Psychodynamic theory

theory of change/psychodynamic

Change occurs through insight and understanding of early, unresolved issues.

Past Influences the Present:

Early wounding relationships, or patterns from these relationships are unconsciously replicated in current relationships.

Underlying Conflicts:

Infants and children all form attachment relationships with their caregivers (some are secure and healthy, some are insecure, avoidant, ambivalent, etc.) These patterns are repeated in
adult relationships causing perpetual conflict, failed relationships o

Defense Mechanisms:

Inability to solve problems, high frustrations, lots of conflict, difficulty moving forward in life, difficulty maintaining close relationships with other adults.


image children carry in their minds of their parents that are projected into relational partners


the process of casting off one's own bad object onto another in a relationship in order recapture feeling good

Projective identification

the process of the recipients of the projected object identifying with it and living with it


the perception or identity of one person is transferred onto another, such as seeing one's spouse as if they were one's parent

the dirty middle

refers to a situation where only one person in a conflict can get what they want

resolution of negative aspects of repressed objects

you no longer hate your mother and therfore you stop hating your spouse because they remind you of your mother


like psychoanalysis the therapist reads their own experience and the family's behavior and interprets possible meanings

magical meanings

unrealism or irrational meanings of roles or behaviors within families that keep families stuck

emotional holding

the process early in the therapy when the therapist experiences the emotional experience of the family in order to experience, gather, and assess subconscious information for later use in interpretation.

transitional object

objects invested with power to nurture as substitute for parental object helping child to self-soothe and learn to receive nurture apart from parent object.

Negative capability

refers to where the family is blocked or struggles relationally


subconscious cooperation of family members to protect or defend an individual or idea within a family system


when one family member is projected as all good and another family member is projected as all bad or when one sees oneself as all good an then flips to see themselves as all bad

engagement stage

get the family talking

projection identification stage

where the introjects are exposed and identified


introjects are interpreted and exposed


when the family group can do for themselves what they need to do