vomerine teeth

the large teeth used to hold and crush prey

tympanic membrane

the external eardrum of the frog

dorsal skin

the part of the frog that provides camouflagewhether the frog is in a pond or a grassy field

front legs

the part of the body used to prop up the frog when on land


the part of the frog that can be seen above the water while the rest of the frog is submerged

internal nostril openings

there part where enters the mouth if the mouth is closed


the milky white part that blends with the sky when seen from below

webbed feet

the parts that have five toes connected by a flexible web membrane

nictitating mambrane

the transparent eyelid of the frog that is attached to the bottom of the eye


the part of the frog that whips out and captures its prey

vocal sacs

the part that assists the male frog in calling for a mate

eustachian tube openings

the opening that connects the middle ear with the mouth

maxillary teeth

the numerous small, sharp teeth used to hold the prey


the passage between the throat and mouth


the part of the frog that allows it to breath while the rest of its body remains submerged

eye sockets

the strong muscular pad that helps push food down the gullet opening

gullet opening

the elastic channel that connect the mouth and stomach

hind legs

the muscular part that helps in jumping and swimimng

small intestines

the organ that continues the digestion process, producing amino acids,monosaccharides, fatty acids, and glycerol


the organ that has one pumping chamber and two recieving chambers


the organ that is the short and elastic tube that connects the mouth and the stomach

large intestines

the organ where water and minerals are absorbed


the organ that filters blood and concentrates nitrogenous wastes


an organt that provides a jelly like coating for the eggs

fat bodies

an organ that provides energy for the frog throughout the winter

urinary bladder

the organ the stores urine and excess water


an organ that is filled with water when the floor of the frogs mout pushes up to force air into it


the chamber that recieves the products of the reproductive and digestive systems and excretory sytems


the organ that secretes enzymes into the small intestine to aid in digestion


the organ that serves as a reservoir where read blood cells can be broken down


the organ that is the sight to both chemical and mechanicle digesttion

gall blader

the organ that stores and concentrates bile


the organ that secretes bile


the organ that contains thousands of tiny imature eggs