NJ Drivers Ed Permit Test Review 2018

Upon completion of the GDL requirements, (one year of unsupervised driving) the holder of a Probationary License must:

Visit any DMV agency to obtain an unrestricted basic license.

What actions could lead to distracted driving?

Radio, Eating, Cell Phone.

All drivers, during rain, snow and ice, must have:

Wipers on and headlights on.

To drive in reverse, you must:

Turn your head and body to the right until you can clearly see through the back window.

In city driving, you should:

Drive more slowly, look 12 seconds ahead, watch for pedestrians.

The holder of a Probationary Driver License is not permitted to use what while driving:

Cell phones, GPS, video games, hands-free or hand-held devices.

The speed limit in a school zone, unless otherwise posted, is:

25 mph

After two, three or four drinks, alcohol begins to impair your:

Reaction time, vision, judgment, coordination.

To avoid "highway hypnosis" when driving, it is a good practice to:

Avoid looking at any one thing for more than a few seconds.

As of March 1, 2008, motorists in New Jersey may not use a hand-held cellular telephone while driving except for what instances:

Fire, traffic accident, medical emergency.

Implied consent law means when you operate a motor vehicle on New Jersey roads:

You have agreed to a breath test.

A supervising driver for the holder of a validated GDL Permit must meet which requirements:

21 years old, driving for at least 3 years, and be a NJ licensed driver in the front seat.

Every vehicle registered in New Jersey must be insured for:


What are the signs of an aggressive driver?

Speeding, weaving, tailgating.

Drugs that may affect basic driving skills are:

Cold pills, tranquilizers, and some prescription drugs.

In order to obtain a Probationary License, the holder of a validated GDL Special Learner Permit must meet which requirements?

Pass road test, be 17 years old, and complete 6 months of supervised driving.

Under New Jersey law, motorists signaling a right turn must yield to which of the following individuals:

Inline skaters, pedestrians, and bicyclists.

If your wheels drift onto the shoulder of the road and you want to return to the paved road, you should:

Slow down and regain control.

Driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages means:

Your senses and judgment are impaired by alcohol.

You should always yield to:

Pedestrians, emergency vehicles, and other vehicles already in intersection.

New Jersey law allows up to three points to be subtracted from a motorist's point total for every year that a motorist goes without a violation or suspension. How low can the point total go?

Never be reduced below zero.

Excluding dependents, how many passengers may accompany the holder of a validated GDL Special Learner Permit in the vehicle?

One, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

When a school bus has stopped directly in front of a school to pick up or let off children, you may pass from either direction at a speed of no more than:

10 mph

An acceleration lane is:

An extra lane at highway entrances.

What is a Habitual Offender?

License has been suspended 3 times in 3 years.

At what age may an applicant obtain a Special Learner Permit and enroll in a behind-the-wheel training course conducted by a Secondary and/or Commercial Driving School?

16 years old

If your brakes suddenly fail, the first thing you should try to do is:

Shift to a lower gear and pump the brakes.

To safely share the road with large trucks and buses, you must know:

Limitations of visibility, stopping distances, and maneuverability.

During a probationary period, a motorist must enroll in a Probationary Driving School Program when:

Convicted of 2 or more moving violations, totaling 4 or more points.

Under New Jersey law, inline skaters, skateboarders and bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as:

A motor vehicle

A motorist should increase following distance behind a large vehicle so its driver:

Can see the motorist's vehicle in the rearview mirror.

Who is responsible for all passengers under 18 years of age?

The driver

The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is to:

Not drive at all without drinking.

When parking downhill on a street with a curb, the vehicles wheels should be:

Turned towards the curb.

What are some of the measures a motorist must take in order to secure the safety of all pedestrians?

Yield in a crosswalk, be alert, and never pass a vehicle stopped for a pedestrian.

A diamond shaped sign is a:

Warning sign

A Probationary driver is Probationary for how long?

1 year

You may not park within how many feet of a fire hydrant:

10 feet

During bad weather conditions, a truck takes longer to stop. This can be as much as:

25% more

If the driver of a large truck or bus cannot see you in his rearview mirrors, you are:

In the no zone or blind spot.

If you drink and have reached a BAC of slightly above .05%, the risk of you causing a motor vehicle accident is:


At what age is the holder of a GDL Special Learner Permit eligible to obtain an unrestricted Basic Driver License?


The purpose of the road test is to make sure the applicant understands the rules of the road and the safety of driving. Therefore, the applicant may be tested on:

Stopping, turning, and steering.

If your driver license is lost or stolen, you should immediately notify:

The police

Altering a driver's license, or showing an altered driver license, may result in:

Fine up to 1,000, up to 6 months jail, and a loss of driving privileges.

At the time of your road test, you must present:

Registration, insurance, and permit.