Pharmacology Chapter 13

A nurse is preparing to give a drug that stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. Which patient response is an expected outcome of this drug?
A) Wheezing decreases due to bronchodilation.
B) Heart rate decreases to 60 beats per minute.
C) Diarrhea s

Correct: B
Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) causes slowing of the heart rate. The PNS does not regulate temperature. The PNS would facilitate peristalsis and thus would not decrease diarrhea. The PNS is associated with contraction o

A patient is experiencing symptoms of the fight-or-flight response. Which autonomic process orchestrates this response?
A) Stimulation of the sympathetic system
B) Stimulation of the predominant tone of the organs
C) Stimulation of the baroreceptor reflex

Correct: A
Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system produces the fight-or-flight response. The baroreceptor reflex regulates blood pressure.

The nurse knows that which neurotransmitter is most commonly found at the synapses of the peripheral nervous system?
A) Norepinephrine
B) Epinephrine
C) Dopamine
D) Acetylcholine

Correct: D
Norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, and acetylcholine all are neurotransmitters for the peripheral nervous system, but acetylcholine is the most abundant. It is released by all preganglionic neurons in both the sympathetic and parasympatheti

A nurse is preparing to give a medication that stimulates the beta2 receptors. What response will the nurse expect from this drug?
A) Increased peristalsis
B) Constriction of the pupil
C) Hypoglycemia
D) Bronchodilation

Correct: D
Activation of beta2 receptors leads to bronchodilation; decreased uterine contractions; hyperglycemia; and vasodilation of the heart, lungs, and skeletal muscle. It does not produce increased peristalsis, constriction of the pupil, or hypoglyce

A nurse gives a medication that inhibits acetylcholinesterase. How would this drug affect autonomic activity?
A) Parasympathetic activity would increase.
B) Parasympathetic signals would be depressed.
C) Sympathetic activity would increase.
D) Respiratory

Correct: A
Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that metabolizes acetylcholine. When acetylcholine is not broken down, it continues to send its message. Acetylcholine is associated mostly with the parasympathetic nervous system; therefore, this system would

Which organs are controlled primarily by the parasympathetic system? (Select all that apply.)
A) Gastrointestinal tract
B) Respiratory tract
C) Cardiovascular system
D) Skin
E) Salivary glands

Correct: A, B, D, E
The sympathetic nervous system provides the dominant tone for the cardiovascular system.

Which receptors below are considered adrenergic receptors? (Select all that apply.)
A) Alpha1
B) Beta2
C) Dopamine
D) Muscarinic1
E) Beta1
F) Alpha2

Correct: A,B,C,E,F
Alpha, beta, and dopamine receptors are all part of the sympathetic system and therefore are adrenergic receptors. Muscarinic receptors are part of the parasympathetic system and are cholinergic