ANS Quiz CSN BIO 224

The release the chemical __________, which transmits impulses across the autonomic synapses.

ACh (acetylcholine)

The axon terminals of all _______ neurons release acetylcholine into their neuroeffector junctions.

postganglionic parasympathetic

The only axon terminals that release norepinephrine are ____________.

postganglionic sympathetic

All preganglionic fibers and all parasympathetic fibers are classified as _______ fibers. Postganglionic sympathetic fibers are the only fibers known definitely to be _______.


The chemical transmitter presumably released only by postganglionic sympathetic fibers is ______


Cholinergic and adrenergic responses by the same effector are ________?


What could be correctly described as parasympathetic response?


The general function of the ______ is to regulate the responses of visceral effectors in ways that tend to enable the body to expend maximal energy.

sympathetic nervous system

What is the name of the parasympathetic ganglion?


Where is the terminal located?

close to the target

Where are the sympathetic chain ganglia located?

along the spinal cord

Where are the collateral ganglia located?

Anterior to the vertebrae

If a surgeon severs the "white ramus communications" during surgery the _____ neurons have been cut.

preganglionic sympathetic

If a surgeon severs the "gray ramus communications" during surgery the _____ neurons have been cut.

postganglionic sympathetic

The ________ division of the ANS is also known as thoracolumbar.

sympathetic division

The _______ division of the ANS is also known as craniosacral.

parasympathetic division

What cranial nerves contribute to the sympathetic division of the ANS?


What spinal nerves contribute to the parasympathetic division of the ANS?


What spinal nerves contribute to the sympathetic division of the ANS?


Which division of the ANS has a general effect on the entire body at one time?


Which division of the ANS has a localized effect on the body?


Parasympathetic nervous system

rest and relaxation

Sympathetic nervous system

fight or flight

The location of the ANS ganglia affects the length of the _____ neurons of each division.


The parasympathetic division will have relatively long _____ .

preganglionic neurons

The sympathetic division will have relatively short _____ .

preganglionic neurons (sympathetic)

The sympathetic division will have relatively long _____

post-ganglionic neurons (sympathetic)

The parasympathetic division will have relatively short ______


The major control center for both the division of the ANS is the _____ of the brain.
