Vocabulary Review: The Theory of Evolution

Natural Selection

The process in which organisms with traits well suited to an environment are more likely to survive and to produce offspring is. . .


In biology, all of the individuals of a species that live together in one place at one time are called a. . .


A change in the genetic makeup of species over time is called. . .


The process by which a species becomes better suited to its environment is. . .


Structures that share a common ancestry or are similar because they are modified versions of structures from a common ancestor are. . .


Structures with no function that are remnants of an organism's evolutionary past are. . .


The accumulation of differences between species or populations is called. . .

Punctuated Equilibrium

The hypothesis that evolution of a species occurs in periods of rapid change seperated by periods of little or no change is called. . .


Populations of the same species that differ genetically because they have adapted to different living conditions are. . .


The hypothesis that the evolution of different species occurs at a slow constant rate is called. . .


The conditio in which two populations of the same species CANNOT breed with one another is called reproductive. . .


When a species permanently disappears, the species is said to be. . .

Natural Selection

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is called. . .


The process by which new species form is called. . .

Reproductive Isolation

The inability of formerly interbreeding groups to mate or produce fertile offspring is called. . .


A scientist who studies fossils is called a(n). . .

Natural Selection

In Grant's study, the effect of weather on the size of the finch's beak is an example of. . .

DNA, Amino Acids and Proteins

Biological molecules that are considered evidence for evolution include. . .