Biology Chapter 3 functions

Cell wall

a rigid layer made of cellulose outside the cells plasma membrane, glues protection, support, and shape to the cell (eukaryotic and plants)


storehouse for most genetic information, or DNA in your cells (both and both)


dense region where tiny organelles essential for making proteins are assembled (both and both)


tiny organelles that link amino acids together to form proteins (both and both)


contain entire genetic info for an organism (both and both)


membrane bound organelles that contain enzymes (prokaryotic and animals)


supply energy to the cell (both and both)


organelles that carry out photosynthesis a series of complex chemical reactions that convert solar energy rich molecules the cell can use (eukaryotic and plants)


cylinder shaped organelles made of short microtubes arranged in a circle (prokaryotic and animals)


short hairs extending from the surface of the plasma membrane (prokaryotic and animals)

Large Vacuole

a fluid sac used for the storage of materials needed by a cell ( plants)

Small Vacuole

a fluid sac used for the storage of materials needed by a cell (animal)


jellylike substance that contains dissolved molecular building blocks such as proteins, nucleic acids, minerals, and ions (both and both)

Cell/plasma membrane

forms a boundary between a cell and the outside environment and controls the passage of materials into and out of a cell (both and both)


network of proteins that is constantly changing to meet the needs of a cell (both and both)

Rough ER

helps proteins fold or give it stability, produces phospholipids and proteins (both and both)

Smooth ER

make lipids and perform a variety of other specialized functions like breaking down alcohol and drugs (both and both)

Golgi Apparatus

closely layered stacks of membrane-enclosed spaces that process, sort, and deliver proteins (both and both)


loose combination of DNA and proteins that is present during interphase


long whip like tail, sperm


small membrane- bound sacs that divide some materials from the rest of the cytoplasm and transport these materials from place to place within the cell (both and both)