Pharmacology Exam II

When reviewing actions of drugs, the nurse recognizes that a hypnotic drug is a drug that performs which action?

Produces sleep

A patient who has been taking a benzodiazepine for 5 weeks has been instructed to stop the medication. Which instruction will the nurse provide to the patient on how to discontinue the medication?

Plan a gradual reduction in dosage

A patient will be undergoing a brief surgical procedure to obtain a biopsy from a superficial mass on his arm. The nurse expects that which type of barbituate will be used at this time?


While monitoring a patient who took an overdose of barbituates, the nurse keeps in mind that the cause of death would be which of the following?

Respiratory arrest

A patient with back muscle spasms is being treated with a skeletal muscle relaxant. In order to ensure that these drugs are most effective, the nurse will make sure what other treatment is ordered?

Physical therapy

The nurse is providing care for a patient who has accidentally taken an overdose of benzodiazepines. Which drug would be used to treat this patient?


Pain that is thought to account for most migraine headaches.

Vascular Pain

Pain that relates to a body part that has been removed.

Phantom Pain

Pain that originates from the skin or mucous membranes.

Superficial Pain

Pain that occurs with tumors, trauma, or inflammation of the brain.

Central Pain

Persistent or recurring pain that is often difficult to treat.

Chronic Pain

Pain that is sudden and usually subsides when treated.

Acute Pain

Pain that originates from the organs or smooth muscles.

Visceral Pain

Pain that originates from the skeletal muscles, ligaments, or joints.

Somatic Pain

Pain that results from injury or damage to peripheral nerv fibers.

Neuropathic Pain

During a marathon, a runner had to drop out after 16 miles because of severe muscle spasms. Which type of pain is the runner experiencing?

Somatic Pain

A young man has been taken to the emergency department because of a suspected drug overdose of morphine tablets. The nurse prepares to administer which drug.

naloxone or Narcan

An anticonvulsant drug has been ordered as part of a patient's pain management program. The nurse explains to the patient that the purpose of the anticonvulsant is to.

relieve neuropathic pain

Moderate to severe pain is best treated with which medication?


The nurse is preparing to administer an opioid analgesic. Which factors should be assessed before the dose if given?

Prior analgesic use
The level of pain rated on a scale

Any drug that binds to a receptor and causes a response has ______________ properties.


Mrs. M. had breast reduction surgery yesterday and is complaining of pain around her incisions. Mrs. M. is experiencing ________________ pain.


Mrs. G. is experiencing pain and itching due to a severe case of poison ivy on the skin of her arms and legs. She is experiencing _______________ pain.


Mr. E. paces the floor all night, holding this side. The pain is so severe that he is sick to his stomach. His wife brings him to the emergency department, where it is quickly discovered that Mr. E had a kidney stone. The type of pain he is experiencing i


Mr. D's drug binds to a receptor but causes an effect opposite to that of the type of drug discussed earlier. He is taking a drug with ____________ properties.


This word is often used interchangeably with the term opioid.


Mrs. T is taking a drug that binds to part of a receptor and causes effects that are not as strong as those of a pure agonist. She is taking __________________ agonist.


Ms. L was in an auto accident and injured her leg. In assessing the level of a stimulus applied to her toe that results in a perception of pain, you are testing her pain ________.


The nurse is reviewing a patient's medication administration record. Which best describes a common use for doxapram (Dopram)?

To treat respiratory insufficiency associated with COPD

The nurse is administering a stimulant drug. Which are results of stimulation of the central nervous system (CNS) by these drugs?

Decreased drowsiness
Increased respirations

A patient has asked for a cup of coffee. The nurse keeps in mind that caffeine should be avoided by patients that have a history of ___________________________.

Cardiac dysrhythmias

The physician has ordered orlistat (Xenical). The nurse recognizes that this drug is used to treat which condition?


When a child is taking drugs for ADHD, what will the nurse instruct the caregivers to closely monitor in the child?

Physical growth, especially weight

A patient with migraine headaches is being evaluated. One potential treatment is ergotamine tablets. The nurse notes that the patient has the following conditions. Which would be a contraindication to the use of ergotamine?


What is another name for an adrenergic drug?

Adrenergic Agonist

The nurse is administering an adrenergic drug and will monitor for which possible effect?

Increased Heart Rate
Increased B/P and Pulse
Pupils Dilate
Secretions Decrease

The nurse is aware that adrenergic drugs may be used to treat which conditions?

Nasal Congestion

A woman who is allergic to bees has just been stung while out in her garden. She reaches for her bee-sting kit, which would most likely contain which drug?

epinephrine (EpiPen)

A 13 year old girl was diagnosed with asthma 2 years ago. Today her physician wants to start her on salmeterol (Serevent) administered via inhaler. The nurse needs to remember to include which statement when teaching the girl and her family about this dru

This inhaler is for prevention of asthma attacks, not for an acute attack.

Adrenergic blockade at the alpha-adrenergic receptors leads to which of the following effects?

Decreased blood pressure
Constriction of the pupil

The nurse discovers that the intravenous infusion of a patient who has been receiving an intravenous vasopressor has infiltrated. The nurse will expect which drug to be used to reverse the effects of vasopressor in the infiltrated area?


A patient has a new prescription for a beta blocker as part of treatment for hypertension. The nurse is reviewing the patient's current medications and notes that there may be a concern regarding interactions with which medication?

Oral hypoglycemic for type 2 diabetes mellitus

A patient has been given an alpha blocker as treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Which instruction is important to include when the nurse is teaching him about the effects for this medication?

Change positions slowly to avoid orthostatic blood pressure changes.

A patient who has been taking a beta blocker for 6 months tells the nurse during a follow up visit that she wants to stop taking this medication. She is wondering if there is any problem with stopping the medication all at once. What is the nurse's best r

If you stop this medication suddenly, there is a possibility you may experience chest pain or rebound hypertension.

Antidote for overdose of a cholinergic drug.


Cholinergic drugs that act by making more acetylcholine (ACh) available at the receptor site, which thus allows ACh to bind and stimulate the receptor.

Indirect-acting cholinergic drugs

Cholinergic drugs that bind to cholinergic receptors and activate them.

Direct-acting cholinergic drugs

Receptors located postsynaptically in the effector organs (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, the glands) supplied by the parasympathetic fibers.


Receptors located in the ganglia of the parasympathetic (PSNS) and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS),


A description of the action of the PSNS.

Rest and Digest

The neurotransmitter responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to the effector cells in the PSNS.


The enzyme responsible for breaking down ACh.


The desired effect of cholinergic drugs come from stimulation of which receptors?


The undesirable effects of cholinergic drugs come from stimulation of which receptors?


When a patient mentions that bethanechol when asked about his medication history, the nurse recognizes that this drug is used for the treatment of which condition?

Urinary Retention

When caring for a patient with a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis, the nurse can expect to see which drug ordered for symptomatic treatment?


A 62 year old woman has started taking donepezil for early stage Alzheimer's disease. Her daughter expresses relief that "there is finally a pill to cure Alzheimer's Disease." What is the nurse's best response?

This drug may help to improve symptoms, but it is not intended as a cure.

A patient has received an inadvertant overdose of a cholingeric drug. The nurse will monitor for which early signs of a cholinergic crisis?

Salivation, Dyspnea, Flushing of the Skin

The nurse will prepare to give which drug to a patient who is experiencing a cholinergic crisis?


Before giving an anticholinergic drug, the nurse should check the patient's history for which condition?

Acute Asthma
Benign prostatic hyperplasia

The nurse will monitor for which adverse effects of anticholinergic drugs?

Dilated pupils
Dry Mouth
Urinary retention

In reviewing the medication orders for a newly admitted patient, the nurse recognizes that which in an indication of atropine sulfate?

Reduction of secretions preoperatively

During patient teaching for a 70 year old man who will be taking an anticholinergic drug, the nurse will reinforce that this medication places the patient at higher risk for which problem?


A 28 year old woman is preparing to take a cruise and has asked for a prescription to prevent motion sickness. What drug will the woman take and what are the instructions?

Apply the patch 4 to 5 hours before travel

The unpleasant state of mind in which real or imagined dangers are anticipated and/or exaggerated


A state characterized by an expansive emotional state (including symptoms of extreme excitement and elation) and hyperactivity.


A group of psychotropic drugs prescribed to alleviate anxiety.


Emotional disorders characterized by changes in mood.

affective disorders

A major psychologic disorder characterized by episodes of mania or hypermania, cycling with depression.

bipolar affective disorder

Patients taking MAOI's need to be taught to avoid foods that contain this substance.


An older class of antidepressant drugs


An abnormal emotional state characterized by exaggerated feelings of sadness, melancholy, and worthlessness out of proportion to reality.


A frequently prescribed benzodiazepine

diazepam or Valium

The most widely used tricyclic antidepressant

amitriptyline or Elavil

An atypical antipsychotic drug used to treat schizophrenia.

risperidone or Risperdal

A non-benzodiazepine drug used to treat anxiety.

buspirone or BuSpar

Used to treat mania


A type of serious mental illness that can take several different forms and is associated with being truly out of touch with reality.


The nurse is administering the antipsychotic drug clozapine (Clozaril) and should monitor the patient for what long-term problem associated with this drug?

Weight Gain
Increased Appetite

During therapy for depression with an SSRI, it is most important for the nurse to instruct the family to monitor for which adverse effect?

Suicidal thoughts

The wife of a patient who has started taking anti-depressant therapy asks, "How long will it take for him to feel better?" What is the nurse's best response?

It may take 4 - 6 weeks to see an improvement

When administering certain antipsychotic drugs, the nurse monitors for extra pyramidal effects such as _____________.

Painful muscle spasms
Motor restlessness

The nurse instructs a patient who is undergoing therapy with monoamine oxidase inhibitors to avoid tyramine containing foods. What medical emergency may occur if the patient eats these foods while taking this medication?

Severe hypertensive crisis

Status epilepticus is considered a life threatening medical _________.


A type of epilepsy with an unknown cause.


A potential adverse effect of valproic acid.


A brief episode of abnormal electrical activity in the nerve cells to the brain.


Intravenous administered antiepileptic drugs should be delivered this way to avoid serious adverse effects.


A type of epilepsy with a distinct cause.


An involuntary spasmodic contraction of voluntary muscles throughout the body.


This class of drugs is the first line drugs used to treat status epilepticus.


A barbituated used primarily to control tonic-clonic and partial seizures.


The metabolic process that occurs when the metabolism of a drug increases over time, which leads to lower than expected drug concentrations.


Recurrent episodes of convulsive seizures.


A first line antiepileptic drug, the long term use of which can cause gingival hyperplasia.

Phenytoin or Dilantin

A patient has been taking antiepileptic drugs for a year. The nurse is reviewing his recent history and will monitor for which condition that may develop during this time?

Suicidal thoughts or behavior

A patient is experiencing a seizure that has lasted for several minutes and has not regained consciousness. The nurse recognizes that this is a life threatening emergency known as _____________________.

status epilepticus

The nurse is giving an IV dose of phenytoin (Dilantin). Which guidelines will the nurse follow for administration?

Inject slowly
Avoid continuous infusion

The nurse is administering phenobarbital (Luminal) and will monitor the patient for which possible adverse effect?


A patient has been admitted to the emergency department with status epilepticus. The nurse knows that which drug is considered the first choice for this condition?

diazepam or Valium

A patient who is experiencing neuropathic pain tells the nurse that the physician is going to start him on a new medication that is generally used to treat seizures. The nurse anticipates that which drug will be ordered?

gabapentin or Neurontin

A patient with Parkinson's disease has difficulty performing voluntary movements. What is the correct term for this symptom?


Which drug may be used early in the treatment of Parkinson's disease but eventually loses effectiveness and must be replaced with another drug?

amantadine or Symmetrel

The nurse notes lithium on a patient's drug history upon admission. Which condition would the nurse suspect that this patient suffers from?

bipolar disorder

Which laboratory test should be monitored frequently to assess for a potential life-threatening adverse reaction to clozapine (Clozaril)?

complete blood count

While admitting a patient for treatment of an acetaminophen overdose, the nurse prepares to administer which of the following medications to prevent toxicity?

acetylcysteine or Mucomyst

In monitoring a patient for adverse effects related to morphine sulfate, the nurse assesses for stimulation of _____________________.

chemoreceptor trigger zone

Older adults who are prescribed a benzodiazepine for treatment of insomnia need to be monitored for _________________.


A patient is admitted to the emergency department with an overdose of a barbituate. The nurse immediately prepares to administer ________________ from the emergency drug cart.

activated charcoal

Which statement correctly identifies the pharmacodynamics of central nervous system (CNS) stimulants?

CNS stimulants increase release of and block reuptake of neurotransmitters.

When assessing for side effects expected in a patient taking analeptics, the nurse would monitor for which effect?


The patient receiving phenytoin (Dilantin) has a serum drug level drawn. Which level will the nurse note as therapeutic?

12 mcg/mL

The nurse administers phenytoin (Dilantin) intravenously at a rate no greater than ___________________.


When administering phenytoin (Dilantin), which action will the nurse perform?

Flush the line with 10 mL normal saline to prevent precipitation

Which antiparkinson drug causes an increase in the levels of dopaminergic stimulation in the central nervous system and therefore allows a decreased dose of other medications?


Nonselective beta blockers may be used to treat hypertension and _______________________.

supraventricular arrhythmias

The priority nursing diagnosis for a patient taking metoprolol (Lopressor) would be _____________________.

ineffective tissue perfusion (cerebral and cardiovascular) related to effects of the medication.

The nurse is admitting a patient with a history of angina and hypertension who is currently experiencing moderate heart failure. The patient's current medication regiman includes digoxin, furosemide, and accupril. Which medication would be most beneficial

carvedilol (Coreg)

Cholinergic (parasympathetic) drugs are indicated for which situation?

Lowering intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma

Adverse reaction to bethanechol include ______________.


A patient presents with symptomatic bradycardia. The nurse prepares to administer which does of atropine intravenously?

0.5 mg

A patient presents to the emergency room with insecticide poisoning. The nurse prepares to administer which dose of atropine intravenously?

2 mg

A priority nursing diagnosis for a patient receiving anticholinergic (parasympatholytic) drugs would be _____________________.

Impaired gas exchanged related to thickened respiratory secretions.

What is the therapeutic serum drug level for phenytoin (Dilantin)?

10 to 20 mcg/mL

While obtaining a patient history, the nurse notes that the patient has been prescribed ethosuximide (Zarontin)? Which condition will the nurse suspect that the patient experiences?

absence seizures

When teaching a patient about carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet), the nurse responds based on knowledge that _________________________.

carbidopa decreases levodopa's conversion in the periphery, increasing the levodopa available to cross the blood brain barrier

Your patient is to receive dopamine5mcg/kg/min. He weighs 176 lbs. You have dopamine 400 mg in 500 mL D5W. You will infuse this at ________________________.

30 mL per hour

When assessing for cardiovascular effects of an adrenergic (sympathomimetic) drug, the nurse understands that these drugs produce ____________________________________.

a positive inotropic, positive chronotropic, and positive dromotropic effect.

During assessment of a patient diagnosed with pheochromocytoma, the nurse auscultates a blood pressure of 210/110 mm Hg. The nurse would suspect to administer which medication?

phentolamine or Regitine

When assessing for cardiovascular effects of a beta blocker, the nurse understands that these drugs produce ___________________________________.

a negative inotropic, negative chronotropic, and negative dromotropic effect

What is the recommended dose of atropine to treat symptomatic bradycardia?

0.5 to 1 mg

How much atropine is needed to treat patients in the emergency room with insecticide poisoning?

1 to 3 mg