EXAM 2 Pharmacology - Chapter 41

more an 99% of water, electrolytes, and nutrients, that are filtered at the glomerulus undergo


most diuretics block active reabsorption of _______ and ________ , and thereby prevent passive reabsorption of _________

sodium, chloride, water

the amount of diuresis produced is directly related to

the amount of sodium and chloride reabsorption blocked.

drugs that act ______ in the nephron are in a position to block the greatest amount of solute reabsorption, and hence produce the greatest diuresis


______ _____________ block sodium and chloride reabsorption in the loop of Henle

loop diuretics

________ ___________ produce the greatest diuresis

loop diuretics

in contrast to thiazide diuretics, loop diuretics are effective even when the _________ ___________ _________ is low.

glomerular filtration rate

loop diuretics can cause dehydration through __________ _________ ___________

excessive fluid loss

loop diuretics can cause hypotension by decreasing _______ _________ and relaxing _______ _________ ____________.

blood volume, venous smooth muscle

loop diuretics can cause _________ __________ which, fortunately, is usually reversible.

hearing loss

hypokalemia caused by loop diuretics is a special problems for patients taking _________


thiazide diuretics block ______ and _____ reabsorption in the early ___________ _____________ ______________.

sodium, water, distal convoluted tubule.

what causes less diuresis? Loop or Thiazide diuretics


thiazide diuretics are ineffective when

glomerular filtration rate is low.

what is an example of a prototype drug that is a loop diuretic?

furosemide (lasix)

what is an example of a prototype drug that is thiazide diuretic?


what is an example of a prototype drug that is a potassium sparing diuretic?

spironolactone and triamterene

the use of furosemide can produce ________ __________ and ________. severe dehydration can result and this can promotes ________

excessive loss of sodium, chloride, and water,
promotes hypotension, thrombosis, and embolism.

like the loop diuretics, thiazide diuretics can cause ______________ and ______________. however, thiazides do not cause hearing loss.

dehydration and hypokalemia

thiazide-induced _____________ is a special problem for patients taking digoxin


potassium-sparing diuretics act by directly or indirectly blocking __________-__________ "____________" in the distal convoluted tubule

sodium-potassium "exchange

potassium-sparing diuretics cause only __________ diuresis


potassium-sparing diuretics are used primarily to counteract _________ _______ in patients taking loop diuretics or thiazides

potassium loss

the principal adverse effect of potassium-sparing diuretics is ____________


because of the risk of hyperkalemia, use caution when combining potassium-sparing diuretics with

taking another K+ sparing diuretic, with potassium supplements, and in patients taking ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, or direct renin inhibitors.

loop diuretics and thiazides are used to treat hypertension and edema associated with
(1)_______ ________,
(3) ________ __________

Heart failure, cirrhosis, and kidney disease

what ways are loop diuretics given?


What are the loop diuretics adverse effects

Dehydration: due to excess fluid loss (can lead to thrombosis and embolism)
Electrolyte loss: hypoatremia, and hypokalemia
Orthostatic hypotension

what are the thiazides adverse effects?

Electrolyte loss: too low Na+ and K+
Orthostatic hypotension

what are the K+ sparing aldosterone antagonists adverse effects?

fatal heart dysrythmias
endocrine effects (menstrual irregularities, deeper voice, hirsutism, gynecomastia)

what are K+ sparing nonaldosterone antagonist adverse effects?


Diuretic + digoxin

often lead to hypokalemia

diuretic + lithium

often lead to hypoatremia

Diuretic + blood pressure

often lead to hypotension

Furosemide+ another ototoxic drug

can lead to worse hearing loss

NSAIDS+ diuretics

can decrease the effects of diuretics