biology unit 1 chapter 8- what you actually need to know

why is ATP important?

it provides cellular energy

how is energy released from ATP?

when the bond between the phosphate groups are broken

in photosynthesis,_______ energy is converted into _______ energy.

solar, chemical

what is the overall equation for photosynthesis?

CO2 + H2O -----> C6H12O6 + O2

what are three ingredients that are necessary for photosynthesis to occur?

carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight

where in a plant cell does photosynthesis occur?


what is the fluid that surrounds the Grana called?


what are thylakoids stacked on one another called?


what is a single "pancake" called?


where are most organelles located in the plant?


where are the light reactions located

thylakoid membrane

what are the reactants in light reactions?

sunlight and water

what are the products of the light reactions?

ATP, NADPH, and oxygen

what is chemiosmosis

how ATP is produced

where is the Calvin cycle located?

in the stroma

what are the reactants of the Calvin cycle?


what are the products of the Calvin cycle?

glucose, RuBP

what is light intensity?

we're all available electrons are excited and no more will be released.

what are carbon dioxide levels?

only so much carbon dioxide can enter the carbon cycle

what is temperature?

plants will close their stomata to prevent water loss, but this then also prevents carbon dioxide from entering

what occurs in the process of photosynthesis?

light energy is converted into chemical energy

what does photosynthesis require in addition to water and carbon dioxide?


what is the principal pigment of plants?


what colors are visible spectrum in which chlorophyll absorbs light very well?

blue and red

chloroplasts contain sac-like photosynthetic membranes called


what is a granum?

a stack of thylakoids

what are two stages of photosynthesis called?

light reactions and Calvin cycle

NADP+ is involved in the ________ molecule in photosynthesis


how does NADP+ become NADPH?

it gets the age from the light reaction cycle, he accepts electrons

where do the light-dependent reactions take place?

thylakoid membrane

what happens to water in the light reactions?

it's broken down into hydrogen, oxygen, and e-

why is the leaf the main organ in photosynthesis?

because everything occur is in there such as the chloroplast and the Calvin cycle

what organelle is necessary for photosynthesis to occur?


what is the pigment that is needed to absorb light energy?


what is the stoma and why is it important in the process of photosynthesis?

the stoma is the opening in the leaf, it is important because it releases water in oxygen to bring in carbon dioxide.

what are the cells in the leaf called?


both photosystem 1 and photosystem 2 donate what?

they donate electrons to a transport chain that generates NADPH

if most of G3P is converted back into RuBP what happens to the rest of it?

it produces glucose