Pharmacology Ch 8

Gastrointestinal drugs

are used to treat diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, and gallbladder

Peptic Ulcer

is an ulcer located anywhere in the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum.

Peptic ulcers in the stomach

are specifically known as gastric ulcers.

Cause of Peptic ulcers

are caused by irritation of the mucous membranes that line the gastrointestinal tract.Asprin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) alcohol, and caffeine also irritate the mucous membranes and can contribute to ulcer formation.

Drug name

a trade name drug is associated with just one generic name drug. An unusual exception to this is the trade name DULCOLAX... a laxative drug

Pg 115 Focus on Healthcare Issues


Drug Alert

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) dissolved in water is an old home remedy for indigestion and heartburn. Although sodium bicarbonate neutralizes acid, it is not recommended as a long-term treatment for heartburn because the large amounts of sodium it cont


is available as a drug to treat gas
Mylanta Gas
Mylicon Phazyme

H2 Blocker Drugs for Heartburn and/or Peptic Ulcer Disease

cimetidine (Tagamet)
famotidine (Pepcid)
rantidine (Zantac)
nizatidine (Axid)

HIstorical Notes pg 118


Proton pump inhibitor

drugs decrease gastric acid by blocking the final step of acid production within the gastric parietal cell.

Proton pump inhibitor

drugs are used to treat heartburn and peptic ulcers

(Carafate) sucralfate

Thisdrug binds directly to these areas, forming a protective layer of "bandage" over the ulcer, allowing it to heal.

Helicobacter pylori

are helical (spiral) bacteria that have flagella (thin, whip-like tails). They live in the gastric or duodenal mucosa and are the cause of some peptic ulcers.


Gastroesophageal reflex disease occurs when stomach acid refluxes or flows back into the esophagus, causing esophagitis with irritation, inflammation, and pain. GERD is treated with proton pump inhibitor drugs and gastrointestinal stimulant drugs.

Esomeprazole (Nexium) THE PURPLE PILL

available in the drug forms of a delayed release capsule and a powder that is reconstituted to be a liquid that is given intravenously.

Antispasmodic drugs

which are also known as anticholingeric drugs.

Antispasmodic drugs pg 121


Antidiarrheal drugs

produce a therapeutic effect by slowing peristalsis in the intestinal tract (anticholinergic drugs) or by absorbing extra water from diarrhea stools (absorbent drugs).

Narcotic Drugs for Diarrhea

Antidiarrheal drugs that contain opium, a narcotic drug, are categorized as controlled substances (Schedule III) drugs). As a category of drugs, narcotic drugs are most commonly used for their painrelieving properties. However, a common side effect of the

Laxative Drugs

are used for short-term treatment of constipation, with atention also being given to adequate water intake, dietary fiber/bulk, and other measures to promote bowel regularity.

Bulk-producing Laxative

drugs contain indigestible dietary fiber and other substances that absorb and hold water in the intestines to soften the stol. The action is the most natural and SAFEST OF ALL the laxative drugs.

(Colace, ex-lax Stool Softener, Surfak) docsate

Stool softener Laxative drugs

Bowel Evacuants/Enemas

These laxative drugs are given orally to evacuate the colon prior to surgery or endoscopic procedures.

Topical Corticosteroid Drugs

This drug is a corticosteroid drug that exerts amore powerful anti-inflammatory efects than aminosalicylic acid. It is administered as an AEROSOL FOAM that is placed in the rectum

Antiemetirc Drugs

are used to control nausea and vomiting associated with many different diseases. Bacterial or viral illnesses can directly irritate the intestinal mucosa and cause nausea and vomiting. Chemotherapy drugs, radiation, and some other drugs irritate the intes

Drugs given orally

All of these drugs are given orally with the exception of scopolamine (Transderm-Scop), which is manufactured as a small transdermal patch that is worn behind the ear.
Cyclizine (Marezine)
dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
meclizine (A

Drugs used to treat gallstones

although these drugs are effective, gallstones do recr in 50 percent of the patients who are treated.
chenodiol (Chenix)
monoctanoin (Moctanin)
ursodiol (Actigall)

Drugs used to treat Hemorrhoids

pg 129

Lipase Inhibitor Drugs for Obesity

chemically bond to he enzyme lipase so that it cannot break down dietary fat in the intestines. The fat is excreted rather than being absorbed into the blood.
orlistat (Alli, Xenical)


the FDA removed from the market the popular weight control drug fenfluramine (Pondimin) and dexfenfluramine (Redux) Fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine were linked to cases of patients who developed primary pulmonary hypertension and valvular heart disease

Ipecac Syrup

induces vomiting