Human Bio 1 Chap 1 and 2

1 meter= ___ centimeters


An example of a stimuli that a plant would respond to is:


What is considered complex and organized?

red blood cell in the human body

DNA is a molecule that directly allows a living thing to :

store information

The process of homeostasis is:

how organisms maintain a constant internal environment

Living systems need energy to:

�maintain constant internal invironment
�replace worn out parts
�grow larger

The complexity of living systems:

is also highly organized

Identify a characteristic that is representative of some, but not all, life-forms.

movement over great distances

The scientific method begins with...

observations that raise questions

What is true about a hypothesis?

An experiment can only support the possibility that the hypothesis is true;it cannot prove it to be true.

True or False. If the results of your experiment are inconclusive, it is time to design a new experiment.


What does it mean when we say that organisms are grouped to show evolutionary relations among them?

Organisms that are most similar are classified together.

Experimental group

The object the is being tested

An example of an epidemiological experiment?

Researchers look at the pattern of cancer development across populations in New England

Snakes, birds, frogs, and humans are all


One characteristic of living organism is the ability to maintain a fairly constant and self-regulating internal environment. What is the process called?


An essential characteristic of life is that all living things are composed of cells.


Characteristics of all living things.

Respond to stimuli.
Have adaptive traits
contain carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids

The great diversity of living organisms is evidence that there are NO unifying themes in biology.


Forwaard-lokking eyes are characteric of


A trait that increases the chance that an organism will survive and reproduce in its natural environment is descrbed as being


Members of the domains Bacteria and Archaea are called __ because tey lack a nucleus and internal compartments.


Cells that possess a nucleus and a membrane system that establishes internal compartments beling in whcih of the folling groups?


Example of a population

All individuals of the same species in an area

Informed consent agreement

a document that lists all potential negative effects of participation in a study


specific are as in which certain living organisms interact with their environment

Epidemiologic studies

these examine patterns within populations to find a correlation between a variable and its suspected effects

adaptive trait

a genetic trait that helps n organism survive and reproduce in its environment


a non drug substance to look like a real drug

Critical thinking

the process of evaluating evidence and its source carefully before drawing conclusions.


the collection of all chemical reactions that occur in a cell


the ability to maintain a relatively constant internal environment


a well-supported explanation for a particular scientific phenomenon


a testable explanation for an observation

The definition of a hypothesis?

possible explanation

How does a population differ from an ecosystem?

An ecosystem includes a community, wheras a population does not

Living organisms are members of all of the levels however rocks are example of

the ecosystem

Human health can be studied by looking at the patterns that occur in large populations.


A hypothesis is

a testable explanation for an observation

A statement such as, "If the human body temperature increases to a certain level, the critical proteins wil lbe denatured" would most likely be associated with

deductive reasoning

An athlete who uses dietary supplements will perform better than one who doesn't." This is an example of


Researchers testing new drugs usually give the drug to one group of people and give placebos, "sugar pills", to another group. The group receiving the placebo

is the control group

Which process used to solve problems in science involves accumulating facts through observation until the evidence leads a general statement about nature?

inductive reasoning

A critical thinker

asks more questions

The biosphere is that part of the Earth that supports life.


All internet websites with scientific data are reliable


a theory is

a wide-ranging explanation for natural events that has been extensively tested over time

A study shows that people who eat fish 3 times a week live longer. Based on this study, which of the following can you not conclude?

Eating fish causes longer life.

Humans belong in which domain?


What is the highest level in the classification of life?
