Pharm 4B Gastrointestinal and Vitamins

Proton pump inhibits that reduces gastric acid and stops it from irritating the ulcer more

Pantoprazole IV

Alternative to pantoprazole


How does Ranitide work?

H2 antagonist, decreased production of gastric acid

Medication used for those taking long term NSAIDs (to prevent ulcers)


Pantoprazole considerations

-long term chronic use can lead to osteoporosis and fractures
-no alcohol and no nsaids
-don't open them and sprinkle them

Mistoprostol considerations


Ranitidine considerations

Generally safe
Avoid alcohol and nsaids
Can cause confusion in the elderly

When used in combination what is clarithromycin used to treat

H pylori infection

What does GERD do in regards to ulcers

Makes you more prone to them

Medications that neutralizes stomach acid so there is not as much acid irritating the ulcer (pain)

Magnesium hydroxide

Magnesium hydroxide considerations

Magnesium causes diarrhea
Kidney stones due to increased circulating calcium

Who cannot take magnesium hydroxide

People with renal disease (nsaids increase risk)

Magnesium hydroxide contains sodium so who shouldn't take it

Causes fluid retention so those with heart failure and renal failure

What are ondansetron and promethazk e and dronabinol used for


Ondansetron can cause

Further issues with heart rhythm

Side effects of promethazine

Extreme sedation
Extrapyramidal symptoms(spastic movement)

Dronabinol is a


What to watch for when taking dronabinol

Increases appetite

What is given for opioid constipation that isn't severe

Docusate sodium

Which laxative induces a bowel movement via peristalsis

Bisacodyl and mg

What is diphenoxylate used for

Anti diarrheal

Diphenoxylate can have what side effects if given in high doses


Don't give an antidiarrheal to someone with

C diff

What is ferrous sulfate used to treat

Iron deficiency anemia

Treatment for iron related anaphylaxis


Side effects with iron

Cause cause skin staining when given IM so use the z track method
Oral teeth staining
Can cause gi upset and BLACK STOOLS

Beefy red tongue can indicate what?

Pernicious anemia

What is pernicious anemia?

B12 deficiency

Folic acid deficiency anemia looks like

Numb and tingling extremities and is treated with folic avid

Antidote for high mg

Calcium Gluconate

Low mg side effects

Muscle weakness
Decreased deep tendon reflexes
Respiratory depression

Should you take antacids with anything


Mistoprostal induces


Psyllium is a what forming laxative


From sudden discontinuance of TPN what is the pt at risk for


Change all TPN tubings every

24 hours

Prior to admin TPN

2 RN check
Assess for cracking don't infuse a solid

What is the superior route of nutrition

Enteral route

How to reduce risk of aspirating feedings

Semi Fowler's
If laying a pt down turn off the feeding

Rapid feeding causes

Dumping syndrome

Never admin feeding that is

Cold or warm

Peripheral nutrition has a what concentration of what


Long term admin of PPN can cause

Phlebitis and limb loss

PPN is for pt that do not have

Large nutritional needs

TPN is for how long of has

Long term greater than 7-10 days

Where is TPN admin

Central line either subclavian or internal jugular

Assess for what when giving TPN

Egg allergy and lipid formations

Proton pump inhibits that reduces gastric acid and stops it from irritating the ulcer more

Pantoprazole IV

Alternative to pantoprazole


How does Ranitide work?

H2 antagonist, decreased production of gastric acid

Medication used for those taking long term NSAIDs (to prevent ulcers)


Pantoprazole considerations

-long term chronic use can lead to osteoporosis and fractures
-no alcohol and no nsaids
-don't open them and sprinkle them

Mistoprostol considerations


Ranitidine considerations

Generally safe
Avoid alcohol and nsaids
Can cause confusion in the elderly

When used in combination what is clarithromycin used to treat

H pylori infection

What does GERD do in regards to ulcers

Makes you more prone to them

Medications that neutralizes stomach acid so there is not as much acid irritating the ulcer (pain)

Magnesium hydroxide

Magnesium hydroxide considerations

Magnesium causes diarrhea
Kidney stones due to increased circulating calcium

Who cannot take magnesium hydroxide

People with renal disease (nsaids increase risk)

Magnesium hydroxide contains sodium so who shouldn't take it

Causes fluid retention so those with heart failure and renal failure

What are ondansetron and promethazk e and dronabinol used for


Ondansetron can cause

Further issues with heart rhythm

Side effects of promethazine

Extreme sedation
Extrapyramidal symptoms(spastic movement)

Dronabinol is a


What to watch for when taking dronabinol

Increases appetite

What is given for opioid constipation that isn't severe

Docusate sodium

Which laxative induces a bowel movement via peristalsis

Bisacodyl and mg

What is diphenoxylate used for

Anti diarrheal

Diphenoxylate can have what side effects if given in high doses


Don't give an antidiarrheal to someone with

C diff

What is ferrous sulfate used to treat

Iron deficiency anemia

Treatment for iron related anaphylaxis


Side effects with iron

Cause cause skin staining when given IM so use the z track method
Oral teeth staining
Can cause gi upset and BLACK STOOLS

Beefy red tongue can indicate what?

Pernicious anemia

What is pernicious anemia?

B12 deficiency

Folic acid deficiency anemia looks like

Numb and tingling extremities and is treated with folic avid

Antidote for high mg

Calcium Gluconate

Low mg side effects

Muscle weakness
Decreased deep tendon reflexes
Respiratory depression

Should you take antacids with anything


Mistoprostal induces


Psyllium is a what forming laxative


From sudden discontinuance of TPN what is the pt at risk for


Change all TPN tubings every

24 hours

Prior to admin TPN

2 RN check
Assess for cracking don't infuse a solid

What is the superior route of nutrition

Enteral route

How to reduce risk of aspirating feedings

Semi Fowler's
If laying a pt down turn off the feeding

Rapid feeding causes

Dumping syndrome

Never admin feeding that is

Cold or warm

Peripheral nutrition has a what concentration of what


Long term admin of PPN can cause

Phlebitis and limb loss

PPN is for pt that do not have

Large nutritional needs

TPN is for how long of has

Long term greater than 7-10 days

Where is TPN admin

Central line either subclavian or internal jugular

Assess for what when giving TPN

Egg allergy and lipid formations