Ecology Exam 3

Evolution is considered two things by scientists. What are they?

A process and a theory


The ability to survive and reproduce


potential to produce viable, fertile offspring


increase genetic variation; can be beneficial or destructive depending on the environment

What do an organism's structure and function reflect?

Its adaptations to the environment


acquire energy through sunlight


acquire energy by consuming other organisms

Natural selection

differential survival and reproduction rates of individuals in a population, often driven by the environment; natural selection acts on any trait that affects survival, including predation, physiology, and sexual traits


heritable trait that develops in response to environmental conditions

Predation selection

acts on predators/prey; selection based on behaviors, habits, and defenses (physical & chemical)

Physiological selection

selection that acts on body functions, such as disease resistance, physiology efficiency, and biochemical versatility

Sexual selection

acts on reproductive success by selecting for traits that make an organism more attractive to its mate, more successful in rearing offspring, or more fertile

What year did Darwin take his 5 year journey on the HMS Beagle?


What observations lead Darwin to the conclusion that natural selection was a thing?

offspring resemble their parents, but are not identical to them; slight variations affect chances of surviving, producing offspring

What were the two propositions Darwin's theory of evolutionary change was based on?

Species change over time; natural selection produces the change

Who's the father of taxonomy?


What do population members have to have to possess heritable genetic variation

heritable genetic variation

Gene pool

sum of alleles in a population, represents the total genetic variation of a population

What are the assumptions that must be met for the Hardy-Weinberg principle to be true?


What is hardy-weinberg equilibrium

null hypothesis that genes do not change

Five agents of evolutionary change:


What is the raw material for natural selection?


gene flow

movement of individuals and the genes in and out of populations

genetic drift

effect of chance events, such as the founder effect and the bottleneck effect

founder effect

when a new population is started by only a few individuals (colonization)
-some rare traits may be at high frequencies, others may be missing
-skewed gene pool

bottleneck effect

occurs when a large population is drastically reduced by a disaster
-loss of variation
-gene pool is narrowed

stabilizing selection

reduces variation, but does not change the mean

directional selection

individuals at one extreme become more successful

disruptive selection

individuals at either extreme are more successful than the average


gradual change in phenotypic traits over geographic space


population adapted to unique (often abrupt) local environment



How do new species originate?

populations become isolated, and begin evolving independently

allopatric isolation

other country"
geographic separation

sympatric isolation

same country"
still live in the same area

temporal isolation

different breeding times prevents genes from mixing

behavioral isolation

unique mating rituals, such as courtship and mating calls

mechanical isolation

physical differences such as shape or location of sex organs

prezygotic reproductive isolation

blocks fertilization fro occuring

postzygotic reproductive isolation

prevent viable fertile adult offspring from

3 possible outcomes of hybrid zones

1. Reinforcement- speciation reinforced
2. Fusion- 2 species come back together as one species
3. Stability- hybrid zone persists

What are the two models of speciation?

1. Punctuated pattern- speciation happens with major disruptions
2. Gradual pattern- small, incremental day-to-day changes accumulate

vestigial genes

functional in one, nonfunctional in another

How long ago did homo sapiens diverge from modern apes?

5-8 mya

What animals are considered part of the great apes?

orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans

Homo habilis

-earliest discovered member of the homo species (2.3 mya)
-used some simple tools

Homo erectus

tool maker, used fire, hunted

What was the genus and species of Lucy?

Australopithecus afarensis

What are the two groups of homo sapiens?