bio final

Which is not a nucleotide base in adenine?


What is the base pairing rues for DNA?

A-T, C-G

A DNA strand having the base sequence C-G-A-T-T-G would be complementary to the sequence


One secies' DNA differs from others in its

base sequence

When DNA replication begins,

The 2 DNA Strands unwind from each other

DNA replication requires

Free nucleotides, new hydrogen bonds, many enzymes

Two nucleotide strands twisted together represents

DNA double helix

the appropriate adjective to describe DNA replication is


DNA Polymerase

is an enzyme, adds new nucleotides, proofreads DNA strands to see that they are correct

In a pairing of two nucleotides within the double helix

hydrogen bonds are used, adenine and thymine bind together, purines bind with pyridimines, double-ring nitrogenous bases connect to single-ring bases

Which refers to the genetic code?

Base triplet coding for amino acids

Which refers to the term Oncogene?

gene with the potential to induce cancerous transformation

Which describes the term repressor

Inhibits gene transcription

Cancer cells have the following characteristics

profound changes in the plasma membrane and cytoplasm, weakened capacity for adhesion

Mutations in genes arise from

UV Radiation, X-Rays, spontaneous changes

Cell differentiation

occurs in embryonic cells

Cancer cells

have altered plasma membranes, are unable to attach to other cells, divide to produce high densities of cells. have a different metablosim, using glycolysis even when Oxygen is not available

The spread of cancer from one site to another is known as


The specific name given to a cancer producing chemical is


Four of five answers listed below are descriptions of cancer cells. Select the exception

abnormal shaped nucleus

Causes part of the DNA sequence to orient in the reverse direction


Nondisjunction can occur during

anaphase 1

A chromosome segment is lost when ___ occurs


Turner's syndrome or Klinefelter syndrome can easily be diagnosed by


Nondisjunction at meiosis can result in


Chromosome structure can be altered by

deletions, inversion, translocations

Genetic disorders can be caused by

mutation, altered chromosome number, altered chromosome structure

When a segment of a chromosome moves to a non-homologous chromosome, this is

Is called translocation, an abnormal change in a chromosome structure

Chromosome structure can be altered by

deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation

nondisjunction at meiosis can result in


the ___ of chromosomes in a cell are compared to construct

length & shape

Body Cells inherit three or more of each type of chromosome characteristics of a species, a condition called polypody


DNA contains different genes that are transcribed into


The RNA molecule is

usually single- stranded

mRNA is produced by


Each codon calls for a specific

amino acids

Anticodons pair with

mRNA codons

the main function of an mRNA molecule is to

Carry a translatable message

When a cell uses the information encoded in a gene to produce an RNA or protein, this is known as

Gene expression

The expression of a given gene depends on

cell type and function, chemical conditions, and environmental signals

Regulatory proteins interact with

DNA, RNA, Gene products

Which refers to the genetic code

Base triplet coding for amino acids

Which describes the term repressor

Inhibits gene transcription

Which refers to the term Oncogene

Gene with the potential to induce cancerous transformation

Mutations in gene arise from

UV radiation, X-Rays, spontaneous changes

___Are small circles of bacterial DNA that are separate from he circular bacterial chromosome


DNA fragments result when___ cut the DNA molecules at specific sites

restriction enzymes

PCR stands for

polymerase chain reaction

A___ is a collection of DNA fragments, produced by restriction enzymes and incorporated into plasmids

DNA probe

A ___ is multiple, identical copies of a collection of DNA fragments inserted into plasmids

DNA clone

___ is the transfer of normal genes into the body cells to correct a genetic defect

Gene therapy

Tobacco plant leaves that produce hemoglobin are a result of___

Genetic engineering

Nature's genetic experiments

are mutations and/ or crossovers of chromosomes

Enzymes used to cut DNA molecules in recombinant DNA are

Restriction enzymes

The "natural" use of restriction enzymes by bacteria is to

Destroy viral DNA

*For the polymerase chain reaction to occur

A sticky end must be available for the ligase enzyme to bind the assembled; complementary DNA strand to the separated DNA strand

Growth and reproduction depends on

Controls over cell division

Growth factors invite

Transcription of genes that help the body grow

other proteins inhibit cell cycle changes, such as

after chromosomal DNA gets damaged

When all checkpoint mechanisms of a particular process fail,

a cell loses control over its replication cycle and the cell's descendants form a neoplasm


Are abnormal masses of cells that lose lost control over how they grow and divide.


Grow slowly and retain surface recognition proteins that keep them in a home tissue (non-cancerous)


Grow and divide abnormally, disrupting surrounding tissues physically and metabolically (cancerous)


A neoplasm forms a lump in a body

HeLa Cells

Line of human cancer cells that can be grown in culture

Ultraviolet rays

Cause double strand DNA breaks; promotes formation of Thymine dimers

Thymine Dimers

Occurs when 2 thymine bases covalently bond vertically on the same DNA strand

Cancer cell characteristics

Plasma membrane and cytoplasm altered the balance of metabolismis after shifter altered or missing protein impair function; Cells grow and divide abnormally; weakened capacity for adhesion; lethal unless eradicated


Process in which malignant cells migrate and establish neoplasm elsewhere in the body

Treatment methods of cancer

surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy

Radiation treatment

Uses some source of X-ray or some source of implanted radiation to destroy cancer cells. Radiation acts on cancer in the S or G2 phase of interphase vs. non-dividin cells which paue in the G1 phase of interphase

Chemotherapy treatment

Uses various types of chemicals to destroy cancer cells; does have negative effects on normal cells; Decreased body's immune respone; decreased white blood cell production

4 types of immunotherapy

Monoclonal antibiodies; Immune checkpoint inhibitors; cancer vaccines; nonspecific immunotherapies

Monoclonal antibodies

They are man- made versions of immune system proteins; they are pure and are designed to attack a specific part of a cancer cell

Immune checkpoint inhibitors

These chemicals prevent the immune system from shutting down; the immune system is then able to recognize and attack cancer cells

Cancer vaccines

A vaccine is a substance that stimulates the body's immune system to begin an immune response against a specific disease. There are 2 types of cancer vaccines

Non-specific immunotherapy

Increase ( or boost ) the immune system response in a general way to help the immune system destroy cancer.

Cancer Cell characteristics

Profound changes in the plasma membrane and cytoplasms of the cells, abnormal growth and division, weakened capacity for adhesion, lethal

What is an Oncogene?

A gene with the capacity to induc cancerous transformations is called an Oncogene

Normal Cell Division

Mechanism that conducts cell division and differentiation function properly


Differentiation does not occur; mechanism for cell division does not work

7 warning signals of cancer

1. Change in bowl or bladder movements 2.A sore that does no heal. 3. unusual bleeding or discharge. 4. thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere. 5. Indigestion or difficulty swallowing. 6. Obvious changes in wart or mole. 7.Nagging cough or horseness

7 nutritional guidelines for cancer prevention

1. avoid obesity. 2.Cut down on total fat intake 3. Eat more high fiber foods. 4. Include foods rich in vitamins A & C in daily diet. 5. Include cruciferous vegetables in diet (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, etc.) 6. Eat moderate amounts of salt-cure


Offspring of a cross between two individuals that breed true for different forms of a trait; each inherits non identical alleles for a trait being studied.


Heritable units of information about traits each has its own locus on the chromosome.


Different molecular forms of the same gene


Permanent change in a gene's informtion

Homozygous dominant

Has to dominant alleles for a trait (AA)

homozygous recessive

Has two recessive alleles (aa)


Hybrid; has two nonidentical alleles (Aa)

Gene expression

Multistep process by which a cell converts gene information into a gene product

Which gene a cell uses depends on

1. Type of organism and type of cell. 2. factors inside and outside the cell. 3 Organism's stage of development.

Gene control

Is the basis of embryonic development

All cells of an embryo

Share the same genes; different lineages use different subsets of them during development

The outcome of selective gene expression

Cell differentiation

Different cell lineages

become unique in composition, structure, and function; differentiated cells give rise to specialized tissues and organs

affect attachment of RNA polymerase to DNA

promoters, enhancers, activators, repressors, transcription factors

Genetic engineering

Genes are isolated, modified and inserted
back into the SAME organism or a
DIFFERENT species. with the intent of changing its phenotype.

Gene therapy

is the transfer of DNA into an individuals body cells , with the intent to correct a genetic disorder or treat a disease

Explain how recombinant DNA is produced?

By combining DNA from other organsisms.