Pharm quizlet 1

Arrange the processes of pharmacokinetics for parenteral drugs in the order of their occurrence.

1) absorption 2) Distribution 3) Biotransformation 4) Elimination

Which drugs are absorbed quickly across the gastric membranes? Select all that apply.

Weak acid drugs, Lipid-soluble drugs, Large nonionized particles

The nurse administers a drug with a high therapeutic index. What does this mean about the drug?

It is relatively safe

Drug half-life is defined as the amount of time required for 50% of a drug to do what?

Be eliminated by the body

Which term refers to the ratio between a drug's therapeutic effects and toxic effects?

Therapeutic index

The nurse prepares to give a drug that will prevent receptor activation. Which term would describe this drug?


Why does the nurse monitor the patient closely after administering a drug with a low therapeutic index?

The highest dose needed to produce a therapeutic effect is close to the lethal dose

The nurse is preparing to give a medication for pain. The label states that the drug is "lipid soluble." If lipid solubility is the only factor affecting drug action, how soon should the nurse expect to observe the effects of the drug compared to a water-


The nurse is preparing to administer an intravenous (IV) bolus medication. For most drugs, what is the minimum injection time to reduce the risk of harm to the patient?

60 seconds

Why does the nurse administer naloxone to a patient receiving morphine sulfate who has a respiratory rate of 8 breaths/min?

Naloxone prevents the activation of opioid receptors

Which is an alternate name for biotransformation of a drug?


Which drug property is most enhanced by the presence of many different types of receptors throughout the body?


Which enzyme system is responsible for the metabolism of drugs in the liver?

P450 enzymes

Why should the nurse follow safe medication administration for intravenous (IV) medications?

IV administration is irreversible.

A patient who has end-stage renal disease will begin antibiotic therapy. What should the nurse expect the provider to do when ordering the drug for this patient?

Initiate therapy with a lower than recommended dose

The nurse is caring for a patient who is receiving a drug with a low therapeutic index. Which is the most important nursing intervention for this patient?

Monitor the patient's plasma drug level periodically

The nurse is administering medications to a patient with kidney disease. Which is the nurse's priority action?

Assess the patient for medication toxicity

A patient is prescribed a drug that is almost completely inactivated on first-pass metabolism. Which routes of administration can avoid the first-pass effect? Select all that apply.

Rectal, enteral

What is the term for the study of how drugs influence the body?


Which characteristic feature of a drug may increase the likelihood of drug transfer through breast milk?

High concentration

A nurse is administering two protein-bound drugs to a patient. Which is the safest course of action for the nurse to take?

Assess the patient for drug toxicity

A patient will receive an intramuscular injection of a drug that has a high first-pass effect. The provider plans to change the drug to an oral formulation when the patient is discharged. Which type of prescription would the nurse anticipate for the patie

A higher drug dose

A drug administered by which route requires the most immediate evaluation of therapeutic effect?


Which statement by the nursing student indicates a need for further instruction about drug selectivity?

Botulinum toxin is very selective and therefore safe for administration.

A patient is taking a drug with a low therapeutic index (TI). The nurse should be aware of which factors associated with this drug?

There is a high possibility that toxicity will occur

A patient has taken an enteric-coated medication. How would this coating affect drug absorption?

It will take longer to be absorbed

The nurse reads that the half-life of the medication being administered is 12 hours. Which interpretation should guide the nurse's care of this patient?

This medication will be 50% eliminated in 12 hours .

When administering a central nervous system depressant, the nurse should closely observe for drug toxicity in which patient?

A 3-week-old neonate

The nursing student learns that not all drugs produce effects by binding to a receptor. Which drugs do not act through receptors?


A patient has taken a drug orally. Which statement regarding first-pass effect should the nurse recognize as appropriate?

Drugs are inactivated in the liver before they reach the systemic circulation.

What instructions will the nurse give a patient in pain to reduce fluctuations in analgesic drug levels?

Take pain medication around the clock at specified intervals and doses.

The nurse is caring for a patient who needs an immediate drug response. What is the healthcare provider most likely to prescribe for the patient?

A loading dose

A patient with kidney disease is admitted to the hospital with a complication and is in need of drug therapy. Which pharmacokinetic phase is affected by kidney disease?
