Riverton Cell division 8.2 Mitosis


mitotic phase in which the sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles

binary fission

asexual reproduction in bacteria

cell cycle

the complete life cycle of a cell

cell plate

the cell wall, made of cellulose, which separates plants cells in cytokinesis


microtubule producing organelle


two piars of dark spots next to an animal cell nucleus. Made up pairs of centrioles

cleavage furrow

The area of an animal cell with pinches in during cytokinesis


the division of the cell cytoplasm

G0 phase

phase in interphase in which the cell is carrying on normal cell activities.

G1 phase

phase in interphase in which the cell reaches maturity

G2 phase

phase in interphase in which the cell prepares to divide


time between cell division


a disk shaped protein located at the centromere of a chromosome

kinetochore fibers

spindles fibers which attach to the chromsomes at the kinetochore


reduction division which produces gametes


phase in mitosis in which the chromosomes line up on the equatorial plate


cell division of somatic cells which produces identical daughter cells.

mitotic spindle

array of spindle fibers produced from the centrosomes

M phase

mitotic phase of cell division

polar fibers

fibers produced by the centrosomes which stretch across the cell

S phase

phase of interphase in which the DNA is copied

spindle fibers

protein fibers made by the centrosomes, including spindle and kinetochore


phase in mitosis in which the nuclear membranes start to reappear, and the cell is ready for cytokinesis


phase in mitosis in which the nuclear membrane disappears and chromsomes appear.