URI BIO 102 Exam 2

Algae are the source for


Two species living on either sides of the grand canyon used to be one population. But now having been separated for thousands of years are a good example of

allopatric speciation

In plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis

haploid spores

plants that have leaves arranged in a rosette

have greatly shortened internodes

Approximately when did plants first move onto land?

470 million years ago

This moss grows in bogs and it remains and it retains up to 20x its weight in water


A bryophyte capsule is really a type of


More complicated/advanced land plants tend to have

a larger sporophyte


large scale phenotypic changes in population- species level and higher

evolutionary novelties

large phenotypic changes such as the appearance of jointed limbs


evolution of a new species- occurs when a population become reproductively isolated from other populations and their gene pools separate/diverge

Allopatric speciation

occurs when one population becomes geographically isolated from others of the species

sympatric speciation

occurs when populations in the same geographic range are isolated by another factor like reproduction or temperature


slow and steady change

punctuated equilibrium

short periods of rapid change


variations of pre existing structures that originally fulfilled one role but were then adapted for another


relatively small generation to generation changes within a population

nonrandom mating

sexual selection- selecting mate based on look, sound, etc


creates a new allele

genetic drift

When a population is small alleles can be lost by chance


a population rapidly and severely decreasing due to disease or sudden environmental change

founder effect

when a few individuals from a large population find a new colony- don't always represent the genetic diversity of where they came from

gene flow

every once in a while a new gene will come in and alter the gene frequency

Directional natural selection

When a specific trait is selected for, shifting the all frequencies in a population

stabilizing selection

selects against phenotypic extremes- favors average

disruptive selection

extreme changes in the environment favor two or more different phenotypes- selecting against the average


diploid multicellular phase- produces spores


haploid multicellular phase- produces gametes


sometimes scales accumulate under water to make chalk


two flagella- one around middle- cause red tides


transports water and nutrients up the plant


transports sugars where they are needed


clustered sporangia on reproductive leaves on club mosses


leaves originated as outgrowths of stem tissue that developed a single vascular strand later


true leaves- evolved from side branches


spore bearing leaf


all spores are the same and each spore produces a gametophyte that has archegonia and antheridia


where two types of spores are produced


produces megagametophytes with arcegonia


produces microgametophytes with antheridia


seeds are totally exposed or born on the scales of cones


flowering plants that produce seeds within a mature ovary (fruit)


cell divisions, occur in specific areas called meristems

abcission zone

point on plant where leaf breaks off

When a plant is said to be an embryophyte that means

retains the young sporophyte on the gametophyte

Vascular tissue is a feature of the


an above ground lateral stem is called a


What cells are able to undergo mitosis

both haploid and diploid

which of the following is most likely to lead to shellfish poisoning


two of the first adaptations needed for plants to live on the land were

epidermis and cuticle

this feature is unique to and shared by all of the eukaryotes


A cellular extension of the plant body to draw in water and minerals is a


Some plants have abnormally large bundle sheath cells in their leaves, these C4 plants use the cells for

photosynthesis with high CO2 levels

which algal group are microscopic algae with cell walls made of silica/glass


A major way that algae and plants differ from animals in that they commonly have

multicellular haploid phases