Biology Ch. 13 & Ch. 14

allowing only those animals with desired characteristics to produce the next generation with inbreeding or hybridization.

Explain the process of selective breeding

Inbreeding-similar or hybridization- dissimilar

Describe two techniques used in selective breeding

to increase variation

Tell why breeders try to induce mutations

steps in making a karyotype: obtain dna(amniotic fluid) then centrifuge it to separate blood from culture fluid. fluid discarded and hypotonic solution, burst red cell, swell whit cells. Centrifuged again. red cell discarded. drop of cell suspension is sp

how to make/read a karyotype

in producing new species of plants that are often larger and stronger than their diploid relatives.

When is a polyploidy useful?

Scientists use their knowledge of the structure and chemical properties of DNA to study and change DNA molecules. Different techniques are used to extract DNA from cells, to cut DNA into smaller pieces, to id the sequence of bases in a DNA molecule, and t

How do scientists manipulate DNA?

Using restriction enzymes to cut DNA at a specific sequence of nucleotides.

How are large DNA molecules cut up?


a plant (can be an animal but its usually fatal in them) that has an extra set of chromosomes

plays the role of separating DNA fragments to be analyzed.

What role does gel electrophoresis play in the study of DNA?

DNA produced by combining DNA from different sources.

Recombinant DNA

Benefits: better, stronger, faster growing food. study specific genes. Cons: harmful, unethical.

Benefits/cons of genetic engineering

A DNA fragment is copied by heating the strands to separate them, then the DNA polymerase adds complementary strand. This happens multiple times

What occurs during a polymerase chain reaction?

a cell takes in DNA from outside the cell this external DNA becomes a part of the Cells DNA. the plasmid is cut using restriction enzymes then the foreign dna is attached by sticky ends and inserted in back in bacteria.

What happens during transformation?

The recombinant DNA is integrated into one of the chromosomes of the cell

How can u tell if experiment has been successful with transformation?

better food, cheap and abundant, diabetics have pure human insulin.

Usefulness of transgenic organisms to humans

For All: reviving Endangered or Extinct Species, Reproducing a Deceased Pet, Cloning humans(replacment organs...) cloning genetically id animals for study. cloning stem cells for research, pharming for drug prodction.

Purpose for cloning?

1. Enucleate an egg cell. 2. Introduce somatic cell DNA to egg cell. 3. Chemically or electrically induce mitosis. 4. Implant embryo into host.

Procedure for Reproductive?

1. Enucleate egg cell. 2. somatic cell DNA introduced to enucleated egg. 3. Chemical stimulation. 4. After 5 days, stem cells removed at blastocyst stage.

Therapeutic procedure?

1. DNA fragment with the gene is isolated 2. Inserted into a vector 3. Bacterial plasmid replicates quickly.

Recombinant procedure?

Risks: high failure rate (~97%), problems during later development (LOS) abnormal gene expression patterns, telomeric differences.

Risks of Cloning?

Autosomes & sex chromos.

types of human chromosomes in Karyotype.

Each sperm carries either and X or a Y when one fertilizes and egg, the X or Y it is carrying determines the sex. XX-f. XY-m

How sex is determined?

By showing the relationship of how a trait is passed from one generation to the next.

How pedigrees are used?

abnormal numbers of chromosomes may find their way into gametes, and a disorder of chromosome numbers may result.

Nondisjunction problems?

Testing fro alleles is to detect disease-causing alleles. DNA fingerprinting analyzes sections of DNA with little function but vary from person to person.

Methods of DNA analysis?

an attempt ( which was successful) to sequence all human DNA.

Goal of Human Genome?

Through Gene therapy ( a faulty gene is replaced with a normal working gene)

How researchers are attempting to cure genetic disorders?

Selective breeding

method of improving a species by allowing only those individual organisms with desired characteristics to produce the next generation.


breeding technique that involves crossing dissimilar individuals to bring together the best traits of both organisms.


continued breeding of individuals with similar characteristics


having many sets of chromosomes

Genetic engineering

process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms

Restriction enzyme

enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific sequence of nucleotides

Gel electrophoresis

procedure used to separate and analyze DNA fragments by placing a mixture of DNA fragments at one end of a porous gel and applying an electrical voltage to the gel.

Recombinant DNA

DNA produced by combining DBA from different sources

Polymerase chain reaction

technique that allows molecular biologists to make many copies of a particular gene.


circular DNA molecule found in bacteria

Genetic marker

gene that makes it possible to distinguish bacteria that carry a plasmid with foreign DNA from those that don't.

Transgenic Organism

contains genes form other organisms.


member of a population of genetically identical organism produced from a single cell


set of photographs of chromosomes grouped in order in pairs.

Sex chromosomes

one of two chromosomes that determine an individuals sex


autosomal chromosome; chromosome that is not a sex chromosome.


the sampling of amniotic fluid using a hollow needle inserted into the uterus, to screen for developmental abnormalities in a fetus.

Chorionic Villus Sampling

a test made in early pregnancy to detect congenital abnormalities in the fetus.


a condition of having a diploid chromosome complement in which one chromosome lacks its homologous partner


a condition in which an extra copy of a chromosome is present in the cell nuclei


decoding of a mRNA message into a polypeptide chain. When an order of a dna molecule is switched


when a base is removed in dna


chart that shows the relationships within a family


a trait controlled by 2 or more genes

DNA Fingerprinting

DNA fingerprinting analyzes sections of DNA with little function but vary from person to person.