Medication Endings


Ca+ Channel Blockers
Antihypertensive, Antiarrhythmic


ACE Inhibitors- Antihypertensive,
SE- ACE-inhibitor cough, hyperkalemia, angioedema


Angiotensin Receptor BLocker
Antihypertensive, not for pregnant women


Ca+ Channel Blocker
No Grapefruit Juice!


Alpha Adrenergic Antagonist- Inhibits action of NE
Antihypertensive, BPH, Raynauds Disease


H2 Receptor Antagonist- Anti-ulcer/anti-acid
Take at Bedtime; for ulcers take with meals


Proton Pump Inhibitor- Anti-ulcer/anti-acid
interferes absorption with Ketocanazol and Digoxin


Carbidopa/Levodopa- Parkinson's Disease
SE: Dyskinesia, hypotension, dark sweat and urine, AGRANULOCYTOSIS,
Not to be taken with MAOIs

Cogentin (Benzotropine)

Parkinson's Disease
Used for Drug-Induced Extra Pyramidal D/O

Fosamax (Alendronate)

Bisphosphonate- Treat/prevent osteoporosis
Sit up for 30 min after administration
Take alone with plain water

Magnesium Sulfate

Anti-seizure- Preeclampsia, eclampic seizure prophylaxis
SE: flushing, HA, blurred vision, LOW BP
Mag Toxicity: loss patellar reflexes, SOB
(1.5-2.5 mEq/L)

-epam, -olam

Benzodiazepine: Anti-anxiety agents


Beta Blocker: Antihypertensive
Not for COPD, asthmatic pts.
In diabetic pts, blocks normal signs of hypoglycemia

Hydralazine (Apresoline)

Direct-Acting Vasodilators- Hypertension
Give with meals

Dopamine (Intropine)

High-dose- vasoconstrictor, Stimulates heart muscles
Low-dose- dilates renal/coronary arteries

Dobutamine HCL

Stimulates B1 Receptors: for HF and Cardiogenic Shock


Anti-coagulant- SE: bleeding, HITS
PTT: normal 20-45 sec. TR 1.5-2.5 x
Antidote: Protamine Sulfate

Warfarin (Coumadin)

Anticoagulant- SE: Bleeding
PT: normal 9-12 sec. TR 1.5-2.5 x
INR: TR 2.0-3.0
Antidote: Vit K (green vegies, pork, fish, rice, lots of dairy prod)


Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo- herbs that increase bleeding (antiplatelets)


Atypical Antipsychotic
SE: AGRANULOCYTOSIS- blood testing prior, during


SE: lots, wt losss, blood level changes
need suicide precautions (not with MAOIs), takes 1 month for full effects

-xetine, (Zoloft)

SE: lots, wt losss, blood level changes, dry mouth
need suicide precautions (not with MAOIs), takes 1 month for full effects

Haldol (haloperidol)

can cause extrapyramidal symptoms, dystonia, tardive dyskinesa.
Metabolized by liver


Antipsychotic and used for severe N/V
Incompatible in a syringe for all other meds.

Biperiden (Akineton)

Antiparkinsons Agent:
Used to counteract EPS

Procainamide/ Norpace

given to treat PVCs, Atrial Tachycardia,
Adverse SE is low HR, low BP

Cabamazepine (Tegretol)

Anticonvulsant (also in Trigeminal Neuralgia)
AGRANULOCYTOSIS, many drug interactions, photosensitivity, take with meals


Anticonvulsant (intractable partial seizures)
stop immediately if eye problems.

Valium, Ativan, Dilantin

For Status Elipepticus


Antilipemic: HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors
Decreases LDL,
SE: myopathy, liver metabolism, Take with food and at night

Tricor, Lopid

Antilipemic: Folic Acid Derivatives
Decreases total cholesterol, VLDL, and Trig.
Adm before meals,
SE: myalgia, abd pain


Antiasthmatic, lung disease
tablets taken 3-4 x day, IH 4-6hrs prn
ALSO to halt preterm labor!!!

Isoniazid (INH)

TB- take 1-2 hours < meals (not recommened for >35 yrs)
AR: Peripheral neuropathy, Hepatotoxicity
SE: may cause hyperglycemia:


TB- take with food
AR: Hepatitis, Fever
SE: Orange urine, tears, salivia


AR: Optic neuritis
caution with renal disease

Pyrazinamide (PZA)

TB-2nd line
Hyperuricemia, Anemia, Anorexia

Abx: Sulfonamides

Treats IBS, infections
Can take with meals
Drink lots of fluid, may temporarily turn urine orange-red color
SE: peripheral neuropathy, stomatitis, photosensitivity,


Anti-anxiety: CNS depression agents.
SE: sedation, confusion, hepatic confusion.
Caffeine decreases effectiveness

Nonbenzodiazepine Anti-anxiety

Buspirone (BuSpar)- Little sedation, used for GAD, no abuse potential. No alcohol or grapefruit juice.
>3 wks for effectiveness
(Vistaril)- No dependence or intoxication. SE: ataxia, leukopenia, hypotension.


Monitor electrolytes; Ph depletion, Mg+ toxicity, Na+ content.
Interferes with many abx, iron preparations, isoniazid (INH), OC, salicylates.

Abx: Aminoglycosides

Mice ears", SE: ototoxicity (CN VIII), nephrotoxicity, V/N/D, allergy, superinfection.
encourage fluids, small frequent meals

Abx: Cephalosporins

SE: bone marrow suppression, superinfection, rash, increased risk of bleeding
Take with meals, avoid alcohol (HA and flushing), cross allergy with PCN.

Abx: Fluroquinolones

Floxacin", treats, E.coli, anthrax
C&S < therapy, don't adm with iron preps, avoid caffeine

Abx: Macrolides

Erythromycin, Azethromycin
SE: Confusion, liver, superinfection.
increases effectiveness of Coumadin and Theophylline
good for pts with renal disease

Abx: PCN

SE: stomatitis, D, superinfection, hypersensitivity
if diarrhea take yogurt or buttermilk, good hx for allergy

Abx: Tetracycline

SE: discoloration of primary teeth or fetus, phototoxic reaction
Don't take with antacids, milk, iron preps, monitor kidney fx,

GU: Nitrofurantoin (Furadantin)

SE: D/N/V, Asthma attacks
Take with cranberry juice, not with almonds, milk

GU: Phenazophyridine (Pyridium)

Urinary tract analgesic.
turns urine bright orange, take with meals

GU: Anticholinergics

SE: anticholinergic (blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation urinary retention)
Not for Glaucoma b/c of pupil dilation, not for BPH, paralytic ileus

Anticholinergic meds

Atropine Sulfate (used for bradycardia),
Atrovent & Spiriva (asthma),
Cogentin (anti-parkinson's), Scopolamine (motion sickness)
Monitor for urinary retention, not for glaucoma


SE: drowsiness, ataxia, blurred vision, gingival hypertrophy
give with water or food, red-brown or pink urine, good oral hygeine,


SE: hypertensive crisis if take with tyramine foods, wt gain, photosensitivity, OH
not to be taken with SSRIs or pseudoephedrine, d/c 10 days before general anesthesia, 4 wks for effectiveness

Tyramine-containing foods

aged cheese, sandwhich meats, figs, bananas, raisins, beer


Gly-, Gli-" Stimulates insulin release.
SE: GI and dermatologic

Metformin (Glucophage)


Metformin (Glucophage)

Decreases liver glucose production
Not for renal impairment or
Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors

Acarbose (Precose)
Miglitol (Glyset)


Acarbose (Precose)
Miglitol (Glyset)

Delays digestion of CHO-
Take immediately before meal

(Avandia), (Actos) "glitazone


(Avandia), (Actos) "glitazone

i.e. Decreases insulin resistance and inhibits gluconeogenesis
monitor liver function

Repaglinide (Prandin)


Repaglinide (Prandin)

Increases pancreatic insulin release
Don't take if missed meal
SE: Hypoglycemia


Take before breakfast
Avoid alcohol

Colchicine (Colasalide)

Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory
SE: GI upset, Agranulocytosis, peripheral neuritis

Probenecid (Benemid)

Reduces uric acid; increases absorption of Cipro abx
Give with food, milk, antacids,