Twisted DNA folds into...


Specialization of cell structure and function


Besides helping regulate genes, DNA packing also helps DNA .... I'm nucleus


First step of initiating gene transcription is binding of activators to sites called...


A transcription ... Is a protein that assists in RNA polymerase


Complex of DNA wrapped around 8 histones


the stage at which DNA packing see,s to control the genes


Activators and other proteins help trigger RNA... to trigger transcription

Epigenetic inheritance

Inheritance of traits transmitted by mechanisms not directly involving the nucleotide sequence-such as methylation and histone changes


Activators and enhancers may help position RNA polymerase on a genes ....

Fist step in RNA splicing

Removal of noncoding introns from RNA

Second step of RNA splicing

Joining of cons to produce mRNA

Alternative RNA splicing

Joining exits in different ways to produce more than one kind of mRNA from a single gene

RNA interference

Binding of microRNA to mRNA blocking translation

Selective breakdown of proteins

Retaining or destroying proteins, depending on a cells meeds

Selective breakdown of mRNA

Retaining or destroying mRNA molecules, controlling how much they are translated

Control of initiation of translation

Action of proteins that may cause the start of protein synthesis

Activation of a finished protein

Altering a protein to form an active final product

Genetic engineering

Direct manipulation of genes for practical uses

Recombinant DNA

When scientists combine nucleotide sequences from two different sources often different species to form a single DNA molecule


Virus that attacks bacteria


Gene carrier


Manipulation of organisms to their components to make useful products

Gene cloning

Making multiple copies of gene sized peice a of DNA

Restriction enzyme

Used to splice DNA

Growth hormone

Genetically engineered product that is added to the diet of livestock to enhance weight and milk production

Recombinant DNA

Term given to a molecule comprised of genetic material that has been spliced together from 2 or more different organisms

DNA fingerprinting

Genetic engineering has led to this forensic procedure


Disease attackers that can be genetically engineered to target a particular tumor in the body


Term used for growing many identical cells from one cell

Gene therapy

Term used when normal genes replace defective ones in treating a genetic disorder


Rings of bacterial DNA into which a foreign DNA can be incorporated prior to being inserted into a bacterium

DNA ligase

Used to attach prices of DNA together


Bacteria have had human genes added to them to enable the manufacture of the antivirus drug


Technique by which DNA material has a new DNA material attached to it


This product, used by human diabetics, is manufactured by bacteria that have had the proper genes inserted into it


Genetic engineering is defined as the moving of these from one organism to another


Plants can be genetically altered to resist destruction by these organisms


Repeats in DNA sequences

Restriction fragments

The cut prices of DNA strand

Reverse transcriptase

Isolates mRNA and makes a single stranded DNA transcript from it using enzyme....; helps makes genes for cloning


Double stranded DNA that results from reverse transcriptase

Nucleic acid probe

Used to find specific gene or other nucleotide sequence within a mass of dna


Harmless variant that to create a longer lasting immune system

Gm organisms

Organisms that have obtained one or more artificial genes

Transgenic organism

If newly acquired genes are from another organism, typically of another species, the recombinant organism is a....

Ti plasmid

Plasmid from the soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens


Specific segment of DNA is amplified

DNA profiling

Analysis of DNA samples to find where it came from


Study of a crime scene

Gel electroforesis

Use of electricity to find DNA traces

Repetitive dna

Consists of nucleotide sequences that are present in multiple copies on the genome


Genetic markers for particular loci in the genome


Single base pair variations in the genome


Science of studying a complete set of genes


Study of a full set of proteins encoded by a genome

Transcription factors

Proteins that help RNA polymerase function


First step of initiating gene transcription is The binding of activator proteins called...


Bind to DNA sequences and inhibit start of transcription


Small RNA molecules that can hint to complementary sequences on mRNA molecules


Regrow the of lost body parts

Signal transduction pathway

Series of molecular changes that converts a signal on a target cells surface to a specific response inside a cell

Nuclear transplantation

Replacing the nucleus of an egg or zygote with the nucleus of an adult somatic cell

Reproductive cloning

Results in an identical clone of the donor and a new living individual

Embryonic stem cell

Harvested from blastocyst

Therapeutic cloning

Produce embryonic stem cells for therapeutic treatments

Adult stem cells

Able to give rise to many but not all cell types in an organism