Antiemetic and Antinausea drugs


unpleasant feeling that often precedes vomiting


forcible emptying of gastric, and occasionally intestinal contents

Antiemetic drugs

used to relieve nausea and vomiting

Voming center


Chemoreceptor trigger zone

gastrointestinal tract, labrynth (inner ear), and Cerebral Cortex

Antiemetic and Antinausea Drugs Mechanisms of action

many different mechanisms f action, most work by bocking one of the vomiting pathways, thus blocking the stimulus that induces vomting

Antiemetic and Antinausea indications

specific indications vary per class of antiemetics, general use for each type: prevention and reduction of nausea and vomiting

Antiemetic and Antinausea drugs

Anticholinergics, Antihistamine, antidopaminergics, prokinetic, serotonin blockers, tertahydrocannabinoids

Anticholinergics Drugs mechanisms of action

bind to and vlock acetylcholine receptors in the inner ear (labrynth), blocks transimttion of nauseating stimuli to CTZ, also block transmission of nauseating stimuli from the reticular formation to the VC Example: Scopolamine (also used for motion sicken

Antihistamine Drugs Mechanisms of Action

inhibits ACH by binding to H1 receptors, prevents cholinergics stimulation in vestibular and reticular areas, thus preventing nausea and vomting, also used for motion sickness, nonproductive cough, allergy symptoms, sedation Examples: dimenhydriinate (Dra

Antidopaminergic Drugs Mechanisms of action

block dopamine receptors on the CTZ. also used for psychotic disorders, intractable hiccups Examples: prochloperazine (Comazine), promethazine (Phenergan), droperidol (Inapsine) use is controvrisla because of associated cardiac dysrhythmia

Prokinetics Drugs mechanisms of action

block dopamine in the CTZ, case CTZ to be desnsitized to impulses it recieves from the GI tract, also stimulates peristalsis in GI tract, inhacning emptying of stomach contents, also used for GERD, delayed gastric emptying Exmaple: metoclopramide (Reglan)

Seratonin blockers Mechanisms of Actions

bleck seratonin receptors in the GI tract, CTZ and VZ, used for nausea and vomiting in patients recieving chemotherapy and for postoperative nausea and vomting Example: dolasetron (Anzemet), granisetron(Kytirl), ondanestron (Zofran), palonsetron (Aolxil)

Tetrahydrocannabinoids mechanism of action

major psychoactive substance in marijuana, inhibitory effects on reticular formation, thalamus, cerebral cortex, after mood and body's perception of its surroundings Example: Dronabinol (Marinol), used for nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy,

Anticholinergics Adverse effects

dizziness, drowsiness, disorientation, tahchycardia, blurred vision, dlated pupils, dry mouth, difficult urination, constipation

Anthistamines Adverse effects

dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, blurred vision, dilated pupils, dry mouth, urinary retention

Antidopaminergics Adverse effects

orthostatic hypotension, EKG changes, tachycardia, headache, blurred vision, dry eyes, urinary retnetion, dry mouth, nausea/vomiting, anorexia, constipation

Prokinetics adverse effects

hypotension, tachycardia, sedation, fatigue, restlessness, headache

Seratonin Blockers Adverse effects

headache, diarrhea, rash, bronchospasms

Tetrahydrocannabinoids adverse effects

drowsiness, dizziness, anxiety, confusion, euphoria, visual disturbances, dry mouth


herbal product used for nausea and vomiting including that caused by chemotherapy, morning sickness, and motion sickness
adverse effects; nausea and vomiting, skin reactions
Drug interactions: may increase absorption of oral medications, increase bleeding

Nursing Implication of Antiemetic and Antinausea medicines

assess complete nausea and vomting history, including precipitating factors, weight loss, baseline vitals, hydration status, any lab results
assess current medications (OTC, herbals, RX, social drugs)
assess for contraindications and potential drug intera