Pharm Chapt. 20

The tree terms in relationship to the pain experience are pain ____, pain____, and pain____.

Perception,threshold and tolerance

______ pain is a nonspecific pain of unknown origin


______ are drugs that relieve pain without producing loss of consciousness or reflex activity.


Antidotes for opiate antagonists include ____,_____ and naltrexone(ReVia).

Revex and Narcan

Opiate partial agonist drugs should be held and the health care provider notified if the patient's respirations are below ______.


NSAID is an abbreviation for ________ _____.

Nonsteroidal antiflammatory drug.

The primary therapeutic outcomes expected from acetaminophen(Tylenol) are reduced _____ and _____.

reduced pain and fever

The NSAIDs exert their therapeutic effect by blocking ______ and _____.

COX 1 and COX 2













Patients experiencing acute pain would be mostl likely to exhibit which sign?


Which type of pain originates form the abdominal and thoacic organs?


Whihc statement about the use of the transdermal opioid analgesic fentanyl(Duragesic) is true?

The patch provides relied for up to 72 hours

A patient is receiving drugs for pain. Which statment about nutritional aspects of care for this patient is correct?

Constipation is a common effect from opiate use

A patient prescribed opiates is suspected of being addicted to opiate agonists. What is the best course of action for this patient's care?

Give the patient methadone if withdrawal symptoms become severe.

If an opiate partial agonist is administered to a patient who is addicted to opiate agonists, what must the nurse assess for?

Withdrawal symptoms form the opiate agonist

A patient has been taking an oral hypoglycemic agent, and is now ordered salicylate therapy for pain magament. What does the nurse anticipate will happen when these two types of drugs are taken together?

Salicylates may enhance the hypoglycemic effects of oral hypoglycemic agents;therefore, the patient will be monitored for hypoglycemia.

Which statement about opiate partial agonists is true?

The potency with the first few weeks of therapy is similar to that of morphine; however, after prolonged use, tolerance may develop.

Visceral pain usually originates from which parts of the body?

1. abdominal organs
2.Thoracic organs

What nonpharmacologic comfort measures may the nurse provide for a patient with pain?

1. Backrubs
2.cold applications
4.transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

A patient is receiving opiate agonists for pain control. Which adverse effects does the nurse report to the heath care provider?

1. respiratory rate of 7
2. urinary retention

While assessing a patient whi has overdosed on acetaminophen(Tylenol), it is most important for the nurse to assess which body system?
