Pharm Ch.6-12

Cultural Competence

Requires maintaining awareness of one's own values and beliefs without letting them have undue influence on those of other backgrounds, demonstrating knowledge and understanding of another's culture, accepting and respecting cultural differences, and cons

Biocultural Ecology

Inherited physical, biologic, and psychological variations in ethnic and racial groups


Acute Rehabilitative Unit. Developed to focus on the physical rehabilitation of the patient


Transitional Care Unit. Developed to continue care of patients who are well enough to be discharged from the acute care facility but may not be eligible for a long-term facility because they need IV drug therapy or intense physical therapy


patient who arrives in the morning for a procedure with the expectation of returning home after the procedure is completed

Medication Reconciliation

ystematic process in which the patient's medication history is compared to the current list of prescribed medication

Alternative Therapy

use of nutritional supplements and herbal and botanical preparations

Complementary Therapy

augmentations or supplements to health care that include vitamins, and minerals, as well as the use of herbs and botanicals

Glycemic Index

how quickly the carbohydrate increases the blood glucose level

Glycemic Load

Includes both the glycemic index and the amount of carbohydrates in a particular food

Herbal and Botanical Preparation

substances derived from a plant source and used as a dietary supplement or as medication


chemically diverse group of organic compounds needed by the body to maintain health by regulating metabolism and assisting in the biochemistry of food digestion as cofactors for enzymes

Mineral Cations

Include calcium, magnesium, potas-sium, and sodium/ Function in energy metabolism, mem-brane transport, and maintenance of membrane potential


Therapeutic agents derived from plants or the prepara-tions made from them


Tolerance to one drug causing tolerance to other drugs in the same class

Physical Dependence

When drug use over time occurs in the body cells, secondary to tolerance, causes the body to "need" the drug for homeostasis


Patients dependent on a specific drug in one class. They may be dependent on a similar drug in the same class.

Abstinence Syndrome (withdrawal)

Develops when the dependent drug use is stopped abruptly


omplex process involving interactions among the drug (availability, cost, pharmacology, toxicology); the user (personal resources, psychiatric prole, tempera-ment); and society (family and peer inuences, positive and negative advertising, and social attit


olerance to a drug in a particular class may also occur to other drugs in the same class.

Psychological Dependence

Involves the compulsive use of and craving for a drug

What are some factors that go into developing a dependence?

Development, Environment, Personality Traits, Mood Disorders, Genetics, Availability, Socioeconomic Status


Occurs when the body develops a natural resistance to the drug's physical or euphoric effects, making it necessary to take increasing doses more frequently to achieve the desired effect.

Most commonly abused CNS stimulants

cocaine and methamphetamine.

Effects of potent CNS stimulants

energize muscles, decrease appetite, cause some degree of mental and physical alertness, produce feelings of self-confidence, and induce some degree of euphoria.

CNS Depressants Effects

decrease heart rate, respiration, and reaction time, relax muscles, suppress physical and mental pain, diminish inhibitions, and promote sedation

Opoid (narcotics) Effects

relieve pain, suppress coughing, enhance anesthetic effect for surgery, and relieve severe diarrhea.

Hallucinogens Effects

Pronounced mental and emotional effects because they distort the way the brain interprets sensory information


products that can be abused by inhaling them through the nose or mouth to achieve an intoxicating effect

Designer Drugs

These drugs are similar in chemical structure to existing drugs and are developed with relative ease in illegal laboratories.

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

synthetic formulations of the male hormone testosterone

Geriatric patient

defined as person 60 years or older

Frail Elderly

Older adults who are not independent and are in poor or compromised condition


Taking several drugs simultaneously

Paradoxical Excitement

When giving an elderly a benzodiazepine and it has the opposite effect than intended.


Serious hypertensive condition can develop during pregnancy

Gestational diabetes

Form of diabetes that develops during pregnancy


Any substance that causes birth defects in a newborn

Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome

Caused by antiepleptic or phenytoin where craniofacial abnormalities, limb defects, growth deficiency, and mental deficiency result

Pediatric patient

Patient younger than 16 years weighing less than 50 kg

Body surface area

External surface of the body expressed in square meters


Chart or graph that shows relationships between numerical variables

Difference in body water in fat between children and adults

Children have a higher concentration of water and a lower concentration of fat resulting in less of the drug in the blood. T

Difference in liver function between children and adults

Children have immature liver function


Life-threatening condition where bilirubin accumulates in the CNS