Prehospital Emergency Pharmacology Chapter 2


the study of how drugs enter the body, reach their site of action, and eventually become eliminated

drugs mechanism of action

once the drug reaches its target it activates biochemical and physiological events


study of the effects and strength of a drug within the body


a major study in the realm of pharmacology concerned with how drugs are used in the treatment of disease within the human body

4 processes with pharmacokinetics for a drug to reach its target

1. absorption
2. distribution
3. biotransformation
4. elimination

To produce desired effects of a drug

it must be an appropriate concentration to reach its target

active transport

the movement of materials through a cell membrane using energy

active transport achieved by

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is broken down into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) creating energy

Common example of active transport mechanism

sodium potassium pump (Na+ -K+), it actively moves sodium ions into the cell and potassium ions out of the cell, since it goes against the concentration gradient it uses energy

Large molecules, such as glucose and amino acids

do not pass through the cell membrane due to their size, until broken down

Large molecules move across the cell membrane

with the help from carrier proteins, found on the surface of target cells

The transport of large cells

is a process called carrier-mediated diffusion or facilitated diffusion

Once the molecule to be transported binds with the carrier protein

the cell membrane changes, allowing the large molecule to enter the target cell


hormone created by the pancreas can increase the carrier-mediated glucose from 10- to 20-fold

Most drugs travel by passive transport

which is the movement of a substance without the use of energy

Form of passive transport

diffusion and osmosis


involves the movement of solute in the solution


involves the movement of the solvent (usually water)

In diffusion

solute molecules or ions move down concentration gradients from high to low

In osmosis

solvent molecules move up the concentration gradient from low to high

Final type of passive transport is filtration

movement of molecules across a membrane down a pressure gradient, from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. results from hydrostatic bp

drug absorption

process of movement of a drug from the site of application into the body and into the extracellular compartment

7 main factors that affect drug absorption

1. solubility of the drug
2. concentration of the drug
3. pH of the drug
4. site of absorption
5. absorbing surface area
6. blood supply to the site of absorption
7. bioavailability


tendency of the drug to dissolve

to facilitate drug absorption

the solubility of the administered drug must match the cellular constituents of the absorption site

the human body contains how much percent of water


What type of drugs can penetrate lipoid (fat-containing) cells

lipid soluble (fat soluble) drugs can; water soluble drugs cannot

drugs given in water solutions

are more rapidly absorbed due the body being 60% water


drugs administered in high concentrations are absorbed much more rapidly than drugs administered in low concentrations


refers to how acidic or basic the drug is, most drugs are either weak acids or weak basics

acidic drugs

tend to be more rapidly absorbed when placed into an acidic environment (like the stomach)

alkaline drugs

tend to be more rapidly absorbed when placed into an alkaline environment (like the kidneys)

site of absorption

directly affects the rate of absorption, once administered the drug must pass through many biological membranes to reach the circulation

transdermal route

A medication route generally performed by placing medication directly onto the patient's skin.

intranasal route

instilled into the nostrils, or drugs placed on mucous membranes

surface area

drugs are absorbed rapidly through large surface areas, such as inhaled medication across the vast pulmonary epithelium. some studies have shown that in some cases inhaled medications is nearly as rapid as intravenous route

blood supply to the site of absorption

some areas of the body contain more rich blood supply than others, the areas with a rich blood supply absorb more rapidly

example of rich blood supply

sublingual, under the tongue. or muscles

example of poor blood supply

fatty tissues, subcutaneous


1:1000, drug commonly used in acute allergic reactions, generally given subcutaneous route

Reasons for choosing subcutaneous for epi

1. it potent and concentrated, rapid absorption may cause SE such as tachycardia, trembling, hypertension
2. therapeutic effects are brief, the slow absorption prolongs the release of the drug into the circulation which maintain desired effects

systemic blood flow can affect drug absorption

such as delay of flow with shock, acidosis, and peripheral vasoconstriction. or vasodilation which will increase rate of drug absorption

comparison of rates of drug absorption

1. oral - slow
2. subcutaneous - slow
3. topical - moderate
4. intramuscular - moderate
5. intralingual - rapid
6. rectal - rapid
7. sublingual - rapid
8. endotracheal - rapid
9. inhalation - rapid
10. intraosseous - immediate
11. intravenous - immediate


the measure of the amount of a drug that is still active after it reaches its target

the goal of administering a drug

is to assure sufficient bioavailability to reach the target for desired effect


process whereby a drug is transported from the site of absorption to the site of action

4 main factors affecting distribution

1. cardiovascular function
2. regional blood flow
3. drug storage reservoirs
4. physiological barriers

example of regional blood flow

cardiogenic shock, blood flow to the kidneys is often diminished therefore diuretics may not reach the kidneys


storage site for a drug, by binding to proteins present within the tissue. this action tends to delay the drug and prolong its duration

2 types of storage reservoirs

1. plasma reservoirs
2. tissue reservoirs

bound drug

portion bound to plasma proteins

free drug

unbound to plasma proteins

as soon as a drug binds to a protein

it becomes inactive, which keeps it from exerting therapeutic activity

a bound drug can free itself

to maintain a balance of bound and unbound

only free and unbound drugs

remain active

percentage of drug that remains free

depends on the amount of plasma proteins available for binding

most common plasma protein for binding

albumin, others available are hemoglobin and globulins

binding capacity

degree at which a drug is bound

common tissue reservoirs

fat, bone, and muscle

physiological barriers

inhibit the movement of certain substances while permitting the passage of others

one of the most important barriers is

blood-brain barrier

blood-brain barrier

refers to a network of capillary endothelial cells in the brain, they are surrounded by sheath of glial connective tissue that makes them impermeable to water soluble drugs

type of molecules that can enter the blood brain barrier

nonionized , unbound drug molecules such as barbiturates can enter. ionized drug molecules such as dopamine can not enter

blood brain barrier boundary

between CNS and PNS

drugs that are agonist

have both affinity and efficacy

drugs that are antagonist

have affinity but not efficacy


the process whereby a drug is moved from the site of application into the body and into the extracellular fluid compartment


the tendency of a drug to combine with a specific drug receptor


a drug or other substance that binds with a specific drug receptor and causes a physiological response


protein found in almost all animal tissue. it constitutes one of the major proteins in human blood


a drug or other substance that blocks a physiological response or that blocks the action of another drug or substance

binding capacity

the degree to which a drug is bound to tissue or plasma protein


also called metabolism, is the process of changing a drug into a different form, either active or inactive, by the body

blood brain barrier

protective mechanism that selectively allows the entry of specific compounds into the brain. it is an effective boundary between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system

cumulative effect

a phenomenon that occurs when a drug is administered in several doses, causing an increased effect. it is usually due to a build up of a drug in the blood


process whereby a drug is transported from the site of absorption to the site of action


power of a drug to produce a therapeutic response


process whereby a drug is removed from the body by excretion into the urine, feces, bile, saliva, sweat, breast milk, or expired air


elimination of waste products from the body. excretion is often used interchangeably with the term elimination


one of a broad category of simple proteins found in the body

half life

time required for a level of a drug in the blood to be reduced by 50 percent of its beginning level


an iron containing compound found within the blood cell that is responsible for the transport and delivery of oxygen to the body cells

loading dose

initial dose of a drug given in a sufficient amount to achieve a therapeutic plasma level

maintenance dose

dose of a drug necessary to maintain a constant therapeutic plasma level


sum total of all physical and chemical changes that occur within the body. in pharmacology it is often used interchangeably with the term biotransformation

minimum effective concentration

minimum amount of drug needed in the bloodstream to cause the desired therapeutic effect

onset of action

time interval between the administration of a drug and the first sign of its onset; onset of action is influenced by the physical and chemical properties of a drug as well as by its route of administration


a scientific method of expressing the acidity and alkalinity of a solution, which is the logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration divided by 1. the higher the pH, the more alkaline the solution; the lower the pH, the more acidic the solution


study of a drugs action on the body


study of how drugs enter the body, reach their site of action, and eventually are eliminated

plasma (serum) level

the amount of the drug present in the plasma. the peak plasma level refers to the highest concentration produced by a specific dose


the tendency of a drug to dissolve

therapeutic index

an index of the drugs safety profile, which is determined by calculating the difference between the drugs therapeutic threshold and toxic level. it is typically determined in the laboratory

therapeutic range

the difference between the minimal therapeutic and toxic concentrations of a drug. drugs with a low therapeutic range present a higher risk of toxicity than do drugs with a high therapeutic range. the therapeutic range is also referred to as the margin of

therapeutic threshold

the minimum amount of drug needed in the bloodstream to cause a desired therapeutic effect


the degree to which a substance is poisonous. at high doses drugs can produce toxic effects that are not seen at low doses

toxic level

the plasma level at which severe adverse reactions are expected or likely