PHRM 110 - CHP. 19

The nurse is giving discharge instructions to a patient who will be taking an antacid for gastric problems. Which of the following responses is incorrect about antacids?
A. Antacids must be taken with a lower fiber diet
B. Antacids should be taken at bedt

A. Antacids must be taken with a lower fiber diet

The patient tells the nurse that she has started taking the herbal preparation cat's claw to treat irritable bowel syndrome. The patient also is being treated with an anticoagulant medication. The most important thing that the nurse should tell the patien

B. Cat's claw is known to interact with anticoagulants. You should talk with your doctor

A young female patient is diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and is in an acute phase. She is placed on Sal-Tropine (atropine sulfate) at the maximum dose. The patient will best benefit from this medication because of which of the following reasons?

A. it is most effective and has fewer side effects

An elderly patient comes into the clinic. The nurse notes on her routine clinic-visit questionnaire that she has checked frequent use of a stimulant laxative. The nurse should pay close attention to which of the following laboratory values for this patien

D. Potassium level

A middle-aged patient has been diagnosed with gallstones and prescribed chenodiol (Chenix). This drug works by
A. suppressing cholesterol and cholic acid synthesis in the liver
B. reducing bile formation in the liver
C. enhancing biliary outflow to the in

A. suppressing cholesterol and cholic acid synthesis in the liver

The patient has been started on senna (Senokot). The patient tells the nurse she has a reddish-pink color to her urine. The most appropriate response from the nurse should be
A. This is an expected response to the medication
B. This is evidence of a toxic

A. This is an expected response to the medication

A patient on disulfiram should be cautioned to avoid ingesting alcohol used as an ingredient in certain preparations. Which of the following products have hidden alcohol?
A. cough syrup
B. chocolate candy
C. fruit smoothies
D. Lifesavers

A. cough syrup

A patient comes into the clinic complaining of severe abdominal pain that occurs approximately 45 to 60 minutes after eating. The pain also wakes him up at night. When he eats or drinks some milk, he feels better. When he eats Mexican food or drinks alcoh

C. an antacid

A frail 67-year-old nursing-home patient is brought to the clinic for a barium enema. For the next few days following the procedure, he fails to have any bowel movements. The physician will probably order which of the following treatments?
A. saline laxat

A. saline laxative

The nurse is taking care of a patient being treated with disulfiram (Antabuse). The patient complains to the nurse of not having the full effects of the medication after taking the drug for 10 days. The most appropriate response from the nurse is
A. The e

C. It may take 3 weeks for the drug to reach its full effectiveness

Patients taking disulfiram should be instructed to avoid
A. milk products
B. cough suppressant mixtures
C. aged cheeses
D. products containing aspirin

B. cough suppressant mixtures

Laxatives are classified into five major categories that include all of the following except
A. Bulk-forming agents
B. Lubricants
C. Saline solutions
D. Antispasmodics

D. Antispasmodics

A patient is diagnosed as having a duodenal ulcer. Which of the following is likely to be the physician's drug of choice?
A. Maalox
B. Gelusil
C. Milk of magnesia
D. Protonix

D. Protonix

A patient is admitted to the hospital inpatient treatment unit for alcohol intoxication. After 2 days without alcohol, he is medically stable enough to begin therapy. He begins individual therapy and group sessions with Alcoholics Anonymous. Prior to disc

B. disulfiram

If a patient phones the acute care department with complaints of diarrhea lasting for 36 hours, the LPN who takes the call should tell the patient to
A. self-administer over-the-counter antidiarrheal agents
B. rehydrate with 8 ounces of fluid for each loo

D. hold the line until a health care provider can speak with him

The physician orders an antacid for a patient diagnosed with functional dyspepsia. Which of the following other types of medication may be ordered in conjunction with the antacid to treat this patient for stomach discomfort after eating?
A. Antiflatulent

A. Antiflatulent

One of the nurse's older adult patients is abusing laxatives. Which of the following would be an appropriate intervention for this patient to help reduce this chronic laxative use and dependency?
A. advise the patient to take laxative once weekly
B. stop

D. have the patient drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day

A patient complains of constipation. Which of the following items would the nurse instruct the patient as the least effective in helping his constipation?
A. apple juice
B. oranges
C. bran cereals
D. figs

A. apple juice

A patient complains to her physician of abdominal bloating and discomfort. She is a known alcoholic and has been treated recently for pancreatitis. Medications that may be used to reduce abdominal discomfort resulting from intestinal spasm, increased moti

B. antispasmodics and anticholinergics

The nurse instructs the patient who has been prescribed tetracycline to avoid
A. cigarette smoking
B. aspirin
C. antacids
D. excessive fluids

C. antacids

A laxative that works to soften the stool is a/an
A. lubricant laxative
B. stimulant laxative
C. bulk-forming laxative
D. emollient laxative

A. lubricant laxative

Simethicone works by
A. adding bulk to the stool
B. delaying gastric emptying time
C. reducing GI motility and associated spasms
D. breaking up and preventing mucus-surrounded pockets of gas from forming in the intestine

D. breaking up and preventing mucus-surrounded pockets of gas from forming in the intestine

Which of the following herbal agents may be used to treat indigestion?
A. ginger
B. licorice
C. olive leaf
D. mild thistle

A. ginger

A patient is diagnosed as having a duodenal ulcer. Which of the following drugs are used as first-line therapy to relieve symptoms and prevent complications of peptic ulcer disease when used over the course of 6 to 8 weeks?
A. aluminum hydroxide and magne

D. cimetidine (Tagamet)

A patient who has had gallbladder surgery finds that in the postoperative period she is bothered by an excess of intestinal gas, producing flatus and bloating. Which of the following would be an appropriate medication for this symptom?
A. syrup of ipecac

C. simethicone

A child with cystic fibrosis has been prescribed pancreatic digestive enzymes. This drug works by
A. stimulating HCl secretion in the stomach
B. replacing these enzymes
C. decreasing gas formation in the intestine
D. aiding iron absorption

B. replacing these enzymes

A patient has a peptic ulcer and is placed on a proton pump inhibitor. The patient asks how long he will have to take this medication before it will start to work. Which of the following represents the nurse's best response to this patient?
A. it is a fas

D. it will take over 6 to 8 weeks for this drug to take effect

An alcoholic patient comes to the emergency department after drinking a beer. He has complaints of severe diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Which of the following drugs would produce this kind of reaction in the patient?
A. cephulac (Lactulose)
B. bisacodyl

C. disulfiram (Antabuse)

Drugs that work by stopping the acid secretory pump embedded within the gastric parietal cell membrane are known as
A. H2-receptor antagonists
B. proton pump inhibitors
C. antacid combinations
D. antispasmodics

B. proton pump inhibitors

A medication frequently prescribed to treat spasms of the GI tract in patients with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome ) is
A. metoclopramide (Reglan)
B. tridihexethyl (Pathilon)
C. dicyclomine (Bentyl)
D. mepenzolate (Cantil)

C. dicyclomine (Bentyl)

A patient has been ordered chenodiol (Chenix) for treatment of gallstones. Which of the following is an adverse effect of chenodiol?
A. blurred vision
B. weakness
C. ringing in ears (tinnitus)
D. nonspecific abdominal pain

D. nonspecific abdominal pain

A patient recovering from alcoholism has been taking disulfiram for a week. On a return visit to the clinic, the patient tells the nurse that he is experiencing flushing and warming of the face. Which of the following may be causing this reaction?
A. the

C. the patient may still have alcohol in his system

A 47-year-old patient has been diagnosed with cholesterol gallstones. She has had increased abdominal pain following fatty meals for the past few weeks. The physician orders an x-ray examination, which reveals radiolucent cholesterol gallstones. The physi

A. start the patient on chenodiol to dissolve the stones