Health Study Guide Chp 1,3,5


The combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being


An abnormal state in which the body is not functioning normally


An individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task.


Physical, mental, etc that affects the likelihood that a person will decide to change


skills and abilities, physical, emotional, and mental capabilities that make it possible to succeed in changing behavior

Reinforcing factors

Rewards, encouragement, and recognition that influence our behavior in the short run

Dimensions of health

physical, mental, social, emotional, spiritual

Leading causes of death 15-24

1. accidents
2. suicide
3. homicide
4. cancer
5. heart disease

Health literacy

a person's capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services, and to use these resources to promote one's health and wellness

Transtheoretical Model of Change

1. Precontemplation- no intention of addressing issue in 6 months
2. Contemplation- thinking about making change in 6 months
3. Preparation- intends to make change in 1 month & has plan
4. Action- modifies behavior in observable way
5. Maintenance- mainta

Health Belief Model

-emphasizes the influence of personal beliefs on process of creating change
-perceived threat
-perceived severity
-perceived benefit
-cues to action


positive stress


negative stress


process by which organisms maintain a relatively stable internal environment

fight or flight response

-set of physical reactions that prepares you to deal with perceived threat
-can be unhelpful or even harmful
-when experienced too often, can take a powerful toll on the body & health

General Adaptation Syndrome

-alarm: body activates fight or flight response, boosts levels of stress hormones, increases heart rate
-resistance: body mobilizes homeostatic mechanisms that make it more resistant
-exhaustion: stressors are sever or persistent
-allostatic overload: har


nutrients your body needs in relatively large quantities.
-carbohydrates, fats, proteins, water
- first 3 known energy-yielding nutrients, provide energy to move,think and survive

food poisoning

an illness usually caused by eating food that contains harmful bacteria

food allergy

a response by your immune system to the proteins in certain foods

Choose My Plate

USDA food grouping system that guides nutrition and health


Unit of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods supply to the body


live microbes applied to or ingested into the body, intended to exert a beneficial effect


nutrients that encourage the growth of beneficial microbes in the intestine