Chapter 8: Cell Energy/ATP


ability to do work


study of the flow and transformation of energy in the universe


all of the chemical reactions that occur within an organism


two-phase anabolic pathway in which the Sun's light energy is converted to chemical energy for use by the cell

cellular respiration

catabolic pathway in which organic molecules are broken down to release energy for use by the cell

adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

energy-carrying biological molecule, which, when broken d own, drives cellular activities


in chloroplast, one of the stacked flattened, pigment-containing membranes in which light-dependent reactions ocur


one of the stacks of pigment-containg thylakoids in a plant's chloroplasts


openings in the outer cell layer of leaf surfaces and some stems that allow the exchange of water, carbon dioxide, oxygen and other gases between a plant and its environment


light-absorbing colored molecule, such as chlorophyll and carotenoid, in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts


in photosynthesis, the major electron carrier involved in electron transport

Calvin cycle

light-independent reactions during phase two of photosynthesis in which energy is stored in organic molecules as glucose


enzyme that converts inorganic carbon dioxide molecules into organic molecules during the final step of the Calvin cycle

anaerobic process

metabolic process that does not require oxygen

aerobic respiration

metabolic process in which pyruvate is broken down and electron-carrier molecules are used to produce ATP through electron transport


anaerobic process

Krebs cycle

series of reactions in which pyruvate is broken down into carbon doxide inside the mitochondria of cells


process in which NAD+ is regenerated, allowing cells to maintain glycolysis in the absence of oxygen