Antipyretics, Analgesics and NSAIDs Drugs

What is aspirin?

irrev Cox-1 and cox-2 inhibition

Why is aspirin anti-inflammatory while acetaminophen is not?

acetaminophen works in the CNS and is inactivated by peroxidases of inflammation

What is diflunisal?

competitive Cox -

What is acetaminophen?

rev cox -, CNS>periph

What drug causes Reye's syndrome?


What is indomethacin?

Cox - (also - PMNs)

What is suldinac?

cox -

What is etodolac?

Cox - (2>1?, non-sel in book)

What are mefenamic acid and meclofenamate Na?

PG -

What is ketorolac?

cox -

What is difclofenac?

cox -

What drug causes diarrhea w/ steatorrhea and rare hemolytic anemia?

mefenamic acid

What drug causes frontal headache and CNS effect?


What drug decreases familial intestinal polyposis and is used in rheumatic disease?


What rug is used to treat post-op nausea?


What do cox - do?

anti-pyretic, analgesia

In addition to anti-inflammation, antipyretic and analgesia what does aspirin do?

antiplatelet (-TXA, PGI)

Which drug closes PDA?


What is a primary side effect of NSAIDs?

GI ulcer and bleeding

What is ibuprofen?

rev non-sel cox -

Where do the arachidonic acid precursors of PGs/TX/LTs come from?

phospholipids after phospholipase A2 action, under influence of TNF-a

What drugs are sel Cox-2 inhibitors?

celecoxib, meloxicam

What drug treat dysmenorrhea?

mefenamic acid, meclofenamate

What is naproxen?

cox -

What is piroxicam?

cox - (and PMN migration -, decrease free rads)