Prentice Hall Biology Study Guide 9-2


What is required for the final steps of cellular respiration?


Because the pathways of cellular respiration require oxygen, they are

oxygen, second stage, Krebs

In the presence of ___________ , pyruvic acid produced in glycolysis passes to the _____________ ______________ of cellular respiration, the __________ cycle.

pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of energy-extracting reactions.

What happens during the Krebs cycle?

pyruvic acid produced by glycolysis enters the mitochondrian.

The Krebs cycle begins when

removed, forming Co2, and electrons are removed, changing NAD+ to NADH

Step two of the Krebs Cycle is when one carbon molecule is

coenzyme A joins the 2-carbon molecule, forming acetyl-CoA.

Step three of the Krebs cycle is when

acetyl-CoA then adds the 2-carbon acetyl group to a 4-carbon compound, forming citric acid

Step four of the Krebs cycle is when

citric acid is broken down into a 5-carbon compound, then into a 4-carbon compound.

Step five of the Krebs cycle is when

Two more molecules of CO2 are released and electrons join NAD+ and FAD , forming NADH and FADH2

Step six of the Krebs cycle is when


The energy tally from one molecule of pyruvic acid is

oxygen, ATP

In the presence of _____________ those high-energy electrons can be used to generate huge amounts of _____.

Krebs cycle, ADP

The electron transport chain uses the high-energy electrons from the ______________ ____________ to convert ________ to ATP.

High-energy electrons from NADH and FADH2.

What are passed along the electron transport chain from one carrier protein to the next?

an enzyme combines these high-energy electrons with hydrogen ions and oxygen to form water

What happens at the end of the electron transport chain?

oxygen, hydrogen ions

As the final electron acceptor of the electron transport chain, _________ gets rid of the low energy electrons and ______________ __________.

electron transport chain, hydrogen

When 2 high-energy electrons move down the __________ ______________ ________, their energy is used to move ___________ ions (H+) across the membrane.

positive, H+ ions build up in the intermembrane space

During electron transport, what charge does the intermembrane space have, and why?


The other side of the membrane, from which those H+ ions are taken, is now ________________ charged.

protein spheres called ATP synthase

The inner membrane of the mitochondria contain

ATP synthase

As H+ ions escape through channels into these proteins the _______ ___________ spins.

phosphate, ATP

As ATP synthase rotates, the enzyme grabs a low-energy ADP, attaching a __________, forming high-energy ________ .

electrons,three, ATP, ADP

On average each pair of high-energy _________ that moves down the electron transport chain provides enough energy to produce ____________ molecules of ________ from _________.


How many ATP molecules does glycolysis produce per molecule of glucose?


The complete breakdown of glucose through cellular respiration, including glycolysis, results in the production of how many molecules of ATP?


The energy flows in photosynthesis and cellular respiration take place in ____________ directions.