Pharm: anti-inflammatory drugs


*inhibits the inflammatory process

Classified as

* antipyretics
(prototype drug:aspirin)


*anti-pain (mild, to moderate)
*anti-platelet aggregation


-prostaglandin inhibitor
-decrease platelet aggregation
-inhibits hypothalamic heat regulator center

Aspirin use

-antipyretic, analgesic, inhibitor of platelet aggregation, anti-inflammatory
(CAUTION : history of GI bleeding, liver or renal disorders, allergies)

Aspirin (ASA) side effects

GI, confusion, dizziness

Aspirin adverse reactions

GI bleeding, or ulceration, tinnitus, anemia, hepatotoxicity

Aspirin nursing considerations

Assess for allergies, monitor for adverse reactions
* assess for s/s of hearing loss
* observe for signs of bleeding

Aspirin patient teaching

*Beware of risk of bleeding, particularly if having procedures, taking other meds, alcohol
* take with food
*report side effects
* not for administration with children

NAIDS ( non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug agents)

Prototype 1st generation : ibuprofen

NSAIDs. Action

Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis



NSAIDs. Caution

- drug interactions
- bleeding disorders
- pregnancy

NSAIDs. First generation

-Dali glares
-para- chlorobenzoic acid
- phenylacetic acid derivatives
-propionic acid derivatives

NSAIDs secondary generation

Selective Cox-2 inhibitors

NSAIDs prototype: ibuprofen

Hepatic or renal disease, asthma, ulcers

NSAIDs. Prototype: ibuprofen
side effects

GI, dizziness, peripheral edema, petechia

NSAIDs (ibuprofen)
Adverse effects

GI bleeding, nephrotoxicity

NSAIDs (ibuprofen)
Nursing considerations

-Observe for bleeding, edema
-give with food, particularly if GI discomfort

NSAIDs (ibuprofen)
Patient teaching

- beware of drug (including herbal) interactions, alcohol
-inform dentists/ other healthcare providers of use prior to procedures
-don't use with pregnancy
-take with meals
- use cautiously in elderly patients

NSAIDSs. (ibuprofen)

Decreased liver function take with food may cause GI irritation, edema antipyretic for fever

NSAIDs (ibuprofen)

Cause bleeding and make sure herbal products don't affect them
* pregnancy caution use Tylenol
*elderly, decrease kidney function

NSAIDS second generation

Drug of choice with severe arthritis

NSAIDs. Celecoxib

Inhibits Cox2 only

NSAIDs. Celecoxib

Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, relief of dysmenorrhea

NSAIDs celecoxib

Renal or hepatic dysfunction, fluid retention, heart failure, history of GI bleeding

NSAIDs Celecoxib

Coumarin drug interaction and ace inhibitors, due to fluid retention

NSAIDs Celecoxib

-renal or hepatic failure
-use of diuretics and ace inhibitors

NSAIDs Celecoxib
Side effects

Headaches, GI, rash

NSAIDs Celecoxib
Adverse reaction

Peripheral edema

NSAIDs celecoxib
Nursing considerations

-be aware of drug interactions
- monitor for edema

NSAIDs Celecoxib
pt education

-report side effects; unexplained weight gain, edema, skin rash
- do not use in third trimester of pregnancy


-use as anti-inflammatory
-used for arthritis but not DOC
-administer daily
- must taper when discontinued


Very useful, used for respiratory disorders, lupus inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis,
Pt must be tapered off due to rebound effect

Drug modifying anti rheumatic drugs (DMARDs)

-used with arthritic disease
-prototype drug gold (Cyrus therapy)iv


Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, decreasing phagocytosis


Alleviation of inflammation and plan in rheumatoid arthritis


-renal or hepatic dysfunction
-blood dyscrasias


Kidney and renal dysfunction 1/2 life up to a month ( last resort med) not first line of treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis

Becomes, deformed, joint eroded, autoimmune, body doesn't recognize self

Caution use

Heart failure, diabetes

Side effects

GI, pruritis, headache, dermatitis, photosensitivity, gingivitis,

Adverse reactions

Blood dyscrasias, nephrotoxicity

Nursing considerations

-assess vital signs
- monitor urine output
-monitor lab tests
-monitor for side effects

Pt teaching

- frequent dental hygiene
- desired effects take months
- report side effects, adverse effects
-avoid direct sunlight
- high fiber diet

Immune agents

Immnosuppressive drugs
- used for refractory rheumatoid arthritis
- after 1st and 2nd line drugs


-treat moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis
-prototype drug: infliximab

Immunosuppressive drugs

No active infection can be present, deplete immune system ( elderly usually doesn't get it, young healthy pt are good candidates)

Immunomodulators (infiximab)

Delay of imflammatory process through binding to TNF and blocking attachments to receptors


Moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease


Heart failure

Caution use

Renal, or hepatic dysfunction, immunosuppression, heart problems, liver disease, infection or existing immunosuppression

Immunomodulators (infiximab)
Side effects

Insomnia, depression, GI, rash, alopecia, dizziness, headache

Immunomodulators ( infiximab)
Adverse reaction

Severe infection, liver dysfunction

Nursing considerations

- monitor vital signs and lab studies
-assess patient for signs of infection

Patient teaching

Report signs of infection


Constant monitor LFT's monthly or every 3 months, check for infection and report to an physician ( photosensitivity)

Antigout drugs

- inflammatory
- primarily affects joints, tendons, other tissues
- disorders of uric acid and purine metabolism
- characterized by tophi

Gout (prototype allopurinol)

Strikes larger joints, usually great toe, accumulation of uric acid, nodules on knuckles and toes

Antigout ( allopurinol)

Reduces synthesis of uric acid

Antigout ( allopurinol)

Treatment of gout, hyperuricemia

Antigout ( allopurinol)

Severe renal diseae

Antigout (allopurinol)

Renal or hepatic disorders; bone marrow depression

Antigout (allopurinol)
Side effects

GI, dizziness, headache, rash, metallic taste

Anti gout ( allopurinol)
Adverse reaction

Bone marrow depression, hepatoxicity

Anti gout ( allopurinol)
Nursing considerations

- give with food
-monitor intake and output
-monitor lab tests
-report GI symptoms

Anti gout ( allopurinol)
Patient teaching

- diet teaching
- increased fluids
-no alcohol, caffeine
-limit high- purine foods
- monitor for side effects
( monitor I & O's foods high in puritine, gravies, wines, dark beers, no alcohol or caffeine

What is pain

Unpleasant sensory and emotional experience

Classifications of pain

- acute, surgical pain, self limiting , get pt up and pain should subside
- chronic pain, 6 months or longer

Pain ( origin)

Noncieptor pain- sensory receptor to pain
Somatic - tissues, bones, muscle
Visceral-organ pain
Neuropathic - originates in nerve, diabetic nephropathy disorder, numbness and tingling in feet

Pain scale
5th vital sign

0-4 mild
5-7 moderate
8-10 severe

Nonopioid analgesic prototype

Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, inhibits hypothalamus heat regulator center

Nonopioid analgesic ( acetaminophen)

Decrease pain and fever

Nonopioid analgesic (acetaminophen)

- alcoholism
- severe hepatic or renal disease

No opioid analgesic ( acetaminophen)
Side effects

GI, rash

Tylenol use for mild pain, menstral, muscle aches, fever, drinking alcohol can cause toxic effects, can kill liver, watch with respiratory and asthma


Nonopioid analgesics

- less potent
- use for mild to moderate pain
-include in this category
- acetaminophen
- ibuprofen
- aspirin
( prototype drug: acetaminophen)

Nonopioid analgesic ( acetaminophen)
Adverse reactions

Hepatotoxcity, hypoglycemia, leukopenia,

Nonopioid analgesic
( acetaminophen)
Nursing interventions

- monitor liver enzymes
- check pain level before and after meds

Non opioid analgesic
( acetaminophen)
Client teaching

- length of self- medication
- keep out of children reach
-report side effects

Nonopioid analgesic
(acetaminophen) OTC

-less potent mild to moderate pain
-monitor liver enzymes
- if elevated do not give
- assess pain level
-excess 2400 mg
- keep out of reach of children

Opioid analgesics act on CNS receptors


Opioid analgesics produce

- analgesics
- respiratory depression
- euphoria
-antitussive and antidiarreal effects
prototype: morphine sulfate

Opioid analgesics are

- percocet
-Demerol, pt have neural toxicity

Opioid analgesic ( morphine)

Depresses CNS, pain impulses

Opioid analgesics ( morphine)

Relief of severe pain

Opiod analgesic ( morphine)

Asthma, with respiratory depression, increased intracranial pressure

Opioid analgesic ( morphine)
Caution use

Respiratory, renal, hepatic diseases

Opioid analgesics (morphine)
Side effects

Dizziness, sedation, confusion, GI, constipation, urinary retention, decrease respiratory, bradycardia, rash

Opioid analgesic ( morphine)
Adverse effects

Hypotension, respiratory depression, increased intracranial pressure

Opioid analgesic ( morphine)
Nursing interventions

- check pain level before and after meds
- monitor v/s and urine output
- check bowel sounds
- have antidote ready
- remember safe precautions
- check pupil changes, check older adults for confusion

Opioid analgesic ( morphine)
Pt teaching

- be aware of side effects
- no alcohol or CNS depressants
-cultural considerations

Synthetic opioid analgesics
Mederidine ( demerol)

- shorter duration, no antitussive qualities
-analgesia through CNS effects
- used during pregnancy( not labor ) GI procedures

Synthetic opioid analgesic ( Demerol )

-MAOI therapy
- convulsive disorders

Synthetic opioid analgesic( demerol)
Caution use

- impaired liver or kidney function

Synthetic opioid analgesics
Nursing interventions

- assess pain before and after meds
- monitor v/s

Synthetic opioid analgesic
Pt education

- safety needs
- not for long term use

Synthetic opioid analgesic

- orally meds assess 1 hr later
-IV 30 mins reassess normally every 3 to 4 hrs.
- Demerol 25 to 100 mg
- watch v/s and age, before elevating to higher dose

Synthetic opioid analgesic
( hydromorphine) is

- more potent analgesic than morphine sulfate
- shorter duration than morphine sulfate

Synthetic opioid analgesic
( hydromorphine)

- respiratory depression, asthma, head injuries

Synthetic opioid analgesic
( hydromorphine)
Side effects

Drowsiness, constipation, withdrawal syndrome

Synthetic opioid analgesic (hydromorphine)
Adverse reaction

Respiratory depression, orthostatic hypotension,

Opioid antagonist

Reverse opioid toxicity or overdose

Naloxone ( narcan)
Narcotic antagonist

Reverse slow hand when pt returns stop

Opioid antagonist

- naloxone (narcan) (IM or IV), or naltrexone hydrochloride (ReVia), nalmefene (Revex) (oral)
- reverse CNS and respiratory depression
- monitor for analgesic reversal
-observe for bleeding

Opioid agonists - antagonist
Prototype drug :nalbuphine (nubain )

Developed to decrease opioid abuse

Opioid agonists- antagonist

Moderate to severe pain

Opioid agonists- antagonist

Binds with opiate receptor and increase pain threshold

Opioid agonists- antagonist

Impaired respirations, head injury, renal and hepatic dysfunction

Opioid agonists- antagonist
Side effects

Dizziness, confusion, headache,dry mouth, GI

Opioid agonists- antagonist
Adverse reaction

Hypotension, respiratory depression

Opiod agonists- antagonist
Nursing interventions

- monitor v/s urine output
- check bowel sounds, monitor for constipation

Opioid agonists- antagonist
Pt teaching

- safety
- side effects

PCA ( pt controlled analgesia)

- use for self medication
- predetermined limits for pt with pain meds
-used with an IV line
-maintain a near constant analgesic effect
-usually use morphine sulfate but may use hydromorphine or fentanyl


-you are unable to push button for pt
- once locked out no med is available
- teach before surgery
- connected to IV line and pt cannot overdose themselves

Methadone treatment

- used for severe addiction
-sickle cell pt more so than morphine
- must screen for TB, hepatitis, HIV