Pharm. Part II of Concept 2 for Hesi

Anticholinergics Side effects

Drowsiness, Blurred vision, Dry mouth Constipation, Urinary retention
NC -Used to reduce bladder spasms and treat urinary incontinence, Increase fluids and fiber in diet, Contraindicated for clients with glaucoma

Anticholinergics will

block parasympathetic response which blocks bronchoconstriction and inflammatory mediators

Anticholinergics treat

parkinsonism, relief of extrapyramidal, block the action of acetylcholine in the CNS to help normalize the acetylcholine-dopamine imbalance -(excreted by cellular pathways)

Anticholinergics can

- decrease pulmonary and oral secretions and prevent laryngospasm.

Anticholinergics side effects

Headache, cough, dry mouth, bad taste, pharyngitis; constipation, urinary retention

Atrovent and Combivent are (anticholinergics)

Decrease chemical in respiratory tree
1st line treatment in COPD

Pro-Banthine or Robinul (Anticholinergics)

These drugs decrease amount of acid secretion (dry out).
USE: Peptic ulcer.
MED: propantheline (Pro-Banthine), glycopyrrolate (Robinul)

Scopolamine (Anticholinergic) will

MOA: blocks histamine, acetylcholine, serotonin activity
Use: prevent/treat motion sickness
Adverse effects: drowsiness, blurred vision, hypotension

Cogentin and Artane (anticholinergics) used to

blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses. side effects include dry mouth and blurred vision; , class of drugs used to treat parkinson's disease


What is used for mydriasis and cycloplegia eye surgeries?

Spiriva is a Anticholinergic that can

Slow, prolonged action
Bind to ACh receptors & PREVENT bronchoconstriction
NOT for ACUTE asthma
Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent)
Tiotropium (Spiriva)

Palivizumab is a

humanized monoclonal antibody, used for prevention of RSV in high risk children, such as premature infants.

A known mucolytic is



or expectorant is any agent which dissolves thick mucus and is usually used to help relieve respiratory difficulties. It does so by hydrolyzing glycosaminoglycans, tending to break down/lower the viscosity of mucin-containing body secretions/components. T

Beta 2 Agonist

Stimulate the Lungs, GI, and Smooth muscles of blood vessels. Increase vasodilation, dilate broncioles, slow peristalsis, decrease urine production, decrease uterine contractions. (Brithine)

Beta 2 Agonist

bronchodilator, little cardiac stimulation; increases respiratory rate-inhalation; for asthma attack

Alpha 1 does

vasoconstriction increased blood pressure, increased heart rate;

Beta 1 can cause

cardiac stimulation, increased heart rate;

Alpha 2 causes

vasodilation, increase blood pressure, causes vascular headaches, flushing;

Beta 2 causes

vasodilation, decreased blood pressure, vascular headache, flushing

Some Beta 2 agonist are

ProAir HFA,- Ventolin HFA/ Proventil HFA- Brethine Prevent and treats asthms attacks

Beta 2 agonist will

1. increase heart rate
2. inc. blood pressure
3. increase blood glucose
4. bronchioles and pupils dilate

Beta 2 agonist are the

*1st choice in acute exacerbation (quick onset of action)
*Use levalbuterol because only has R isomer

Some Beta 2 agonist are and can be used to treat

cause relaxation of preg. uterus, can be used to prevent pre-term labor

Carafate is given

60 minutes before meals and at HS. Is a liquid and is given to coat the esophagus, protecting it from erosion by gastric acid.

Carafate is for

coating agent for duodenal ulcers

Carafate is a

cytoprotective drug; decreased absorption of dilantin, tetracyclines, fat-soluble vitamins, fluroquinolones (cipro, floxin, levaquin); give on empty stomach 1 hour before/after meals; consult pharmacist before giving with enteral feedings, give antacids 3


What is the drug of choice in treating ventricle dysrhythmias? Monitor for drowsiness!


Which sodium channel blocker decreases myocardial irritability in the ventricles but has little to no effect on the atria?

Lidocaine increases

Class 1B
How supplied - IV only
Adverse Reactions; Bradycardia, Hypotension
- these drugseffects: Amiodarone, Diltiazem, Verapamil, Azole Antifungals, Protease inhibitors

Lidocaine given with

Phenytoin, Fosphenytoin, Rifampin
Precautions/Contraindications - none stated
Monitoring - Serum Lidocaine: 1.5-5mcg/mL, BP, HR, given IV, for ventricular arrhythmias, reduce dose in patients with liver disease/heart failure; shortens QT interval

Lidocaine is

Amide local anesthetic, medium-duration amide prototype: highly selective use-dependent class IB antiarrhythmic; used for nerve block and post-MI ischemic ventricular arrhythmias. Tox: CNS excitation. Mexiletine: like lidocaine, but orally active.

Aldactone is

a synthetic corticosteroid (trade name Aldactone) used to treat hypertension

Aldactone is a

-potassium-sparing diuretic
-blocks the effects of aldosterone in the late distal tubule and collecting duct
-monitor creatinine and potassium levels
-dosage: HTN 50-100mg/day HF 25-50mg/day
-side effects: electrolyte imbalances, hypotension, hyperuricemi

Aldactone's proper name

Spironolactone-Potassium Sparing Diuretic: Treats swelling and fluid retention in patients with congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis, or kidney problems. High blood pressure, and excess secretions of the hormone aldosterone.

Orlistat will

Inhibits pancreatic lipases (reduces fat metab)
Use: Obesity
Tox: Steatorrhea, GI distress, reduced absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), headache
Can cause anal leakage and loose stools

Orlistat does

alters fat metabolism by inhibiting pancreatic lipases. clinically used for long term obesity management. Toxicity-steatorrhea, GI discomfort, reduced absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and headache

Enoxaparin is

This low molecular weight heparin inactivates factor Xa and is used for tx of venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and acute coronary syndrome.

Enoxaparin for

Acute coronary syndromes: Unstable angina (UA), non-ST-elevation (NSTEMI), and ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI); DVT prophylaxis: Following hip or knee replacement surgery, abdominal surgery, or in medical patients with severely-restricted mobil

Mast cell stabilizer side effecets

Nausea, headache, dizziness, hypotension, fatigue, unpleasant taste. Can cause cough and tooth discoloration.
NOT for Rescue
MED: cromolyn (Intal)

When to take Mast cell stabilizers

Must be reconstituted with water. Administer 1/2 hours before meals and HS (bed time).
USE: Combine with other meds for asthma treatment.
MED: cromolyn (Intal)

Mast cell stabilizer treats

Asthma/COPD - prevents the release of histamine from mast cells and other inflammatory antigens from mast cells to prevent bronchiole constriction during allergic reactions

A Mast cell stabilizer is

Cromolyn- inhaled from capsule; used for asthma and allergic rhinitis- prevents histamine and SRSA release from Mast cells
contraindications: seafood allergy; impaired hepatic and renal function
S/E- swollen eyes, headache, dry mucosa, and nausea